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Mummy Makeover: Enhance the joy of motherhood.

After delivery, the additional responsibility of nurturing and looking after the baby takes a further toll on the mother's body. By the time she is done with looking after her baby, her looks have gone for a toss. She looks into the mirror and can barely recognize herself. For more information, visit us on https://bit.ly/36t47fG

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Mummy Makeover: Enhance the joy of motherhood.

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  1. MummyMakeover Enhance the joyof motherhood. Hinduja Hospital, Kharintroduces TheCosmetic Clinic

  2. “A baby is nature’s way ofsaying -Life goeson” Pregnancysubjectsawomantoalotofphysicalandemotionalstress. Furthermore,theordealofdeliveringababyisawe-inspiringandyetis entirelyworthitwhenthemotherholdsherbabyinherarms.Apicture of mother and child always inspires peace, happiness and tranquillity. However, for the mother, the 9 months of being a Petri dish wreaks havoc on herbody. Some of the obvious changes thatare evident after the pregnancy are asfollows: Hair Fall Breasts Weight Gain • Saggingbreasts • Enlargedbreasts • Shrinking ofbreasts • Enlargedareolae Stubborn fatdeposits Abdomen Buttocks • Flabby, saggingskin • Stretchmarks • Unsightlynavel • Divarication ofrecti (bulgingtummy) • Abdominalhernia • Scar followingLSCS Deflated or saggingbutt Varicose Veins Urinary Incontinence Changes inprivate parts

  3. After delivery, the additional responsibility of nurturing and looking after the baby takes a further toll on the mother’s body. By the time she is done with looking afterherbaby,herlookshavegoneforatoss.Shelooks intothemirrorandcanbarelyrecognizeherself. Mummy-makeover procedures commonlyinclude: 1.Liposuction Liposuction is the surgical removal of excess fat; especially stubborn fat deposits fromspecificareasofthebodytoreshapeandcontourthearea.Theprimarypurpose is body contouring. Liposuction is extremely safe when done by a qualified experienced plastic surgeon and the patient is healthy enough to withstand the procedure. It is recommended that only 8-10% of body weight be liposuctioned at one time. The various sites that are commonly addressed are – abdomen, thighs, arms, back, neck, calvesetc. Our team of surgeons have been performing safe liposuctions for 15 years and consistently delivering results of the highest standards. We have been routinely performing3-Dliposuctionsaswellashighdefinitionliposuctiononourpatients. Before Muscletightened After 2.Abdominoplasty This is a combination of liposuction (to remove the excess fat) and surgicalexcision of sagging skin from the lower abdomen. The primary purpose is contouring the abdomen and lower back. Therefore, apart from removing the sagging skin (which hasmostofthestretchmarks),hernia(ifany)isrepaired,theumbilicusisrefashioned and the abdomen is aestheticallycontoured. In our practise, abdominoplasty is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedure.Atummy-tuckisveryrelevantfromanIndianwoman’sperspectivesince the tummy area is often exposed when she wears a saree or in some cases swim-wear. Inmostofthesecases,improvingphysicalappearancegoesalongwaytoimproving self-image as well as restoring self-confidence. This is what “Mummy Make-over” is allabout. Needless to say, a supporting and understanding husband is pivotal in the entire process.Similarly,supportfromfamilyandfriendsisalsocritical. Abalanceddietandproperregularexercisesarethemainstayforimprovingsomeof theravagesofpregnancy.However,oftenthesechangesareverysevereandrequire outside influence to improve them. This is where a cosmetic surgeon steps in and o ers a gamut of procedures to suit an individual patient and to achieve her desiredgoal.

  4. 3. Breast Lift or BreastReduction 5. Buttock Lift /Augmentation Following breastfeeding, breast tissue often involutes and shrinks. This leads to the droopy, sagging breasts. In some other cases, the breast remains enlarged and significantly heavy (especially if the woman had large breasts before pregnancy). In eitherscenario,breastscanbeeectivelyandaestheticallycontouredtorestorefirm and youthful lookingbreasts. The shape and size of your buttocks can be improved by either using a silicone implantorbyusingyourownbodyfat(BrazillianButtLift). Internationally, breast reduction is the most satisfying cosmetic surgery from the patients’ point of view. We have been performing breast reduction or lift with the latest technique such that the scars are minimized and it restores a very natural looking contour to thebreasts. 4. BreastAugmentation Following lactation, most breasts shrink and some women want to enhance their breastvolumealongwithtighteningtheirbreasts.Thiscanbeachievedbyanelegant surgerycalledbreastaugmentation.Breastvolumemaybeenhancedbyeitherusing asiliconeimplantorbyusingyourownbodyfat(fattransfer).Boththeseprocedures havetheirprosandconsandthisaspectisdiscussedwithyoupre-operativelysothat youmaychooseyourpreferredmodeforenhancingyourbreasts. Before After 6. Rejuvenation of privateparts Wehaveperformedmorethan300breastaugmentationswithsiliconeimplants.We have also been performing more intricate procedures such as aug-pexy (breast lift andaugmentationatthesametime)onourpatientswithexcellentresults. Possiblechangesintheprivatepartsthathaveoccurredduringpregnancyordelivery canberevampedbyproceduressuchasvaginoplastyorlabiaplasty. Through the concept of Mummy-Makeover, we as a team aim at restoring not only bodycontourstoamotherbutalsoherconfidenceandsenseofwell-being.Wewish to reassure women that “Mummy-Makeover” can be done safely with extremely satisfyingresults. Disclaimer: Health information included in this brochure is intended as general information only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with your doctor. Alwaysspeaktoyourcosmeticsurgeonforpersonalmedicaladvice. Before After

  5. 11thRoad,Khar(W),Mumbai-400052. For Appointments: +91 22 4510 8989 /61548989 ∞For Enquiries: +91 22 2646 9999 / 61746000 For Emergency: +91 22 2646 9911 / 6174 6099 /98 ∞www.hindujahealthcare.com

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