Aim of EMF The general aim of the EMF is to promote and protect microlighting (using the description of a microlight to be found in paragraph (e) of Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2002 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency)), which is taken to include all aircraft types, in Europe and to actively participate in the formulation of regulations and actions that may concern this activity so as to ensure its welfare and the free movement of microlights.
Prague Resolution • That the European Microlight Federation is committed to defending the regulatory status quo for microlights outside EASA of all its members, with the aim of preventing the erosion of any and all their existing rights and privileges. • That the European Microlight Federation forms a Project Group, to include members from a wide range of views, to prepare a proposal for EASA relating to the aviation activities of its members that might be better suited to a new category.
Bremen Resolution • That the European Microlight Federation is committed to defending the regulatory status quo for microlights outside EASA of all its members, with the aim of preventing the erosion of any and all their existing rights and privileges. • That the European Microlight Federation forms an LSA Project Group to support the activities of other bodies working towards the goal of a European LSA with regulations similar to those of microlights