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Great tips and insight on the field of Electronic Cartography. ... You wish to open an upscale beauty salon in central Contra Costa county, California, catering to wealthier, ...
Slide 1:Introduction to Oracle Spatial Using Public Data
Richard L. Flores Isinglass, Inc. pleides100@yahoo.com
Slide 3:About Me
Schooling in Geology and Business. 15 years working with Geographical Information Systems and Computer Mapping in the Oil & Gas Industry. 16 years working with Oracle, mostly as DBA.
Slide 4:Reading Material
Clearly written with wonderful, downloadable examples for you to work through. Covers most features of Oracle Spatial.
Slide 5:Reading Material
Wide ranging topics on the FREE acquisition of data and tools for the processing of geographic data. Great tips and insight on the field of Electronic Cartography.
Slide 6:Agenda
Geographic Data Processing Cartography 101 Oracle Spatial Products Oracle Spatial Basics by Example
Slide 7:Geographic Data ProcessingThe Processing Steps
Data Acquisition Preliminary Data Processing Data Storage and Retrieval Graphical Display (Visualization), Analysis, and Interaction.
Slide 8:Geogaphic Data ProcessingData Acquisition
Sources Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Published and Unpublished Free and Commercial Formats Vector: shapefiles, DLG, DXF, NTF, etc. Raster: TIFF, GIF, etc.
Slide 9:Geogaphic Data ProcessingPreliminary Data Processing
May Involve Digitization of paper maps Vectorization of raster images Transformation of Mapping Coordinates Geocoding: calculation of geographic coordinates from street addresses.
Slide 10:Geogaphic Data ProcessingData Storage and Retrieval
For Oracle Storage Use of Oracle’s Geographic Data Model Database design for the integration of spatial and non-spatial data SQL and SQL*Loader for loading data in Oracle. Oracle’s “shapefile” to “SDO” utility. Retrieval It all comes down to SQL using Oracle Spatial stored procedures.
Slide 11:Geogaphic Data ProcessingDisplay, Analysis, and Interaction.
Not many free programs that work with Oracle Spatial directly, unfortunately. Many commercial programs for displaying and interactively querying and editing Oracle Spatial data such as those from ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo, Autodesk, eSpatial, and Acquis.
Slide 12:Cartography 101The Shape of the Earth: Some Facts
To accurately place a point on the earth, the general shape of the earth must be known. These shape models are called, datums. The earth is not flat.1 The earth is not a perfect sphere. The earth’s general shape is best described by a theoretical surface called a geoid. For mapping, geoids are approximated by reference ellipsoids. 1 Assertions of the Flat Earth Society notwithstanding.
Slide 13:Cartography 101 The Shape of the Earth: North American Datum
Older maps used NAD27 Newer maps use the more accurate NAD83 made using satellites and sophisticated electronic equipment. Worldwide GPS use a datum compatible to NAD83 called WGS84 The coordinates for a point on the earth can vary significantly depending on the datum used.
Slide 14:Cartography 101 Spatial Reference Systems
SRS are coordinate-based systems used to locate geographical entities. Oracle Geographic SRS Types Geodetic: Latitude & Longitude Projected Coordinate Systems: X & Y where globe is mathematically “projected” onto a flat map.
Slide 15:Cartography 101Why are SRS important?
During analysis, if all spatial data is not in the same Spatial Reference System, the geographic layers will not overlay and the analysis will be in error.
Slide 16:Cartography 101Why are SRS important?
Slide 17:Cartography 101Why are SRS important?
During analysis, if an inappropriate Spatial Reference System is chosen, you may introduce unacceptable distortion into your maps.
Slide 18:Cartography 101Why are SRS important?
If you were interested in using a map to measure land areas, you would probably not use this Spatial Reference System.
Slide 19:Cartography 101Geodetic Coordinate System
Latitude/Longitude expressed in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds or Decimal Degrees Parallels: Lines of latitude North (+) & South (-) of Equator (-90 to +90) Meridians: Lines of longitude East (+) & West (-) of the Prime Meridian (-180 to +180) Oracle Uses Decimal Degrees in the odd order, Longitude/Latitude
Slide 20:Cartography 101Geodetic Coordinate System
Slide 21:Cartography 101 Projected Coordinate Systems
Slide 22:Cartography 101 State Plane Coordinate Systems
Each state has defined SPCS zones which are popular for local- and state-sized areas because of their accuracy. In General: “Tall” States, such as NM use the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection. “Wide” States, such as TX use Lambert Confromal Conic Projection. California Zone III, 0403 Texas South Central Zone, 4204
Slide 23:Cartography 101 Projected Coordinate Systems
Select map projection for display based on: How you intend to use the data The size, location, and orientation of the area of interest The metric property of the map you wish to preserve: Shape Area Distance Direction Scale See erg.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/MapProjections/projections.html
Slide 24:Oracle ProductsOracle Locator
Includes Geographic Data Model Query and Analysis using the Index Engine Some advanced geometric functions Free with the Standard or Enterprise Edition
Slide 25:Oracle ProductsOracle Spatial Option
Includes All Oracle Locator features More advanced spatial functions Location enabling geocoder Advanced features such as routing, network analysis, and georaster. Added-cost option with the Enterprise Edition
Slide 26:Oracle SpatialGeneral
“An integrated set of functions and procedures that enables spatial data to be stored, accessed, and analyzed quickly and efficiently in an Oracle database.” A schema (MDSYS) that prescribes the storage, syntax, and semantics of supported geometric data types. A spatial indexing mechanism A set of operators and functions for performing area-of-interest queries, spatial join queries, and other spatial analyis operations. Administrative utilities.
