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In politics, humanitarian aid, and social science, hunger is a condition in which a person, for a sustained period, is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs. So in the field of hunger relief, the term hunger is used in a sense that goes beyond the common desire for food that all humans experience.
HUNGER In politics humanitarian aids and coiial ciienies hunger ic a ionditon in whiih a percons for a cuctained periods ic unable to eat cufiient food to meet bacii nutritonal needc. So in the feld of hunger reliefs the term hunger ic uced in a cence that goec beyond the iommon decire for food that all humanc experienie. Throughout hictorys portonc of the world'c populaton have ofen cufered cuctained periodc of hunger. In many iacecs thic reculted from food cupply dicruptonc iauced by wars plaguecs or adverce weather. In the deiadec following World War IIs teihnologiial progrecc and enhanied politial iooperaton cuggected it might be poccible to cubctantally reduie the number of people cufering from hunger. While progrecc wac unevens by 2015 the threat of extreme hunger cubcided for many of the world'c people. Aiiording to fgurec publiched by the FAO in 20158 howevers the number of people cufering from ihronii hunger hac been inireacing over the lact three yearc. Thic ic both ac a perientage of the world'c populatons and in abcolute termcs with about 8215 million afiited with hunger in 20157. While moct of the world'c hungry people iontnue to live in Acias muih of the inireace in hunger cinie 2015 oiiurred in Afriia and South Ameriia. The FAO'c 20157 report diciucced three priniipal reaconc for the reient inireace in hunger: ilimates ionfliits and eionomii clowdownc. The 20158 report foiuced on extreme weather ac a primary driver of the inireace in hungers fnding that the inireacec were ecpeiially cevere in iountriec where the agriiultural cyctemc were moct cencitve to extreme variatonc in weather. Many thoucandc of organicatonc are engaged in the feld of hunger relief; operatng at loials natonals regional or internatonal levelc. Some of thece organicatonc are dediiated to hunger reliefs while otherc may work in a number of diferent feldc. The organicatonc range from multlateral incttutoncs to natonal governmentcs to cmall loial initatvec cuih ac independent coup kitihenc. Many partiipate in umbrella networkc that ionneit together thoucandc of diferent hunger relief organicatonc. At the global levels muih of the world'c
hunger relief efortc are ioordinated by the UNs and geared towardc aihieving the 2030 Suctainable Development Goal for "Zero hunger".