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Upward Bound Summer 2008 Digital Yearbook Individual Pictures Mock Elections Staff Classes Electives Just Say It Expressions Dorm Life UB Cruise UB Families Eating on Campus UB Goes to DC UB Goes to Lansing UB Live Table of Contents
Upward Bound Summer 2008 Digital Yearbook
Individual Pictures Mock Elections Staff Classes Electives Just Say It Expressions Dorm Life UB Cruise UB Families Eating on CampusUB Goes to DC UB Goes to Lansing UB Live Table of Contents Use the throughout the yearbook to get back to the Table of Contents
Sarah Bradford Alejandra Bobadilla Vanessa Delgado Darlene Salas Jessica Fuentes Phi Do Cong Tran Thu Tran Justin Reyes Caleb Hoffman Arturo Almanza Fredy Santiago
Lupe Lozano Osbelia Solis Jose Juarez Raul Lozano Brenda Cuellar James Watthanasintham Jaime Perez Felipe Gonzalez Elizabeth Gonzalez Alison VanDeusen Alma Paredes
Claudia Aguilera Marissa Arredondo Leah Bracamonte Magdelena Bramasco Raul Solis Priscilla Silvas Francisco Panuco Marlen Roa Amanda Wheeler Pete Tovar Anna Cuellar Miguel Garcia
Lewis Hernandez Ashley Mongar Bryce Curry Ashley Munoz Baltazar Nunez Lilly Perez Mitzi Caranza Viet Tran Edwynna Andry Chantel Cavanaugh Marisol Olvera Corinna Pantoja
Raquel Douglas Elizabeth Allred Jessica Hageman Autumn Wahl David Freeman Ondrea Holder Lily Chao Cazandra Quintanilla Bianca Torres Jasmine Torres Abimael Bramasco-Romero Anthony Anderson
Next Oprah • The people that would most likely have their own talk show… Marissa and Freddy
Class Clown • The people that make our classes funny… Hector and Leo
Class Troublemakers • The partners in crime… Raul S and Leo
Best Smiles Alejandra and Phi
Most Athletic Justin and Hector
Most Likely To Be A Famous Artist RVK and Sarah
Most Clueless Brenda and Darlene
Class Snoozer • The two that sleep in class the most Edwina and Caleb
Class Klutz • The two that are always tripping, dropping things, and falling Claudia and Francisco
Most Gullible • The two that believe anything you tell them Alejandra and Jessica
Best Sense of Humor Leo and Jessica
First to become a Millionaire Cong and James
First to Make it in Hollywood Leo and Phi
Best Laugh Bryce and Gabby
Most likely to get on the Real World Lupe and Hector
Most likely to go to Harvard Sarah and James
Staff Our teachers and tutors are here to help us not only learn but they are also our friends~!~ Although at times they can get on our nerves, they are always by our side pushing us through for the better.
Classes As you see classes in Upward Bound are not boring we make them really fun and crazy!!!!!!!!
Electives Making Memories! Pilates! Swim and Fit! Save a Life! Fun and Fitness! Cycling!
Just say it! Leah Bracamonte 16 Holland High “Don’t get loud with me!” Gabriella Cuellar 15 Holland High “Everything happens for a reason”
Pricilla Silvas 15 Holland High “I try to expect to expect the unexpected; so that I’m never surprised.” Alison VanDeusen, 15 West Ottawa “Keep the piece and love.” Lewis Hernandes, 15 Holland High “Idk my bff Jill”
Ashley Mongar, 15 West Ottawa “Hey girl hey” Francisco Panuco, 16 Holland High “Life is too short to live the same day twice!” Jessica Fuentes, 16 West Ottawa “If life gives you lemons, Squeeze them on your enemies eyes!”
Mayra Roa, 16 Holland High “If you think you have it bad, Just remember someone has it worst.” Ben Martinez West Ottawa “Hello, this is SHELBY… From Miami.” Alejandra Bobadilla, 16 Holland High “Geez..”
Being yourself makes for a wonderful outcome in life. Everything we do in Upward Bound , we do it with laughter and an open mind. These pictures show how funny and goodhearted our students are.
Dorm Life • Life in the dorm was crazy!!! We get to stay with a roommate of our choosing. We have to be on our floor by 10:00p.m.
This was the Upward Bound cruise! It was a surprise so everyone thought that is was not going to be fun but it turned out to be a great experience! We all made good memories! : )
F A M I L I E S ! ! ! These are our Upward Bound families! The tutors are given a group of students and its their job to take good care of them. Even though the TA’s put up with a lot of things, they still enjoyed helping us out and we appreciated it too. We are missing one family and that is Emily’s. She was not able to make it that day. But her family will never be forgotten.
We are always hungry and Upward Bound keeps us full! Eating was our time to catch up and just relax with our friends before going to our next class.
On the way to Washington D.C. and back, a lot of people slept. Some in more comfortable ways than others.
Random pictures of many people just having fun and being true to themselves.