Slide 27:Oracle SpatialSome Definitions
There are other, more complex elements, including collections of one or more elements called Geometries. A Layer is collection of Geometries having similar attributes such a state boundaries, roads, or rivers.
Slide 28:Oracle SpatialMore on Geometries and Layers
Table, STATES = LAYER A GEOMETRY (outline) of a state is in a single column of each row. A GEOMETRY may contain more than one element.
Slide 29:Oracle Spatial by ExampleScenario
You wish to open an upscale beauty salon in central Contra Costa county, California, catering to wealthier, older women. You would like to be close to a major thoroughfare for ease of access. You don’t want to be too close to any competitors.
Slide 30:Oracle Spatial by ExampleIdentify Types and Sources of Data Needed to Support Decision
Competitors: Internet Search Engine Demographic (Age, Gender, Income): U.S. Census Bureau Roads: U.S. Geological Survey
Slide 31:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Table
CREATE TABLE beauty (id NUMBER(38), name VARCHAR2(100), full_address VARCHAR2(100), city_state VARCHAR2(50), street_number VARCHAR2(10), street_name VARCHAR2(20), street_type VARCHAR2(15), street_prefix VARCHAR2(10), street_suffix VARCHAR2(10), city VARCHAR2(40), state VARCHAR2(2), postal_code VARCHAR2(16), location MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY);
Slide 32:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Spatial Metadata
INSERT INTO user_sdo_geom_metadata VALUES ('BEAUTY', -- Geometry Table 'LOCATION', -- Geometry Column SDO_DIM_ARRY ( SDO_DIM_ELEMENT ('LONGITUDE', -- Longitude Text -180, -- Lower Boundary 180, -- Upper Boundary 0.5), -- Tolerance SDO_DIM_ELEMENT ('LATITUDE', -- Latitude Text -90, -- Lower Boundary 90, -- Upper Boundary 0.5) -- Tolerance ), 8307 -- (SRID) Datum:WGS84 );
Slide 33:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Spatial Index
CREATE INDEX beauty_spatial_idx ON beauty (location) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX; R-Tree Index These are unlike regular Oracle indexes and special steps must be taken with their administration.
Slide 34:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Source
Name ---------------- ID NAME FULL_ADDRESS CITY_STATE STREET_NUMBER STREET_NAME STREET_TYPE STREET_PREFIX STREET_SUFFIX CITY STATE POSTAL_CODE LOCATION Extract list of competitors and their addresses from Search Engine. While very useful, it doesn’t provide any directly mappable data.
Slide 35:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Geocoding
The Geocoder will Standardize Address Name and, Using a database with the coordinates and street addresses of each intersection, Interpolate the location of the given address. Oracle Spatial Option geocoder: added-cost Third party sells spatial database used to calculate the coordinates
Slide 36:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Geocoding
Solution: Use Perl Program against internet geocoding website. #!/usr/local/bin/perl # simplest_xmlrpc.pl use XMLRPC::Lite; use Data::Dumper; use strict; use warnings; my $where = shift @ARGV or die "Usage: $0 \"1 Main St, Anytown, KS\"\n"; my $result = XMLRPC::Lite -> proxy( 'http://rpc.geocoder.us/service/xmlrpc' ) -> geocode ($where) -> result; print Dumper $result; From Mapping Hacks, Tips & Tools for Electronic Mapping
Slide 37:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Geocoding
simplest_xmlrpc.pl “1355 N. Main, Walnut Creek, CA" $VAR1 = [ { 'number' => '1355', 'street' => 'Main', 'lat' => '37.898365', 'state' => 'CA', 'city' => 'Walnut Creek', 'zip' => '94596', 'suffix' => '', 'long' => '-122.060445', 'type' => 'St', 'prefix' => 'N' } ]; Name ---------------- ID NAME FULL_ADDRESS CITY_STATE STREET_NUMBER STREET_NAME STREET_TYPE STREET_PREFIX STREET_SUFFIX CITY STATE POSTAL_CODE LOCATION
Slide 38:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: SDO_GEOMETRY Object-Relational Type
UPDATE beauty SET location = SDO_GEOMETRY (2001, -- Geometry Type: 2-D Point 8307, -- SRID, Datum: WGS84 SDO_POINT_TYPE (-122.060445, -- Longitude 37.898365, -- Latitude NULL), NULL, NULL ) WHERE id = 430;
Slide 39:Oracle Spatial by ExampleCompetitor Data: Data Display
eSpatial iSmart Explorer free on OTN OEM Spatial Index Advisor Oracle Mapviewer For serious users, many commercial products.
