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Data Quality- An Insider-Guide to Improving Salesforce CRM Efficiency

The Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (or CRM) platform helps<br>companies manage, organize, automate, and synchronize their sales, marketing, and<br>activities related to customer engagement.

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Data Quality- An Insider-Guide to Improving Salesforce CRM Efficiency

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  1. Data Quality- An Insider-Guide to Improving Salesforce CRM Efficiency

  2. The Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (or CRM) platform helps companies manage, organize, automate, and synchronize their sales, marketing, and activities related to customer engagement.

  3. Benefits of Quality Data : Relevant Campaigns Aggressive Marketing Revenue Maximization Avoid Disaster

  4. Relevant Campaigns By using accurate data your sales team can identify customers and leads more accurately ensuring sales effectiveness

  5. Aggressive Marketing Using quality data lets your sales team come up with aggressive marketing strategies. This includes the creation of numerous cross-selling and up- selling opportun

  6. Revenue Maximization Once you improve your data’s reliability, managers can evaluate leads more accurately and enforce the best strategies for revenue maximization.

  7. Avoid Disaster According to recent studies, on average, companies that ignore data quality incur losses of up to 12% of their revenue.

  8. Challenges in Maintaining Data Quality - Severe Increase in Volume of Data - Need for Real-Time Analysis - Negative Impact of Dirty Data

  9. Severe Increase in Volume of Data With the advent of cloud technologies, you no longer have to remove historical data to create space for new data.

  10. Need for Real-Time Analysis Implementing principles of data mining to analyze customers’ behaviour according to geographic, demographic, and psychographic factors is highly beneficial in the present competitive landscape.

  11. Negative Impact of Dirty Data Big data analytics creates a high- risk high-return scenario for companies due to its dependence on dynamic data.

  12. Steps to Improve Data Quality - Implementing Master Source - Get Everyone on Board - Track ROI - Use Real-Time Data

  13. Implementing Master Source corporations can’t afford to manage customer data using different machines and spreadsheets. Instead, implement an integrated CRM that can be used by every employee.

  14. Get Everyone on Board Ensuring the quality of data isn’t supposed to be handled by the IT department of a company only. Instead, all employees must work to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data, as it affects the entire organization.

  15. Track ROI A corporation must track the return on investments made towards ensuring high-quality data. By ensuring the highest quality of data possible, your company is bound to experience returns in the form of better overall customer experience.

  16. To Wrap Up The efficiency of your Salesforce CRM can be significantly increased with improvements in data quality. The path towards this involves the implementation of a master source of data enabled with real-time data updating. Along with this, it is important to track the benefits of improving data quality using the appropriate metrics.

  17. To know more about "Data Quality- An Insider-Guide to Improving Salesforce CRM Efficiency"; Please follow the appended link :https://bit.ly/2LNTgq3

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