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Government plays a significant role towards FDI for managing different benefits and problem which arises due to it. Government of nations develop different liberalization policies relevant to the fiscal incentives, investment benefits, tax payment on investment. In many of the countries government frame their rules, regulation, legislations and policies as per their liberalization of oil and petroleum trades. Major objectives of the government policies are to encourage benefits of the FDI in oil and petroleum sector, reduce various limitations such as problem relevant to balance of payments, different environmental and labour problems, etc.
Government policies towards FDI in the Oil/Petroleum sector: A comparative study between Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Chapter Structure.........................................................................................................3 1.3 Focus and Purpose....................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Research question........................................................................................................8 1.5 Framework and Analysis............................................................................................9 1.6 Potential significance................................................................................................11 LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................13 2 | P a g e
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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview The present report is a comparative study between government policies of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela towards the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in oil and petroleum sector. The countries discussed above are the fastest growing ones of South Africa and South America. FDI can be defined as a direct investment of the home country to the business and operations of the host nations. Foreign direct investment in oil/petroleum sector plays a significant role in economic development of these countries. Most of the countries encourage FDI in the oil and petroleum sector for getting benefits from developed ONES which generates foreign direct investment for host nations. Government plays a significant role towards FDI for managing different benefits and problem which arises due to it. Government of nations develop different liberalization policies relevant to the fiscal incentives, investment benefits, tax payment on investment. In many of the countries government frame their rules, regulation, legislations and policies as per their liberalization of oil and petroleum trades. Major objectives of the government policies are to encourage benefits of the FDI in oil and petroleum sector, reduce various limitations such as problem relevant to balance of payments, different environmental and labour problems, etc. Angola and Nigeria are the fastest growing country of the South Africa and on other hand Brazil and Venezuela are developing countries of the South America. Since last few years different developed nations are investing large amount in FDI in the oil and petroleum sector of these developing countries. Government policies of all these host kingdoms play an important Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
role in attracting more and more investment in the FDI for these sectors. Government of different nations follows policies for increasing their FDI in oil and petroleum sector. Oil and petroleum sector is the major part of the economic development of these countries that tries to get more inflows from foreign nations by FDI which help in improving the overall economic stability. The research study will focus on the comparison between different government policy of the distinct nations towards their foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum sector. The comparison will be made on the basis of the different government policy of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela towards the Foreign Direct Investment. The major research area of current research includes different chapters which provide a direction for attaining all objectives of this comparative study on government policy towards the FDI in oil and petroleum sector. It comprises Literature review which will help in comparing different policies of distinct nations relevant to the research subject. In addition area of the research will be moved towards the analysis of the collected data from different sources. It will help in making some specific conclusion of this study. In this part of the study researcher will use appropriate tools and techniques for generating suitable result. On the basis of findings of data analysis researcher will make an appropriate conclusion for their comparative study on government policy towards FDI. According to findings and conclusion researcher will propose some significant recommendations on subject of the research. Investigation also includes reflective statement which includes various learning things which researcher will have been learnt from the entire study of changes in government policy due to the FDI in oil and petroleum sector. Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
The current research is conducted by the researcher for comparing the government policies of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela towards FDI in oil and petroleum sector. Major reasons for accomplishing this research includes that government of all these countries develop different policies for encouraging FDI in oil and petroleum sector. So, researcher wants to get some specific difference in policies of different government of these nations. Along with this government of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela consider diverse factors for producing policies towards foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum such as benefits and limitations of FDI in economic development of nation. So, researcher wants to find out these factors. The research focuses on these countries because at recent economy is highly influenced by the foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum sector. In addition foreign direct investment in sector of oil and petroleum plays an important role in economic development of these nations. FDI affects the balance of payment of countries, exchange rates with foreign nations and interest and inflation rates of selected nations. Therefore, all these factors manipulates policy of government for FDI which help in conducting the research. 1.2 Chapter Structure For an effective and valuable study on the given topic of FDI the researcher requires a specific structure of whole investigation. Structure of the research comprises of different chapters which provide an outline for whole research on FDI in oil and petroleum sector. Along with this, chapter structure helps in conducting a systematic investigation of subject of the study. It further provides assistance in analysing different facts which are associated with the current subject of the investigation and helps in final Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
