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Cosmetic Clinic Breast Augmentation: Give your self-confidence, the boost.

Since the introduction of silicone implants, this procedure is one of the most sought after aesthetic surgical procedures worldwide. For more information, visit us on https://bit.ly/2FyCSUt

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Cosmetic Clinic Breast Augmentation: Give your self-confidence, the boost.

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  1. BreastAugmentation Giveyour self-confidence, theboost. Hinduja Hospital, Kharintroduces TheCosmetic Clinic

  2. Who is this surgeryfor? Anyonewhoisdesirousofalargerbreastsize.Suitabilityforthisprocedure will be determined during your consultation andexamination. What is BreastAugmentation? Simply put, this is a surgery performed to increase the size of the breasts. Breast augmentation is a common operation which involves the use of silicone implants inserted beneath the breast, to allow the breast to protrude further thanits natural size allows. Since the introduction of silicone implants, this procedure is one of the most sought after aesthetic surgical proceduresworldwide. shape, texture and material. Currently, the most popular ones in the market are highly cohesive silicone gelbased implants. Alternatively a new procedure is gaining popularity where fat is taken from the body of the patient which is then processed and injected to enhance breastsize. Breastcancerpatientscanusesiliconeimplantstoreconstructthebreast. Thiscouldbedoneduringthecancersurgeryoratalaterdate. How safe areimplants? countries that silicone implants are safe for use for breast augmentation. Silicone implants are also USFDAapproved.

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