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Your kidney owns a major part of the processes going on to keep your life moving, says Sujit Chatterjee, Hiranandani Hospital Kidney Transplant. Your kidneys play a significant role in detoxifying your blood from harmful chemicals and drawback pure blood back into your system hence we canu2019t even imagine a life without kidneys.
Themostthoughtmytharoundkidneysmight be that all of them are incurable and once in contact, you have to live with them for your lifetime, which is not true. Not all kidney diseasesarefatal,mostofthemcanbecuredif treatedontimeandintheearlystages. However,accordingtoDr.SujitChatterjee HiranandaniHospitalKidneyTransplant, there are certain diseases that are irreversible and progress towards end-stage kidney failure. But theprogressiontimeofthesamecanbedelayed or slowed down with the right treatment at the righttime. Allkidneydiseasesarenotcurable
Ifeverythingseemswell,thentheremightnotbeany probleminyourkidneys Notonlyaboutkidneysbutitisaprevalentmyth thatif everythingisgoingfine,whatistheneed tovisitadoctororhowcanIbeinthetrapof somechronic disease? But the fact is that most chronickidney diseases do not show any symptomsintheearlystages and only the abnormalstatisticsinthelaboratorytests can giveahintofit.
The milliliters of urine you pass outin a day doesn’t define if youaregood or not. Chronic kidneydiseasemight decrease yoururineoutputtoaslow as 400mlinadayorincreaseitto as much as 3000 ml in a day andeven then it can’t assure thatthewaste products like acids,potassium,urea, and etceteraareremovedfromyour body. And some cases may go reach thedialysisstage. Passingouturinefrequentlyis a sign that my kidneys are absolutelyalright
The water required by your body is well managed by your thirst if you arehealthy. Verypopular,butstilla myththatdrinking a lot of water canhelpyoumaintain healthy kHidirnaenyasn.dHaonwieHvoesrp,istpaelcKiadlnisetysfrom Transplant explain that drinking twotothreelitersof water might helpyoupreventthe formationof kidneystonesandurinary tract infections, there is no point in consuming this much fluid at a stagewhere your kidneys are on thevergeoffailureor havefailed. Thebesttreatmentfor kidneysistodrinkalotof water
ThankYou There have been many sayings about one of the most precious organsofyourbody,whichisyourkidneys.Butnoteverysayingis trueandshouldbebroughtintoexecution.Visitingyourspecialists andtakingadvicefromthemforyourkidneys’healthseemstobe thebestoptionyoucanchoose.