composition of whole investigation. For conducting a standard investigation on subject, researcher will follow a paradigm format that includes some specific chapters which are described as under: Chapter 1: Introduction the researcher in this chapter will provide an overview about the government policy, foreign direct investment. Focus will also give on rules and regulations and legislations for the international trades and investment in the Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela countries. Along with this introduction chapter will also describes that how host countries makes their policies towards FDI in oil sector. In addition introduction chapter WILL also describes the justification of the research and gap regarding the government policy in different host countries. Beginning instalment also comprises the major area of investigation for finding the final conclusion on the current research topic. Including this section of the study also spotlights on the focus and purpose of the study as per their aims and objectives. At the end of the introductory part of the investigation researcher will also include the research questions, framework and analysis and potential significance of the current research report. Chapter 2: Literature Review: is the background study regarding the past investigation of government policies of host countries towards their foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum sector. This chapter includes the review of different studies on government policies of mentioned countries. Focus will also be given on foreign direct investment in oil sector, changes in government policies as per the benefits and limitations of FDI with different aspects. Along with this background study also focuses on the comparative study of Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
government policies of different nations towards the FDI in oil sector. Literature review will provide a insight for fulfilling the research gap of the research study. Chapter 3: Research Methodology: It is that section of the report in which researcher will use different investigation tools and methods for developing the whole investigation. This chapter focuses on the different research techniques, approach and design for conducting whole research on current subject. Along with this chapter also spotlights on the various methods for data collection and analysis and sampling design. In addition various ethical consideration and issues regarding the research subject are also a major part of this study. It comprises the limitations of the whole research also. It helps in getting the appropriate result on research subject. Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings: The report fragment comprises a specific chapter for analysing the data which provides insights for getting an optimum result for the subject. In this section researcher will include qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques and use different statistical methods for comparing the government policies. Analysis of the data will help in finding an appropriate conclusion and a significant result of the research problem. Chapter 5: Conclusion: The given section of this chapter will include the final findings and conclusion which has been made by researcher by using various tools and techniques. For the current study researcher will describe the difference of government policy of different host countries towards FDI in oil/ petroleum sector. Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
Chapter 6: Recommendations: As per the research conclusion researcher will provide specific recommendations on the basis of actual subject of investigation which are included in this section of the report framework. It helps in improving the development process of government policies towards the FDI in oil and petroleum sector of different host countries. Chapter 7: Reflective Statement: The current segment of the report includes reflection of the researcher on current investigation. Reflection on the present subject is a comparative analysis of the government policy of different host countries towards FDI in oil and petroleum sector. Along with this researcher will include the actual demonstration about the FDI policies as well as government polices of hosts countries and its impact on economic stability of host nation. 1.3 Focus and Purpose Aim of the research is: Government policies towards FDI in the Oil/Petroleum sector: A comparative study between Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela. Objectives of the research As per the above aim the major objectives of current research is as under: To critically evaluate the concept of foreign direct investment in oil/petroleum sector of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela countries. To compare the government policy of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela countries towards the FDI in oil/petroleum sector. To assess the changes in policies of the government of host countries headed for FDI in oil and petroleum sector. Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
To determine some appropriate recommendation for improving government policies of host countries for maximizing the FDI in oil and petroleum sector. The purpose of the research study is determining the conception of government policy towards FDI in oil and petroleum sector of developing countries of the South African and American economy. Along with this purpose of the study also comprises the identification of various differences among government policies of nations in the direction of the oil and petroleum sector. Including this researcher is conducting the research to identify the various factors relevant to foreign direct investment which have some positive and negative impact of the formulation of government policies. In addition current investigation seeks to understand the role of government policies in encouraging FDI in oil and petroleum sector of Angola, Nigeria and Brazil and Venezuela countries. Therefore the major purpose of accomplishing this investigation is comparing the government policies, rules, regulations and legislations towards FDI in oil/petroleum sector of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela countries. Along with this, researcher wants to review background study of relevant subject. So, for attaining this intention researcher have to explore different studies of distinct authors regarding the government policies towards the FDI in natural sector. As per the above discussion on the research aim, objectives and purpose researcher will do a significant effort for attaining these objectives. For accomplishing these, study focuses on different government policies of the Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela towards the foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum sector. Researcher will spotlight on the Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
different factors which influences government policy of the nation for their FDI in oil sector. Along with this investigation provides centre of attention to the benefits and limitation of FDI in oil sectors because these manipulate the development process of different government policies towards FDI in oil and petroleum sector. For comparing the government policies of different developing countries beneficiary needs to focus on different elements of government policies for example rules and regulations for the balance of payment of home and host countries. Focus will be also given on exchange rate policies, inflation rates, export and import rates of the developing countries Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela. 1.4 Research question The current section of the introduction chapter is very significant for conducting comparative study on research subject. This section of the investigation provides assistance in attaining objectives of the whole investigation study. Along with this it differentiates the government policy of distinct countries with respect to the FDI in oil and petroleum sector. According to the objectives of the study appropriate research questions are as follows: 1. What is the major concept of government policy towards the foreign direct investment in oil/petroleum sector in Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela countries? 2. What is the major difference between the government policy of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela in the direction of FDI in Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela countries? 3. Which types of changes can be occurred in policies of the government of host countries headed for FDI in oil and petroleum sector? Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
