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Securing gene conservation, adaptive and breeding potential of a model multipurpose tree species ( Castanea sativa ) in a dynamic environment. EU Environment Project No. EVK2-CT-1999-00006. P rogramme: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
Securing gene conservation, adaptive and breeding potential of a model multipurpose tree species (Castanea sativa) in a dynamic environment EU Environment Project No. EVK2-CT-1999-00006 Programme:Energy, Environment andSustainable Development Key Action: Global Change, Climateand Biodiversity Thematic Priority:Assessing and PreservingBiodiversity
BIOTA cluster: 23 projects Aims • Assess and predict the impact of major drivers of biodiversity • Develop tools, such as biodiversity indicators, to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity • Seek to identify and resolve conflicts between society, economy and biodiversity • Support the conservation of biodiversity by creating databases on the taxonomy, biology and ecology of Europe’s plants and animals EU Contact point: Karin Zaunberger Scientific Officer, Biodiversity and Ecosystems Karin.Zaunberger@cec.eu.int Website coordinator: Juliette Joung, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology j.young@ceh.ac.uk
General context and mission statement Context Castanea sativa: a model multipurpose tree species important for Mediterranean landscape and rural diversification Its biodiversity at risk due to: • domestication and silvicultural practices • fungal attacks • climatic changes Mission statement • to assess the genetic biodiversity of this model species in relation to major evolutionary factors and human impacts • to project its future response under the expected changes of environmental conditions • to develop optimized long-term strategies of conservation and sustainable management of forest tree resources • to develop a multidisciplinary study model (from gene level to sustainable management) to be extended to other multipurpose species
Legislative requirementsor society needs for information Problems - Rules for transfer of nuts for reforestation - Gene conservation plan for the species - Cost for a sustainable use and conservation of the species
Field Sites Five countries Spain, Italy, Greece, France, United Kingdom Sites representative of three domestication levels natural stands coppices grafted orchards
Fig.1 Chestnut sample sites. Drought stress indexes Indexes UK FRANCE ITALY 1,2 70, 71 SPAIN 68, 69 GREECE WP1 – Distribution, autoecology, management Stress index xi = 2TM-RR (2TM>RR). Fig. 2. CASCADE sample sites represented on a Digital elevations map (DEM) of Europe ELEVATION 0 – 200 m 200 – 300 m 300-550 m 550 – 750 m 750 –1000 >1000 m
WP1 Factorial map from the Principal Component Analysysis of the 38 CASCADE weather stands using 12 monthly rainfall and temperature standardized data
WP1 – Distribution, autoecology and management Naturalised Site level Climate Vegetation Management Tree level Height Diameter Age (wood cores) Coppice Orchard
WP2 - Gene dispersal and genetic make up of populations(WP Leader: Phil Aravanopoulos) • Population genetics of 78 populations (over 2000 individuals) originating from 5 European countries, using isoenzymeand ISSR markers. • Gene flow & spatial genetic structure of 18 populations (over 4000 individuals) originating from 3 European countries, using isoenzyme and SSR markers.
