Name of Exercise • Is the exercise compound or isolated? • Explain how to do the exercise in steps including safety measures • Include a picture of the exercise • List some alternative movements e.g. to make it easier/harder/other similar exercises (for example lunges have reverse lunge, walking lunge etc)
Anatomy (bones and joints) • Identify the major bones in the movement, what are they called and what type of bone (long, short etc) • Identify the major joints and what type of joint it is (ball & socket, hinge etc) • Discuss joint action including the type of movement e.g. flexion or extension/abduction or adduction etc. • On which type of movement is it concentric?
Anatomy (muscles) • Name the major muscles involved: what are the prime movers, synergists, stabilizers, and antagonists • What is the origin and insertion of the prime movers? • Is the muscle undergoing a push or pull movement? (exrx usually lists this information next to “type of force”) • What type of contraction (shortening or lengthening) is happening to the muscle during flexion/extension?
Muscle Contraction • Explain how muscle contract (sliding filament theory) – Leighton mentioned a guy called Stephen l. Gourley who posted some easy to understand videos on the subject. check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWPmUqRZYls&feature=related • Include a picture
Length-Tension (Relationship between force and tension) • What is the length-tension relationship? (Expand on the following points in your own words • When tension is placed on a muscle, it either contracts or lengthens • Different lengths produce more or less tension • Tension at the micro level refers to the overlapping of actin and myosin filaments • What are the two safety measures? • Use your exercise as an example to explain this)
Force-Velocity (Relationship between force and velocity) • What is the force-velocity relationship? • (The more cross-bridges attached [greater velocity], the greater force generated by the muscle. • Relate this to your exercise: What is the force-velocity at each stage of your exercise [at the concentric/eccentric or isometric stage] • see the graphs on handouts page 10 and 11
Fast Twitch/Slow Twitch • What is a fast and what is slow twitch and how are they different? • Discuss how different types of twitches affect muscle fibres and motor units differently and relate this to force of contraction • (In concentric contraction, the force generated is sufficient to overcome the resistance, and the muscle shortens • In eccentric contraction, the force generated is insufficient to overcome the external load on the muscle and the muscle fibers lengthen • In isometric contraction, the muscle remains the same length)
Motor Units • Explain how force of the contraction is related to the number of motor units engaged • Use a picture
Levers • Identify which type of lever the movement is (first/second/third) and explain why (this will relate directly to where the axis, resistance etc are) • What is this type of lever’s role in the movement • Use a diagram if possible