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The Hong Kong Vocational English Programme (HKVEP) 香港職業英語計劃

The Hong Kong Vocational English Programme (HKVEP) 香港職業英語計劃 Recognising your achievements in the use of English 確認你的英語能力 Agenda 簡介會重點 What is benchmarking ( 基準 ) and why use it? What is the HKVEP? What does the HKVEP mean for me? What benefits do I get from the HKVEP?

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The Hong Kong Vocational English Programme (HKVEP) 香港職業英語計劃

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  1. The Hong Kong Vocational English Programme (HKVEP)香港職業英語計劃 Recognising your achievements in the use of English 確認你的英語能力

  2. Agenda 簡介會重點 • What is benchmarking (基準) and why use it? • What is the HKVEP? • What does the HKVEP mean for me? • What benefits do I get from the HKVEP? • How can I improve my English and my benchmarked results? • Summary and contact information • Q&A

  3. What is Benchmarking? 何謂基準? • A benchmark is a standard against which other things can be measured • HKVEP benchmarking means measuring English language competency (英語能力) against a set of standards (標準) for workplace English • Reading, writing, listening and speaking competencies can be measured • VTC/IVE chooses to measure all four in some courses

  4. Why use Benchmarking?為甚麼要基準? • Assure standards with a large number of students and over time so that you are fairly assessed 確保水平 • Build anchors for teaching and learning 訂定目標 • Provide evidence of learning and proficiency 顯示英語能力 • Enable international recognition of results for students 方便國際認可

  5. What is the HKVEP? 香港職業英語計劃 A quality assurance system for the development, assessment and certification of English language skills for the workplace. 課程發展評核及認証的品質保証系統 It has: • Local relevance • International recognition

  6. A Brief History 簡介 • Formed by Government in 1993 to help improve Vocational English 政府成立 • Launched in 1994 with London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) 英國倫敦工商會協辦 • Moved toVTC in 2000 職業訓練局管理 • Tested and verified with a number of course providers of vocational/workplace English and with thousands of IVE students 培訓單位使用

  7. What does the HKVEP mean for me?香港職業英語計劃與你 • Consists of five levels from Preliminary to Level 4 五個等級 • Distinguished by the complexity of the task and of language工作及語言的複雜程度區分 • Aligned with the Workplace English Campaign (WEC) benchmarks and the Council of Europe (CoE) Framework for Languages與職業英語運動基準及歐洲語文系統掛鈎 • IVE courses are benchmarked at Levels 1, 2 or 3…….so what level are you studying? • What competencies are assessed in your course?

  8. HKVEP Levels Framework等級架構

  9. Assessment criteria評核標準 • Assessments enable you to show what you can do in English • Eg write a letter to ask about a product • Listen to a message and take notes • Make arrangements on the telephone • Read instructions • Assessment criteria are holistic (整體性評估) – they look at your overall English skills in communication – not only grammar or only pronunciation or only vocabulary

  10. What benefits does the HKVEP offer me?對你有甚麼好處 • Helps focus the content of your English course/s in VTC/IVE 清晰學習重點 • Provides learning and practice in practical, relevant English for the workplace and for higher learning 實用 • Enables you to measure your competency at intervals during your course 分段評核 • Helps you to focus on building skills in using English, not just in knowing about English 實際應用英語能力 • ……..and, as mentioned earlier….

  11. What benefits does the HKVEP offer me?對你有甚麼好處 • Provides international recognition through certification by the LCCI 國際認可証書 • LCCI Certificate showing your overall grade • HKVEP Report on Student Performance showing your performance in each assessment • Costing less than $300. You can register later in your course. • Is a highly relevant qualification for the Hong Kong workplace 配合香港所需….and……

  12. What benefits does the HKVEP offer me?對你有甚麼好處 • In courses benchmarked at HKVEP Level 2, a grade of 2C is accepted as equivalent to HKCEE Syllabus B Grade E for entry to certain IVE higher level programmes 符合 IVE 入學要求

  13. How can I improve my English and assessment results? 如何提高你的英語能力? • What do you suggest? • 你怎麼說?

  14. How can I improve my English and assessment results? 如何提高你的英語能力? • Have a clear understanding of 清楚瞭解: • the HKVEP standards for the level at which your course is benchmarked 課程級別 • the benchmarked learning outcomes for your module 學習目標 • what the assessments are focused on and what you will need to demonstrate to be successful 考核重心及標準

  15. How can I improve my English and assessment results? 如何提高你的英語能力? 不一樣的方法,不一樣的成果 • Do something different, or do it differently • Listen to the English around you so that you recognise appropriate expressions • Try out your English with a friend, just for fun and to practice • Ask your tutor for guidance • Read for pleasure, read for pleasure, read for pleasure!

  16. In Summary總結 • The HKVEP, built specifically for Hong Kong, is a system for the development, assessment and verification of Vocational English skills • Assessment tasks in your courses are designed to be appropriate for Hong Kong, and take place at intervals during your course • Your competency in English will be recognised through international certification • Competency means demonstrating what you can do in English

  17. Contact Information聯絡方法 • Website www.hkvep.vtc.edu.hk • Telephone 25383109 • Email hkvep@vtc.edu.hk

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