Genetic diversity and Nm among domestication levels within sites Nm = 0.5(1-Gst)/Gst
Materials and Methods CASCADE Stands Previous Dataset Stands Lattice Points
PCA on Kriged Lattice Points PC1 (var. acc. = 42.49%) PC2 (var. acc. = 24.78%) PC3 (var. acc. = 13.46%) PC4 (var. acc. = 7.71%)
PCA on Kriged Lattice Points –PC1 to PC3 Merged PC1 PC2 PC3 ? Eastern Turkish Gene Pool (likely center of diffusion of chestnut) Greek Gene Pool Western Turkish Gene Pool
Delineation of gene zones in Chestnut UnitedKingdom North-WesternItaly North-EasternItaly AtlanticFrance CentralItaly NorthernGreece InnerFrance IntermediateTurkey EasternTurkey InnerIberian SouthernItaly AtlanticIberian MediterranenTurkey SouthernGreece
Gene Pools Dendrogram on Kriged Grid Points Data: Some 1255 regular grid points spread over the whole Europen chestnut range and Turkey. Kriged frequency for each point at 18 alleles from 9 isozyme loci were used. Methods: PROC CLUSTER on pairwise distance matrix (1-Pearson r). PROC TREE using Ward method. Inner France Central Italy North-Eastern Italy Atlantic France North Western Italy United Kingdom Southern Italy Mediterranean Turkey Inner Iberian Atlantic Iberian Northern Greece Southern Greece Eastern Turkey Intermediate Turkey
Canonical Discriminant Analysis on Kriged Grid Points EasternTurkey North-EasternItaly IntermediateTurkey InnerFrance SouthernItaly UnitedKingdom MediterranenTurkey AtlanticFrance North-WesternItaly CentralItaly InnerIberian AtlanticIberian SouthernGreece NorthernGreece
Outliers Naturalized Stands Managed Coppices Fruit Orchards UnitedKingdom North-WesternItaly North-EasternItaly AtlanticFrance CentralItaly NorthernGreece InnerFrance IntermediateTurkey EasternTurkey InnerIberian SouthernItaly AtlanticIberian MediterranenTurkey SouthernGreece
WP3 – Adaptive traits Phytotron experiment 6 populations x 8 trees x 20 seedlings 4 treatments: 25°C Wet 25°C Dry 32°C Wet 32°C Dry
WP3 – Adaptive traits Figure 3. Additive genetic coefficient of variation (CVA%) of height of one year age progenies of Castanea sativa populations in climatic chambers with different temperature and watering treatments
WP3 – Adaptive traits Figure 2. Additive genetic coefficient of variation (CVA%) of total dry weight of one year age progenies of Castanea sativa populations in climatic chambers with different temperature and watering treatments
The phenotypic plasticity of a trait was estimated as the difference between the highest and lowest mean in a population divided by the trait mean value for this population according to Schlichting and Levin ( 1986)
WP3 – Adaptive traits QTL Mapping BURSA X HOPA F1
Chestnut map CHROM.1 CHROM.4 CHROM.5 CHROM.6 CHROM.2 CHROM.3 Dist(cM) Marker Dist(cM) Marker Dist(cM) Marker Dist(cM) Marker Dist(cM) Marker Dist(cM) Marker 0 *I818-910-2 0 *PCAGMGCA318 0 *EAACMCAT191 0 *EAAGMCAT55d 0 *E4-600/2 0 *S4-779-1d 0.5 *F10-720/1 2.4 *SSR9A3 4.7 *I7-538/2i 4.4 *Q14-861-1i 6 *F20-1784/1id 8.5 *F3-369-1 10.1 *F10-1230/2 12.9 *EAACMCAT50 13.6 *I873-1046-1 15.2 *I824-677/2g 17.8 *B12-1199/1 17 *X20-984/2d 17 *T15-756-1 19.1 *P14-558-1 18.3 *F7-738-1 19.2 *K4-451/1d 