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Part 3 of the First Israeli Hackathon for Students in Primary Schools

Part 3 of the first Israeli Hackathon for students in primary schools<br>https://www.tomorrowsuccess.com/

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Part 3 of the First Israeli Hackathon for Students in Primary Schools

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  1. “HaShalom” School Hosts the First Israeli Hackathon for 4th-6th grade Entrepreneurship Students Part 3 Supported by the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program And attended by the following elementary schools:

  2. Summary of Parts 1 and 2 Part 1 of the Hackathon for entrepreneurship students took place at “Kaplan” school. At the end, 3 ideas for ventures were chosen in each of the following areas:  Ventures in the school  Technology Ventures  “The other is me” Ventures  Ecological/Environmental Ventures  Community Ventures Part 2 of the Hackathon took place at “Yad Mordechai” in Bat Yam. At the end, the students chose one idea for each area.

  3. Part 3 of the Hackathon Entrepreneurship students from “Kaplan” in Petah Tikva, “Alumot” in Tel Aviv and “Yad Mordechai” in Bat Yam arrived at “Hashalom” school in Mevaseret Zion for the third meeting of the first Hackathon for entrepreneurship students in Israel.

  4. We Already Know Each Other As this was the third meeting between the students in the four schools, the students feel that they already know each other.

  5. Gathering in the Plenary The entrepreneurship students gather in the plenary, where they receive folders with the schedule: 09:00-09:15 Gathering and opening remarks 09:45-10:10 Starting the day with a social game 10:10-10:30 A break 10:30-11:15 Group activity – creating business cards 11:15-11:45 Products exhibition 11:45-12:00 Summary and certificates

  6. Welcome School principal Zahava Isascar, and her vice principal Sigal Bar, leader of the school’s entrepreneurship group and Hackathon organizer, as well as the supporting staff, welcome the entrepreneurship students.

  7. Social Game - Team Work The day started with a fun and challenging game where the young entrepreneurs worked in teams.

  8. Creating Business Cards The children’s goal of this meeting was to make a group business card that defines them. The students split up into groups and each group made a card using art supplies that were provided.

  9. The Business Cards The business cards adorned the exhibition in which the ventures developed by the students were shown after the 2nd part of the Hackathon.

  10. Venture Exhibition All of the ventures that were developed, responded to a need according to the area chosen during the two previous Hackathon meetings. The venture: Organizer- to keep school supplies used in the classroom organized. The young entrepreneurs: Students in fifth grade at "Hashalom” elementary school

  11. Venture Exhibition The venture: Dumishush - a box game in the style of the familiar domino suited for the blinds The young entrepreneurs: Students in fifth grade at "Hashalom" school

  12. Venture Exhibition The venture: Who am I? An introductory game for blind kids The young entrepreneurs: Students in the sixth grade at "Yad Mordechai" school

  13. Venture Exhibition The venture: "BottleKeeper"- a bottle keeper The young entrepreneurs: Students in grades four to five at "Yad Mordechai" school

  14. Venture Exhibition The venture: Galgaldli - Wheel bucket- a bucket with wheels and a handle for the user’s convenience. The young entrepreneurs: Students in grades four to six at "Kaplan" school

  15. Venture Exhibition The venture: I wrote, I solved, I succeeded - a math game for blind kids The young entrepreneurs: Students in grades four to six at "Kaplan" school in

  16. Venture Exhibition The venture: Personalized pencil case – With pockets that can be changed The young entrepreneurs: Students in grades four to six at "Kaplan" school

  17. Venture Exhibition The venture: Three bins trash -"Tri-Bin" - a trash can divided into three parts that will stand on student’s desks. The young entrepreneurs: Students in grades four to six at "Kaplan" school

  18. Venture Exhibition The venture: Charity box - collecting school supplies found around the school to help children who need them. The young entrepreneurs: The students of 4th-6th grades in "Alumot" school

  19. Venture Exhibition The venture: Guess what - a game for blind and seeing people, with braille The young entrepreneurs: The students of 4th-6th grades in "Alumot" school

  20. Summary of the First Hackathon for Entrepreneurial Students in Israel The educational team summarized: We had three wonderful meetings, each one was different from the last. During the meetings: You met, you thought, you discussed, you created, and all together, working as a team. It was a great pleasure to be your partners, you are children who are able to dream, aspire, initiate and create new procedures.

  21. Certificate for Participation

  22. A gift for participants

  23. The young entrepreneurs: It was fun, we made new friends, learned to develop products, identify needs, and we executed ventures. Read more about the first Israeli Hackathon for 4th-6th Entrepreneurship for Kids graders at the Program website.

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