Mind Games Venture Young Entrepreneurial Leadership Group Mordei HaGeta'ot Elementary School in Israel Entrepreneurship for Kids Program
Young Entrepreneurial Leadership Group 18 students from 3rd, 4th and 5th grade chose the entrepreneurial leadership track and took part in the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program, led by Michal Maman. The students had many venture ideas, and executed some of them. Every student had the opportunity to join and promote execution of each of the ventures, even when the idea came from a different member of the group. 8 entrepreneurs chose to take part in the “mind games” venture.
The original idea The young entrepreneurs’ original idea was to set up a game corner in the school. From this idea, the idea for another venture was born: Getting 1st and 2nd graders involved in mind games.
Planning the Venture The young entrepreneurs felt comfortable leading younger students, and so chose 1st and 2nd graders. It was decided that the games would be collected from counselor Lior, who owns a mind games company. A date was set to execute the venture. The class educators received notice and approved the activity.
Preparations The young entrepreneurs met with Lior, who brought sample games. 3 different games were selected, which the entrepreneurs learned to play, and they underwent training to be counselors during the activity day. Michal Maman, the teacher who accompanied the children, made name tags. Name: Grade: Entrepreneurial Leadership
Venture Day On the day of the venture, the young entrepreneurs arrived early and received tags with their names, which game them a sense of belonging to the entrepreneurial team.
Final Preparations The entrepreneurial leaders arranged shade and the games in the school courtyard.
The Entrepreneurs in Action The entrepreneurship students started the activity with a humorous game that got everyone into a joyful mood.
1st and 2nd Grade Students Playing Under the Young Entrepreneurs’ Leadership
Every 15 Minutes the Students Switched Games
Wrapping Up the Venture The entrepreneurship students overcame their excitement and challenges, felt mature and responsible, and enjoyed the day. Their teacher, Michal, summarized the day: "The kids had a great time, everything was neat, organized, and our young leaders worked nicely. They explained, played with the children and felt like guides who really lead! The young entrepreneurs have experienced the difficulty of training with small children and dealing with children who didn't cooperate. It was beautiful to see how they managed to outdo themselves and still take care of those children to enjoy themselves in a different way. It was amazing! "
Click to read about more ventures at school by kids Entrepreneurship for Kids Program By Galit Zamler galitz@galitzamler.com