21.4 *Z3-2214-2 20.5 *Q12-738-1 22.3 *EAACMCAT96di 20.8 *R8-1138-1 22.5 *D5-547-1 23.9 *I814-443/1i 21.3 *C9-820/1 23.3 *EAAGMCAT400 23.5 *S4-820/1 23.8 *I828-523/2 21.6 *G17-1784-1 25.9 *PGDH 23.8 *M15-1661/2 25.3 *Z3-633-1 26.5 *T17-1907/1 26.6 *EAACMCTT160 28.1 *N5-1181-1 27.3 *F12-425-1 28.1 *L17-1107/2i 28.6 *EAAGMCAT242 29.1 *B5-779/2 29.1 *N5-1156/2 29.8 *E6-943/2 29.9 *I820-1558/1d 30.3 *QrZAG20 29.6 *R2-738-1 29.4 *I844-580/1i 30.2 *F7-935/2i 30.4 *G11-1661/1d 30.3 *T8-707/2id 31.9 *N6-349-2 32.2 *I810-935/1 30.6 *I820-1661-1 31.6 *I5-1476-1 31.4 *I834-210/1d 31.7 *S4-406/2i 33.5 *I873-1722/1 34.2 *X5-1784-2 31.6 *I873-1907-1 32.9 *Z4-864-2 34.7 *I810-601-1d 34.8 *EAAGMCAT297 32.4 *G18-841-1 33.7 *QrZAG7 35.1 *F10-467/2d 35.6 *L8-492/1 36.3 *K9-959/1 32.5 *F20-1599/1 34.2 *Q6-1169/1 36.7 *G4-1722/1 37 *Q7-523/1 32.5 *I858-1435/1d 34.6 *I18-1169/2 37.9 *F5-523/1 37.5 *I843-1169-1 32.7 *SSR9C1 35.3 *G1-478/2d 37.6 *M4-455/1 38.7 *I843-1199/1id 32.9 *SSR9B8 36.1 *Z13-481/2d 39.5 *K4-615-1d 37.7 *L13-1968-2 33.7 *B4-533/2 36.1 *EAACMCTT103d 38.4 *N9-738/1 40.8 *R2-1476/2d 39.6 *EAAGMCTT251 34.7 *R5-1199/1i 36.3 *S16-1435/1 42.6 *T15-841/2 38.7 *R2-547/1i 39.7 *Z19-697-1d 41.6 *I18-1599-2 35 *I880-964/1d 36.4 *M7-1292/1 39.7 *EAACMCTT47 40.5 *R16-1722-1d 41.9 *I11-656/1 35 *E6-1107/2d 37.2 *I852-1132/1d 40 *G17-959/1 44.9 *EAACMCAT103 43.2 *K9-1230/1id 38.3 *EAACMCAT54 37.5 *I824-1138/1d 40.2 *K3-1435/1 43.7 *E4-1599/2 46.1 *L13-1230/1 38.3 *I818-1661-1 41.2 *I825-820/1 40.2 *G19-1169/2 44.6 *L4-492/2 39 *Q6-443-1 41.2 *B5-935-1 40.7 *M5-358-1 47.7 *N2-861/2 45.1 *DIA 39.2 *F20-738/1d 41.7 *I836-820/1 41.2 *I848-707/1 47.9 *Q14-1722/2 47.9 *QrZAG31B 45.6 *L12-297/1 40 *B4-560-2 42.1 *K20-580/1 41.2 *E4-1156-2 48.6 *G19-584/2 45.7 *X15-1845/1 49.2 *F17-738/1 41.2 *Z3-1261/2 42.7 *QpZAG36 41.7 *EAAGMCTT129 46 *I858-297-2id 48.7 *N5-943/1 43.4 *PEX 44.1 *A2-1169-2 42.2 *K6-720/2 50.6 *B12-1082/2d 48.9 *K9-2091-1 46.3 *I848-603/2 47.2 *N4-964-2 43.5 *Q1-338/1 42.7 *I7-1169/1d 49.3 *E1-588/1 46.3 *I858-720/1 51.7 *K12-935/2d 48.1 *G13-523/1 43.8 *R11-1199-1 43.8 *Z4-1199-1 46.8 *Z19-615/1 49.6 *F15-569/2d 53.1 *I828-1538/2d 50 *F10-554-2 44.4 *I844-1907/2 46.1 *EAACMCAT150 47.2 *E1-2337/1d 52.1 *I7-2030-1 52 *I834-246/1 44.9 *I12-443/1 46.2 *T17-633-2g 54.3 *A15-707/2d 52.6 *I841-230/2 47.3 *I11-492/1 52.4 *L17-1199/2 45.6 *EAAGMCAT102 46.6 *A16-418/2 55.9 *D13-425-1 53.4 *D1-1261-1 47.5 *B12-1558/1 46.8 *QpZAG119 48.9 *EAACMCTT97i 47.9 *M6-1476/1 54.7 *M6-886/2 57.2 *F10-1517/1d 47.5 *F19-685/1 49.2 *I836-661/1 54.7 *B12-697/1 48.3 *D12-1907/2 48.7 *Q4-1292-1 49.6 *I823-738/1 51.9 *EAAGMCAT82 54.7 *Q6-685/2 49.4 *EAACMCAT75 51.4 *EAACMCAT160 52.1 *R15-800-1d 54.9 *S12-1169/2 52.1 *L13-1476/1 52.9 *Q12-1046-2i 52.9 *I881-1784/1 55.1 *L4-547/1 53.4 *Z3-800/1 53.5 *I815-692/2 53.6 *I843-707-1d 55.5 *N9-1261-1 53.9 *D12-328/1 56.8 *D1-886/2d 62.5 *A16-1033-2 55.7 *X5-683/1 53.7 *F9-843/1d 55.4 *K7-277/1 63.5 *EAAGMCAT136d 54.3 *QrZAG5 55.7 *M2-492-1 64 *D13-779-1 55.6 *M15-1205/2 55.7 *I825-984-1 54.7 *N9-349-2di 65 *QpZAG9b 56.5 *A1-964-2 65 *K20-1076-1 56.3 *G1-984/1 56 *K20-2030/1 