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Kfk-kids for Kids venture of students in school<br>https://www.tomorrowsuccess.com/

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  2. What is your venture about? We are producing an application that will strengthen children from all around Israel during wars time. The kids who live in the south, are now experiencing loneliness, anxieties and more … With the help of a strengthening app, the kids will experience less loneliness and anxieties and they will be able to meet new friends and be happier.

  3. What is the purpose of the project? • The children from the South won't experience loneliness and anxieties when they're at wartime. They will be able to find families to host them so they can feel safer and have positive adventures.

  4. What is your venture about? A calm and pleasant daily message Tailored news for children A video call through the app will lower the pressure off the kids. Attractive places GHTTBFEFEgtttg nearby friendly chat A relaxing wartime video

  5. What is your venture about? What is a friendly chat? A friendly chat is: a chat that kids from the south can talk with kids from the north discussing how they feel. Friendly chat

  6. What is your venture about? What is a friendly news? News that is suitable for children and that calmly explains the situation to children.

  7. What’s the goal? Our goal is to help kids feel safer during wartime as they have the opportunity to chat with other kids and share their feelings. Kids from the north will be able to meet and host kids from the south and they will all feel better.

  8. Venture Description • We chose this idea because of the tension between Israel and Gaza and children in the south are experiencing anxieties and loneliness.

  9. Team Members Natan Kalman, good at sport Ron Yeiches, good at computers Yoav Mussery, good at riding, running and swimming

  10. The problems you are solving • • The anxiety and the loneliness of children from the south Our venture meets the tensions of children from the South who are having a hard time with the tensions

  11. Who Are Your Competitors? • Our competitors is Picud Haoref because they are also involved in our fields but they are helping Israel so its ok!

  12. Who are your main customers? • Mostly for the children of the south of Israel. The potnial market 2 million children between the ages of 6 and 18 experience anxiety and fear each day that will bomb 2 million Fear they'll bomb their home children

  13. Business Model We will make revenue by advertisements and if the app spread, then we will make revenue through sponsoring We will have users through social networks like Instgram,Facebook,YouTue and Tik Tok We wont charge it will be for free .

  14. Funding Demand We need 3500ILS just for programmer To program the app

  15. Thank you for listening to group number 8

  16. Good luck to everyone! We hope to win for that we will have more money to the application and we will can help the kids from the south of Israel! And of course we hope for peace! (between Israel and gaza)

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