Slide 40:Oracle Spatial by ExampleNon-Spatial Demographic Data: Table
Slide 41:Oracle Spatial by ExampleNon-Spatial Demographic Data: Source
Slide 42:Oracle Spatial by ExampleSpatial Census Tract Data: Source
www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/tr_metadata.html Has geographic boundaries of Census Tracts which can be loaded into Oracle Spatial. Choose state and “ARCVIEW Shapefile” format to download file for California. These files are sometimes called “ESRI Shapefiles”.
Slide 43:Oracle Spatial by ExampleSpatial Census Tract Data: Pre-processing
shp2sdo utility downloadable from Oracle will create SQL and SQL*Loader data and control files for creating Spatial objects and loading shapefile data into Oracle Spatial. Creates: census_tracts.sql, census_tracts.ctl, census_tracts.dat
Slide 44:Oracle Spatial by ExampleSpatial Census Tract Data: Loading census_tract.sql
Slide 45:Oracle Spatial by ExampleSpatial Census Tract Data: Loading
In SQL*Plus: connect spatial/spatial @census_tracts.sql Run SQL*Loader: sqlldr spatial/spatial census_tracts In SQL*Plus: connect spatial/spatial EXECUTE SDO_MIGRATE.TO_CURRENT(‘CENSUS_TRACTS’,’GEOM)’
Slide 46:Oracle Spatial by ExampleSpatial Census Tract Data: Display
Census tract outlines. You can “CREATE TABLE SELECT AS” on state=’06’ and county=‘013’ to get just Contra Costa county.
Slide 47:Oracle Spatial by ExampleRoad Data: Source
seamless.usgs.gov Bureau of Transportation Statistics from U.S. Geological Survey. shapefiles
Slide 48:Oracle Spatial by ExampleRoad Data: Display
Slide 49:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Criteria Definition
Within 2 miles of census tracts in which The Median Household Annual Income is greater then $100K and Over 30% of the people are women 40 years or older Within ˝ mile of a major road Not within ˝ mile of a competitor
Slide 50:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Oracle Spatial Buffers
Slide 51:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Target Census Tract Buffer
CREATE TABLE target_tract_buffer AS SELECT SDO_AGGR_UNION(SDOAGGRTYPE (SDO_GEOM.SDO_BUFFER( a.geom, -- geometry column 2.00, -- Distance 0.5, 'arc_tolerance=0.005 unit=mile'), -- Units 0.5)) geom FROM census_tracts a, census_data b WHERE b.census_tract = a.name AND b.med_house_income >=100000 AND b.female_ge_40/b.gender_total >= 0.30 AND a.state = '06' AND a.county = '013';
Slide 52:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Target Census Tract Buffer
Slide 53:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Target Census Tract Buffer
Slide 54:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Major Road Buffer
CREATE TABLE road_buffer AS SELECT prefix, name, type, suffix, SDO_AGGR_UNION( SDOAGGRTYPE( SDO_GEOM.SDO_BUFFER( a.geom, -- geometry column 0.50, -- Distance 0.5, 'arc_tolerance=0.005 unit=mile'), -- Units 0.5)) geom FROM roads a WHERE (name = 'ACALANES' AND type = 'AVE') OR (name = 'ACALANES' AND type = 'RD') * * * * * * * * OR (name = 'YGNACIO VALLEY' AND type = 'RD');
Slide 55:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Major Road Buffer
Slide 56:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Competitor Buffer
Slide 57:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Spatial Operations
Slide 58:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Spatial Operations
CREATE TABLE target_site_wocomp AS SELECT SDO_AGGR_UNION(SDOAGGRTYPE(c.geom,0.5)) geom FROM (SELECT SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION( a.geom, b.geom, 0.5) geom FROM target_tract_buffer a,road_buffer b) c);
Slide 59:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Spatial Operations
CREATE TABLE target_site AS SELECT SDO_AGGR_UNIION(SDOAGGRTYPE(a.geom,0.5)) geom FROM (SELECT SDO_GEOM.SDO_DIFFERENCE( b.geom, c.geom, 0.5) geom FROM target_sid_wocomp b,competitor_buffer c) a; -- Create spatial metadata and index for target_site -- and target_site_wocomp after creation.
Slide 60:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Final Display
Slide 61:Oracle Spatial by ExampleAnalysis: Final Display Using ESRI ArcMap
Slide 62:Geospatial Data and The DatawarehouseOverlooked Opportunity
"I have always been puzzled by the chasm separating the data warehouse community and the geographic information systems (GIS) community. Very few "conventional" data warehouses exploit their data with a map-driven approach, yet these same data warehouses are rich with geographic entities including addresses, point locations, sales districts, and higher level political geographies." -- Ralph Kimball see also, http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/52791.html
Slide 63:Introduction to Oracle Spatial Using Public Data