66 *I18-861/1 57.2 *D13-278/1 66 *A12-984-2 57 *C9-1784/1d 56.2 *D1-1722/1 58.4 *Z3-1322/2i 66.4 *Z18-1046/1 58.7 *S12-467-1d 56.7 *F7-1784/1 59.7 *PGI 59.3 *S12-584-2id 57.5 *Q9-1169/2 61 *I845-226-1 62.1 *T15-480-2 57.7 *A2-723/1 63.6 *S11-703-1 67 *E7-554/2d 58.7 *EAACMCTT173di 72.5 *I814-1476-2 67.2 *Z19-1476-1 59.1 *I814-507/2i 69.4 *B10-1599/1d 59.5 *A2-1009-2 72 *A1-1558-2 59.8 *G17-1076/1 60.7 *EAAGMCAT158 73 *D7-650-1 61.1 *R4-2153/2 61.8 *F5-1907-1 79 *N1-600-2 61.9 *I810-341/2i 64.3 *S13-787-1 79.5 *X20-492-2 69.9 *E20-424/1 80.9 *N12-685/1 70 *R15-465/1 70.2 *Z7-1046-1 71.2 *I814-935-1 74.5 *K6-1681-1 77.5 *I881-394/2id 85.9 *F10-1558/1 91.5 *Z19-538/2 92.9 *I11-836-2 92.7 *Q10-1907-1 WP3 – Adaptive traits
WP3 – Adaptive traits Comparative field trials
WP3 – Adaptive traits Field trials: 6 (Spain, Italy, Greece) Each site: 6 provenances x 26 trees x 20 progenies Site plantation description: Physiography, Soil, Climate Variables recorded: Survival, Vigour, Branching habit, Bud set, Leaf fall, Bud burst, Carbon Isotope Discr.
WP4 – Variation in disease resistance (WP Leader Andrea Vannini) Field survey 78 selected sites Resistance tests Seedlings 9 pops x 3 DL x 8 trees x 20 seedlings Adults 9 pops x3 DLx 26 trees
WP4 – Variation in disease resistance Phytophora distribution
Table 6: Annual household willingness to pay for policies to promote chestnut cultivation in Italy and France (EU, 2002) Table 6: Annual household willingness to pay for policies to promote chestnut cultivation in Italy and France (EU, 2002) WP5 – Socio Economic evaluation Specific actions use general public surveys (1025 questionnaires) in Italy, Greece and France to examine at consumption of chestnut related goods for food, timber and recreation; estimate production costs and revenue in Italy;. investigate local preferences for possible policy solutions that can support development; use choice experiments to investigate the costs and benefitsof maintaining the species.
WP5 – Socio Economic Evaluation Conclusions in some areas the species can play an important role in promoting local identity and social cohesion as well as helping to maintain landscape character; where cultivation of the species is well established, it has the potential to form the basis of initiatives that can be developed for the benefit of local communities; public initiatives related to tourism, origin certification and restoration of traditional forest types are preferred by those members of the public sampled in our surveys; in general, there is the potential for greater economic exploitation of the species and its products (e.g. timber, food products); to promote rural development more should be done at a regional or national level to encourage a more complete exploitation of the species at the local level; to encourage improved exploitation there is a need for businesses to have access to improved information, better marketing channels and greater inward investment; · the estimated Willingness To Pay of local communities suggests that funding of programmes to support chestnut cultivation could yield substantial local benefits.
