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How To Write Argumentative Research Paper

This is an ebook pdf made for writers who are seeking writing tips on writing a research paper that has argumentative touch. The following has been very well explained using an example for the students and scholars to get an idea on how to proceed with the work. Read more to find out...

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How To Write Argumentative Research Paper

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  1. By -:

  2. As if writing a research paper wasn As if writing a research paper wasn’ ’t hor- ror enough, along came an argumenta- ror enough, along came an argumenta- tive research paper that requires a com- tive research paper that requires a com- pletely different kind of approach than pletely different kind of approach than the usual research paper. the usual research paper. t hor- In an argumentative research paper, you In an argumentative research paper, you have to persuade your readers to a cer- have to persuade your readers to a cer- tain point of view. I can tain point of view. I can’ ’t even convince my parents of buying me a new car, and my parents of buying me a new car, and these are people who have a vested in- these are people who have a vested in- terest in me! terest in me! t even convince

  3. Who knew struggling for a good grade could be Who knew struggling for a good grade could be this dreary, and confusing. this dreary, and confusing. However, all is not lost. Writing an argumenta- However, all is not lost. Writing an argumenta- tive research paper can sometimes turn out to tive research paper can sometimes turn out to be quite exciting, especially if the topic appeals be quite exciting, especially if the topic appeals to you. If it does not, well then you really are in to you. If it does not, well then you really are in a jam! a jam! So for those of you, who really intend to write So for those of you, who really intend to write the argumentative paper, read on and, I will the argumentative paper, read on and, I will teach you the how teach you the how- -to to- - of the whole process. of the whole process.

  4. Before you Write the Re- search Paper-Identify the Audience Before you start the argumentative research pa- Before you start the argumentative research pa- per identify the audience. In most cases, this per identify the audience. In most cases, this would be your teacher or a professor. If you ac- would be your teacher or a professor. If you ac- tually listened to the lectures in class, you may tually listened to the lectures in class, you may know which side of the fence your teacher falls. know which side of the fence your teacher falls. Take the easy way out, and go for that side. Take the easy way out, and go for that side. Have a brain of your own that you want to put Have a brain of your own that you want to put to use? Well then choose the side you believe to use? Well then choose the side you believe in in… …it will be more convincing. it will be more convincing.

  5. When you write, target your audience. That When you write, target your audience. That will make it easy for you to identify the ap- will make it easy for you to identify the ap- proach that has to be taken. This will also make proach that has to be taken. This will also make the arguments you choose, in favor or against the arguments you choose, in favor or against the topic, more persuasive. the topic, more persuasive. To every argumentative research, there are five To every argumentative research, there are five essential elements. Use those elements and, essential elements. Use those elements and, you will actually get through the class in one you will actually get through the class in one piece. piece.

  6. Element One-Thesis How can a body function without a spi- nal cord…? It can’t right? Well neither can you write a research paper without a thesis. The Thesis is the spinal cord of your paper. It functions as the core of the argument, and helps you go in the right direction, without taking shortcuts, or straying from the path.

  7. The thesis is where you make a state- The thesis is where you make a state- ment and, then take a stance for or ment and, then take a stance for or against the topic. For the argumentative against the topic. For the argumentative research paper, the proposition put research paper, the proposition put forth, should be debatable. The more forth, should be debatable. The more controversial it is the better chance you controversial it is the better chance you have of convincing your reader of your have of convincing your reader of your intelligence. intelligence.

  8. So for a topic like Juvenile Delinquency opt for a thesis statement that you can- not only argue for, but argue against as well. Now, since I am the one teaching you how to write an argumentative pa- per on juvenile delinquency, I get to choose a stance. I am all for a tough ju- venile delinquency policy so here is what I could write as a thesis statement…

  9. Sample Thesis Statement on Juve- nile Delinquency Juvenile delinquents must face a tough criminal justice process in order to un- derstand that their actions will not be unaccountable merely on the basis of their age. If juveniles are ready to com- mit adult oriented crimes, then they must be charged as adult criminals as well.

  10. Element Two-Introduction to the Context Once you have written the thesis start the intro- duction. Here you must give the necessary back- ground to highlight the significance of Juvenile delinquency. You can begin by explaining what juvenile delinquency is and perhaps give a few examples. You can talk about the situation be- fore the concept of delinquency, how it pro- gressed during the 1800s, and a small overview of the first juvenile court that was established in Illinois in 1899. In order to support your thesis, give a few examples of hard core juvenile crimes that happen today, and then end with your the- sis statement.

  11. Element Three-Argumentative Analy- sis in Support of the Thesis Consider this part of your paper as a Consider this part of your paper as a ‘ ‘grade earner earner’; ’; here you will present your arguments on here you will present your arguments on the issue of juvenile delinquency. Focus on your the issue of juvenile delinquency. Focus on your thesis. You have to show the root cause of increas- thesis. You have to show the root cause of increas- ing juvenile delinquency as the fact that kids today ing juvenile delinquency as the fact that kids today think they will be given a free ticket due to their think they will be given a free ticket due to their age. Examples, and case studies, with the relevant age. Examples, and case studies, with the relevant referencing sources will make your analysis more referencing sources will make your analysis more effective. Statistics will win you the argument. effective. Statistics will win you the argument. grade- -

  12. Element Three-Present Counter Arguments Time now for you to walk in the other person’s shoe and advo- cate his stance on the subject. The best arguments show both sides of the topic, and then prove why your opinion is the only one that counts.

  13. Perhaps reveal situations where alternate measures could be taken rather than in- dulging in juvenile crimes leading to pun- ishments that can leave life-long imprints on the person’s characters and thinking. It will aid your paper if you could add some case studies highlighting the unexpected consequences. During this part you might want to rethink your thesis or add some qualifications to it, owing to the convinc- ing counter arguments that surfaced dur- ing your research.

  14. Element Four-Refute your Thesis In this section of the paper add responses or in other words refutations to your thesis. You will have to explain each and every point presented in counter arguments and prove them either true of false. Here an in- terview with a Juvenile State Facility Officer might come in handy or perhaps even a few social campaigns carried out to address this social issue.

  15. My thesis stated that I wanted a tougher stance on juvenile crime. Let’s say I present- ed a case of a fifteen year old who raped a ten year old. He could be given some jail time, released due to his age, but then go on to rape someone else. This supports my the- sis. However, if I gave an example of a boy who hit someone with a rock on the playground and, that boy lost his eye. That would refute my thesis. Who would want to try the per- petuator as an adult?

  16. Element Five-Conclude with effectiveness So walk a thin line, on your side of the fence. Accept that there are crimes that children commit that should be treated as juvenile crimes. However, make sure, after giving sta- tistics that you get through the argument, that if an adult crime is committed, the juvenile must be charged as an adult. When attempting to write an argumentative research paper on juvenile delinquency, fol- low the above mentioned outline and you will surely craft out a credible paper in no time.

  17. © Copyright 2016 www.GhostWritersGuild.com

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