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First Egg Bank is the trusted European egg donor bank located in Waterloo, Belgium. The egg bank provides customers with the highest quality vitrified donor oocytes, sperm samples, and embryos. We have established a close cooperation with leading IVF clinics in Europe. www.first-egg-bank.com
ABOUT FIRST EGG BANK Thanks to united efforts of our competent team of professionals, availability of brand-new equipment and command of cutting-edge techniques, First Egg Bank provides its customers with the highest-quality vitrified donor oocytes, donor sperm samples and donor embryos as well as 24/7 support. With the constant availability of over 450 egg donors ready for stimulation in fresh cycles and more than 5000 highest quality vitrified donor oocytes, which can be instantly booked, we have established a close cooperation with leading IVF clinics in Europe. First Egg Bank is the Trusted European egg donor bank of vitrified oocytes, located in Belgium, Waterloo. We propose frozen donor batches of 6,8,12 oocytes, embryos and sperm samples for ivf clinics and individual patients.
OUR GOAL Our goal is to provide assistance to people all around the globe, who faced infertility problems, to start their journey to the long-dreamt-about own family and to support them through it in an honest and open way. HISTORY OF FIRST EGG BANK “Being trusted European egg donor bank, which was extremely developing on international level because of setting agreements and providing services for patients all around the globe, we understood that IVF patients often need to travel in order to create a family. Since we spent a lot of time on developing of such business strategy as analyzing legislative bases of different countries we found out that the most of countries have a possibility to import the biological materials. So if to make Clinics in these countries an offer to import the biomaterials obtained from our Bank it would be beneficial both for clinics and for fertility patients.“ ‘‘WE INVITE EVERYONE TO WORK TOGETHER, CAUSE WE ARE ALL WORKING TO CREATE NEW LIVES.” DR.ULIANA DOROFEYEVA MEDICAL DIRECTOR
BENEFITS OF WORKING WITH US LICENSED EGG BANK First Egg Bank acts according to the EU-Tissue Directive 2004/23/CE, 2006/17/EC, 2006/86/EC, and HFEA setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution, import and export of sperm. This means that First Egg Bank can deliver frozen donor eggs and sperm in all EU countries, UK, Australia, Africa, Latin America, Asia, as well as export outside of the EU and indicated regions. COMPENSATION PACKAGE • We guarantee no less than 80% of survival rates for vitrified oocytes, and there are also schemes of compensation according to the number of oocytes in the set and the guaranteed number of embryos of a certain day of cultivation. • Guarantee of the embryo transfer for patients. FINANCIAL PLANS FOR IVF CLINICS AND INDIVIDUAL PATIENTS • Egg Donor plans • Sperm plans • Embryo plans
ADVANCED ONLINE DONOR SELECTION & BOOKING SYSTEM Egg donor selection is extremely easy and convenient. Using First Egg Bank’s online booking system called Ivvysoft©, you can choose the donor from home, work, or while on holiday. Choose your donor according to your requirements by registering on the site and get free 7-day access to the database with 450 egg donors and enjoy all the benefits.
OUTSTANDING SUCCESS RATES We are proud to improve our outcomes, year by year, step by step assisting in bringing into life the lingering dream to start a family for more and more patients. 97% 82% 64% SURIVIVAL RATE FERTILIZATION RATE CLINICAL PREGNANCY RATE
DONOR CATALOGS Everything you need for successful IVF and Egg Donation cycle is in one place. EGG DONOR CATALOG SPERM DONOR CATALOG INTERNATIONAL EGG DONORS CATALOG 450 available egg donors with different phenotypes and proven fertility 200 sperm donors available in our database Asian, African egg donors
EGG DONOR CATALOG - 450+ Egg donor profiles (free adult photos and complete personal profiles) - Anonymous and Open ID donors - Caucasian , Asian, African phenotypes - Free on line donor selection and booking - No registration fees - The database is regularly up-dated
EGG DONOR REQUIREMENTS: EGG DONOR SCREENING - young fertile women at the age of 18-35; - perfectly physicaly and mentaly healthy; - thoroughly screened and rescreened; - do not have detrimental habits or addictions; - proven fertility; - have no hereditary illnesses and negative phenotypic signs. All egg donors are screened according to the list of tests provided below and are rescreened immediately before starting the program. DIAGNOSTICS: LAB TESTS: GENETIC TESTS: All egg donors are screened according to the list of tests provided below and are rescreened immediately before starting the program immediately before starting the program. Karyotype Cystic Fibrosis Fragile X
HISTORY OF EGG DONOR I am sure that you will be born in this world when it should happen, or when your parents will plan it. This is why I am writing this letter for you after a lot of years to understand how this story has begun. I have decided to become an egg donor. First of all, because of financial compensation, but when I gave birth to my second daughter, I understood how completed and happy family is where are children in it. So, I would like to help some women to become a mother too and feel this joy of motherhood. “I WANT TO HELP OTHER COUPLES TO FEEL THE HAPPINESS OF MOTHERHOOD. THAT WHY I BECAME AN EGG DONOR” I really want that life is easy on you. I wish you loving parents and happiness for all your family.