WP6 – Strategy for Integrated conservation and utilization Computation of the conservation values for the Italian stands, based on intrinsic biodiversity (h), extrinsic biodiversity (g) and biodiversity dynamics (r) components. Stand conservation value (Vc) is calculated as the distance of the stand position in the space of the above components from the origin of axes in the corresponding 3dimensional graph (red line).
WP3-MPBS means that the combined breeding and gene resource population is split into appoximately 20 subpopulation each with a Ne of 50 genetic entries.The loss of additive variance in each subpopulation will be 1% per generation
Skills and contact details PARTNERS and COLLABORATORS: 1. IAS - Fiorella Villani – F.Villani@ias.tr.cnr.it 2. UTUSCIA – Andrea Vannini - vannini@unitus.it 3. SLU – Gösta Eriksson – Gosta.Eriksson@sgen.slu.se 4. HRI – Karen Russell - Karen.Russell@hri.ac.uk 5. DCAUNITO – Roberto Botta – botta@agraria.unito.it 6. UNEW – Guy Garrod – Guy.Garrod@newcastle.ac.uk 7. CNRS 13E CEFE – Francois Romane romane@cefe.cnrs-mop.fr 8. INRA – Cecil Robin robin@bordeaux.inra.fr 9. CIFL – Josefa Fernandez Lopez - fina@inia.es 10. AUTH – Phil Aravanoupoulos - aravanop@for.auth.gr 11. NAGREF – Stephanos Diamandis - diamandi@fri.gr EC OFFICERS: Martin Sharman, Karin Zaunberger
Contribution of CASCADE to BAP 1. establishing a network between European centres of excellence in biodiversity research in order to foster basic research into the importance and functioning of biodiversity on all levels. 2. promoting the implementation of appropriate research activities concerning the functional mechanisms of the natural evolution of biodiversity, including tools and methods needed to implement the biodiversity policy objectives. 3. increasing knowledge about how to safeguard biodiversity in nature, agriculture, forestry and fisheries and its wider role in life-support systems. 4. increasing the understanding of how the biosphere functions at different spatial scales: global, regional and local level and understanding of the effect of human activities on life-support systems. 5. assisting in identifying the necessary changes in legislation, programmes and political actions for the conservation and sustainable use and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of biodiversity. This should include addressing the policy, organisational and management factors affecting the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in Third Countries, in the context of economic globalization. 6. promoting research activities using molecular methods in biodiversity measurement and validation of these technologies. 7. promoting the creation of tools and choices for partners in the conservation and utilisation of biodiversity, including research on clean technologies and on ex-situ conservation technologies. 8. promoting the evaluation of the various forms of biodiversity from the perspective of all societal actors.
9. supporting the development of a global interface with Third Countries, addressing in particular the sustainable use and management of biodiversity in transition economies, as well as in emerging ones and developing countries. 10. develop a baseline study to identify and catalogue important components of biodiversity that exist -in situ or ex situ-, or that have become extinct in the last 50 years.11. identify the conservation status and trends of components of biodiversity. 12. identify relevant pressures and threats, together with their causes, on components of biodiversity. 13. apply modern taxonomy to build scientific tools for policy on conservation and sustainable use, aiming , inter alia, to fulfil gaps in taxonomy knowledge. 14. promote the development of a system of indicators based on a species and ecosystems approach. 15. identify a set of indicators to assess how components of biodiversity are affected by [each economic] sector and assess progress on the implementation of the strategy. 16. develop mechanisms for monitoring the evolution of the indicators having regard, inter alia, to activities causing habitat degradation, unsustainable harvesting, emission of pollutants and release or spread into the environment of alien species and genetically or living modified organisms. Contribution of CASCADE to BAP