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Introduction to Oracle Data Mart Builder

Introduction to Oracle Data Mart Builder. Product Overview. Major components of Oracle Data Mart Suite Designer: Data Modeling Builder: Data Populating Discoverer: Data Analysis. Data Mart Lifecycle. Data Populating (Builder). Data Modeling (Designer). Data Analysis (Discoverer).

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Introduction to Oracle Data Mart Builder

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Oracle Data Mart Builder

  2. Product Overview • Major components of Oracle Data Mart Suite • Designer:Data Modeling • Builder: Data Populating • Discoverer: Data Analysis

  3. Data Mart Lifecycle Data Populating (Builder) Data Modeling (Designer) Data Analysis (Discoverer)

  4. Designer: Data Modeling Star Schema (Data Mart) E-R diagram (OLTP) Empty Tables (Data Mart)

  5. Builder: Data Populating • Manage the flow of data from sources to the target data mart tables. • Extraction: define and select tables and columns you want from the source (SQL Query) • Transformation: calculation, aggregation, rename etc. • Transportation: load data into data mart

  6. Builder: Data Populating • Types of sources supported by Builder • Flat file: • fixed length: flat file with fixed length for each field • character separated: flat file with fields separated by characters • Relational database: Oracle, Sybase, Informix, SQL Server etc.

  7. Populating steps • Populate dimension tables • Populate time dimension tables • Populate stage table • Populate fact table

  8. BaseView and MetaView • A BaseView is a graphical representation of all or a portion of a physical database, including the tables, columns, and joins. • A MetaView is the view you use to start building your data flow plans. Database BaseView MetaView

  9. BaseView and MetaView Data Flow Plan Source MetaView Target BaseView Source BaseView Target Data Source Data

  10. Documentation • Start -> Programs -> Oracle for Windows NT ->Oracle Data Mart Documentation Data Mart Suite Cookbook

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