SPERM DONOR CATALOG - Type of carriers: vials and straws - Sperm motility: MOT5, MOT10, MOT20, MOT30, MOT40, MOT50 - Anonymous and Open ID donors
FINANCICAL PLANS We propose egg donor plans, embryo plans and samples for IVF clinic and intertile couples
VITRIFICATION AND STORAGE OUR REGULAR PROTOCOL FOR EGGS CRYOPRESERVATION IS KITAZATO CRYOTOP. For cryopreservation we use Kitazato Vitrification Media, REF # 91171 Code VT801. Open system of vitrification is implemented, in case of need closed vitrification system can be used. FOR WARMING WE USE KITAZATO THAWING MEDIA, REF # 91182 CODE VT802 and Kitazato Cryotop straws. REF # 81115 Code Cryotop. All media and devices have the CE labeling FOR STORAGE WE USE ROUND VISOTUBES MANUFACTURED BY CRYO BIO SYSTEM Additionally, visotubes are placed in the holders of Thermo Scientific Canes.
CRYOSHIPMENT WHY USE FIRST EGG BANK COURIER SERVICE? - 10 years of cryoshipment experience. - Transported materials are not exposed to X-rays. - Carry-on baggage transportation (onboard personal supervision of the dewar. - Temperature-sensitive control. - Full compliance with IATA standards. - Latest approved dry shippers. - 24/7 support. - Team of professional IVF couriers and logists. FIRST EGG BANK COURIER SERVICE provides safe and reliable shipping frozen donor eggs (oocytes), sperm samples, embryos, as well as laboratory specimens, blood transport, medical records or documents. Our services are available both for IVF patients (egg donation or surrogacy cycles) and for the IVF clinics. Transportation of the shipper is performed with a constant control in the cabin of the plain as hand luggage.
EXCLUSIVE OFFERS FOR IVF CLINICS CUSTOM DESIGN CATALOG BRANDED BY THE NAME OF YOUR CLINIC - Creation of your own catalog design - Reflection of your corporate style (logo, type, banners) - Integration of the catalog with your own website
INTERNATIONAL EMBRYOLOGY SCHOOL 2 days Hands-on training on oocyte vitrification and warming techniques
FREE EMBRYOLOGIST SUPERVISION DURING THE FIRST SHIPMENT TO THE PARTNER CLINIC. FREE CRYOSHIPMENT We provide cryoshipment in case of ordering 10 and more vitrified oocytes batches. with the free
PATIENT / CLINIC REVIEWS We started cooperation in 2015 and really appreciate it. We thank to Andrew, embryologist of First Egg Bank for the oocyte thawing supervision of and caring about high post-thaw survival rate First Egg Bank is the only egg bank we recommend for patients. Due to the large choice of egg and sperm donors, they become our reliable partner for many years. The donor booking process is very easy and they provide us by the shipping services. Very hight recommended egg bank. We have already got high clinical pregnancy rate in egg donation programs with vitrified eggs from First Egg Bank. And also thanks from happy parents. The support team works realy 24/7, the process of donor selection is very easy. We started cooperation in 2015 and really appreciate it. We thank to Andrew, embryologist of First Egg Bank for the oocyte thawing supervision of and caring about high post-thaw survival rate
HOW TO START WORKING WITH FIRST EGG BANK? Our frendly helpful and experienced team of professionals is available 24/7 at your disposal ready to advise and suport you at any point on the way to parenthood. Anytime you need medical consultation or advice, please feel free to send your enguires to FEB e- mail: info@first -egg-bank.com REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE (WWW.FIRST-EGG-BANK.COM) AND REGUEST 7 DAYS FREE ACCESS TO DONOR CATALOG(S). STEP 1 CHOOSE AND BOOK YOUR DONOR(S) ONLINE STEP 2 ORDER FIRST EGG BANK COURIER SERVICE STEP 3