4. How government of host nations can improve their FDI policies for oil. Petroleum sector? 1.5 Framework and Analysis Analysis and framework of research study is an important fragment which will provide a direction to whole investigation of research subject. It will facilitate appropriate information for getting an appropriate conclusion for current subject. Along with this, section of the study will comprise the actual research methodology for complete investigation research topic. Research methodology will help in getting final conclusion towards problem of investigation. This segment of study will include different steps which are as follows: Research design: Appropriate design of investigation will provide a blue print of the whole research. As per the objectives of the study researcher will use the exploratory research design which is based on the secondary data relevant to the foreign direct investment of countries and policies of the government towards the FDI in oil and petroleum sectors. Researcher will use this design because it provides a significant insights and ideas for formulating and resolving the research problem of the current subject of the study. Main purpose of the exploratory research design is formulating the research problems in more accurate manner for comparative study on working hypothesis relevant to investigation. Research approach: will also provide the investigation outline which will help in conducting research from general to specific. It is based on the research hypothesis on comparative study on government policy Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
for FDI. This approach will develop a specific theory by the result of hypothesis testing. Research philosophy: Combined research philosophy will be appropriate for conducting a comparative study on investigation subject. It includes different elements of interpretivism and positivism of the government policies in direction of FDI in oil and petroleum sector in selected nations. Techniques of research: The current research segment of the investigation will use both qualitative and quantitative research techniques for making a significant comparison. Qualitative research technique will help in analysing the view points of different researcher on the studies about the research topic. Quantitative research technique will facilitate the analysis of the quantitative data relevant to the foreign direct investment in different years. Both approaches will help in determining the actual outcomes of the study on similar topics. Data collection techniques: the current research study will use secondary data relevant to the foreign direct investment in oil and petroleum sector. The relevant information can be collected by the different sources such as books, journals, research articles, published blogs, library, literature review, websites, internet and different other sources. These data will include the information regarding FDI and government policies of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela. Researcher will obtain those data which is derived by some other researcher for their own studies on relevant topics. Secondary data will provide clear insights for resolving the problem of research. Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
Data analysis: As per the above discussion whole research will be based on the secondary data regarding the government policy and FDI in oil sector. These data can be analysed by the thematic and statistical analysis. In the thematic analysis researcher will uses different themes, charts, graphs and diagram on relevant data. Along with this researcher will use SPSS for different statistical tests and method. SPSS software will be applied for quantitative analysis on comparative research study. It will help in getting actual result of problem of research. 1.6 Potential significance The present research has lots of significance for foreign investors who invest their monetary fund in different host countries in oil and petroleum sectors. Along with this it provides assistance in making decision regarding the FDI in oil sector of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela. With this respect final findings of the whole study will assist government of developing countries in developing policies towards the FDI in oil/petroleum sector. It gives help to the country’s government in assessing different benefits and problems associated with the FDI in oil and petroleum sector of host countries. On other hand there are different potential significance of this study which are as follows: The government of the developing countries in producing FDI policies in oil and petroleum sectors. It helps in improving the foreign direct investment in Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela in these sectors by effective use of attractive government policies, rules and regulations. Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
The current study on comparative analysis provides insights to the foreign direct investors for investing their money in these countries or not. It helps in resolving the problem of balance of payment as well as facilitates appropriate forecasting of the return of FDI, tax payment, etc. Comparative study on government policy of different nations in direction of FDI in oil and petroleum sector presents a clear and innovative insight to economic analysts, thinkers and beneficiary about the role of government policy in FDI in these sectors of different nations. This investigation will be helpful for those researchers which are doing investigation on government policy in FDI in oil sectors. In the practical aspects the present report will be useful for improving the different policies of government with respect to the foreign direct investment in some specific sectors. For case analysts and experts this virtual study acts as a source of income. The whole research will help to literature filed and professional in literacy in direction of impact of FDI in oil sector on different policies of government of host nations. Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals
LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review is the heart of this research study and it includes different background studies of the government policies towards the Foreign Direct Investment in the oil and petroleum sector in different developing countries. This chapter of the research focuses on the comparative analysis of the government policy for FDI in oil/ petroleum sector in different developing or fastest growing countries which are Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela. The whole background study focuses on the Government policy of Angola includes effective return as well as greater risk for investors and exporters also. Policy includes various rules and regulation regarding the changes in tax and duties on oil and petroleum sector which influences the foreign direct investment of the company. Countries’ government of Angola, Nigeria, Brazil and Venezuela have made their policies towards FDI in oil and petroleum sector as per the benefits and limitations of FDI in economic development of nation. 1. Changes in government policy of hosts countries in towards FDI in oil and petroleum sector. 2. Major factors which influences the government policies of the countries with respect to the oil and petroleum sector. 3. Get Online Assignment Help Australia from professionals