Developing hypothesis statements to ensure outcome focused work Step 1
1| Outcome focused work In Lean UX, projects are no longer framed by requirements and deliverables. Assumptions are replaced by requirements and deliverables by outcomes. Hands-on: You will form groups and decide on a problem you want to solve during this workshop. Your first task is to write a hypothesis statement that captures intended features, audiences, and goals, and is specific enough to be tested in the following steps.
Problem Identifying (15min) Each team Identify 2 problems or ideas. Write them down. • Title • Short description
Assumption Worksheet (15min) Main problem statement to help with generating assumption [Our service/product] was designed to achieve [these goals]. We have observed that the product/service isn’t meeting [these goals], which is causing [this adverse effect] to our business. How might we improve [service/product] so that our customers are more successful based on [these measurable criteria]?
Prioritize Assumptions (10min) Choose only 10
Create test results for hypothesis (15min) We believe that [doing this/building this feature/creating this experience] for [these people/personas] will achieve [this outcome]. We will know this is true when we see [this market feedback, quantitative measure, or qualitative insight].
Collaborative design Step 2
2 | Collaborative design Lean UX is a collaborative process that brings together designers and nondesigners. With the help of tools such as Design Studio, style guides and face-to-face discussions, cross-functional teams can build a shared understanding of the design problem and solution. This will allow them to move forward at a much faster pace than in traditional environments. Hands on: You will run a Design Studio Exercise in cross-functional teams to experience the power of collaborative design. Design Studio follows this path: • Problem definition and constraints • Individual idea generation (diverge) • Presentation and critique • Iterate and refine (emerge) • Team idea generation (converge)
Individual idea generation (15min) Each team member sketch out their own idea based on decided features.
Presentation & critique (15min) Each team member presents the idea and then team critiques. 3min - presentation2min - feedback Improve your design based on feedback
Iterate and refine (10min) Improve your design based on feedback
Converge on a team idea (15min) Merge the designs into one asking these questions with each feature. 1. Is there a need for the solution I’m designing? 2. Is there value in the solution and features I’m offering? 3. Is my solution usable?
3 | Develop MVP and run experiments Step 3: Develop a prototype MVP and run Experiments Working with Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) allows UX Designers to minimize the work they put into unproven ideas and quickly find out which features are worth focusing on. As soon as the prototyped MVP is ready, it needs to be tested with your teammates, stakeholders, members of other team as well as existing and potential customers to collect feedback and confirm or reject your hypothesis. Hands-on: At this point, you will create a low- or mid -fidelity prototype MVP with a tool of your choice.
Built testable prototype (15min) www.invisionapp.comwww.popapp.in
Feedback and research step 4
4 | Feedback and research Step 4: Feedback and Research In Lean UX, research is both continuous and collaborative. Research activities are built into every sprint and responsibilities are distributed and shared across the entire team. During collaborative discovery, the team goes into the field, collects feedback that approves or disapproves their assumptions, iterates the MVP and goes out again. Hands-on: You will decide what you need to learn and create an interview guide. In teams of 2, you will then interview the other workshop participants, analyse the feedback, do 1 round of iteration and repeat the interviews with an updated MVP.
Interview users (10 mins) Interview 2 teams let them use and get their feedback.The Interview Guide To prepare for fieldwork, create a small cheat sheet that will fit into your notebook. On your cheat sheet, write the questions and topics that you’ve decided to cover— with this guide, you’ll always be prepared to move the interview along. When planning your questions, think about a sequential funnel: first, try to identify whether the customer is in your target audience. Then try to confirm any problem hypotheses you have for this segment. Finally, if you have a prototype or mockup with you, show this to the customer last to avoid limiting the conversation to your vision of the solution.
Finalise the idea [15min] Gather the feedback iterate your design
Presentation and share learnings Each team will present their idea but more importantly what did they learn from the process. Any notable insights were you able to achieve or learn.