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Employees are the face of the organization as they have direct interaction with customers.
Business Environment A Sample Report on Business Environment To Buy Complete Assignment: Contact us: Phone No.: +44 203 8681 671 Mail us: help@instantassignmenthelp.com Website: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Purpose of different types of business organizations 3 1.2 Extent to which Vodafone meets its objectives........................................................4 1.3 Responsibilities of Vodafone and strategies which met objectives...................... 5 TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Three economic systems which allocate resources................................................5 2.2 Impact of fiscal and monetary policy on Vodafone..................................................6 2.3 Evaluating the impact of UK competition policy.......................................................7 TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8 3.1 Explaining the way in which market structure determine pricing and output decision.................................................................................................................................8 3.2 Illustrating the ways in which market forces shape organization 8 3.3 Business and cultural environment of Vodafone..................................................... 9 TASK 4.........................................................................................................................................10 4.1 Importance of international trade for Vodafone..................................................... 10 4.2 Three global factors that have their impact on Vodafone.................................... 10 4.3 Evaluating the impact of EU policies.......................................................................11 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 11 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................12 If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
INTRODUCTION An organization is affected by external and internal factors such as employees, customers, management as well as supply and demand which influence the environment of business. It is important for the organization to make sure that all the factors that affect the firm negatively are identified, and appropriate steps are taken to overcome them (Clemmensen, Black, and Skov, 2010). The present report is about Vodafone which is one of the largest British telecommunication which provides wider range services. This report covers the different type of purposes that an organization play at diverse sectors. Further, it covers strategies that are implemented by cited firm to achieve their goals and objectives. Moreover, it covers the impact of monetary and facial policy over the organization. Lastly, it also includes the importance of international trade for Vodafone. TASK 1 1.1 Purpose of different types of business organizations Vodafone contains total revenues with roller coaster journey from the day of inception. They officially live with the base station to make mobile call and dial network as first commercial call done by the new network. The organization can determine by achieving the goal where the group of people works together (Cantwell, Dunning, and Lundan, 2010). There are 107,667 employees work in the cited firm. There are different divisions such as Vodafone Enterprise and Vodafone Ghana. In this context, organization achieves success, and they receive lots of profit. So they expand their business in a different place such as Ireland, Romania, Egypt. The main purpose of cited firm to make sure that they earn huge profit and deliver their customers with high-quality services. There are three types of business organization that is considered such as private, public and charitable Organisation they are as follows: Private Organisation – In this company, it consists of very small organizations. The requirement of capital is less, owners of this business make development a per the capital that they have. The purpose of an organization is to earn a maximum profit by interacting more peoples, understanding their needs and providing them services If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
accordingly (Elliot, 2011). One of the best examples for the private organization is Iceland Ltd. That aims at delivering their customers with high-quality services. Public Organisation – These organizations issue securities which ensure the welfare of people. They identify the exact value of the entire company through daily transactions and trading of business. Their purpose is to focus on making sure that betterment of society is possible and to deliver employment opportunity. They provide opportunities to employers for well-being or the society (Moutinho, 2011). They conduct programs for the welfare of people which provide opportunities for their employees. TESCO is an example of limited public organization. Charitable organization: These organizations makes sure that proper support is provided to people whether it may be for mental or physical. Example for this is Caner Research UK; this firm makes sure that people are provided with proper information regarding about cancer so that they can be safe. Vodafone is considered as a Public limited company which is leading a large sector of telecommunication in the UK. They achieve success through aggressive acquisition strategy. 1.2 Extent to which Vodafone meets its objectives Employees of an organization are considered as the most obvious internal stakeholders. They are the one who makes sure that all the services and products are delivered to service users effectively and efficiently. Further, there are different stakeholders involved like directors, board members, customers, suppliers, employees, etc. (Tang and Musa, 2011). In external stakeholder, they are indirectly connected to an organization such as the policy of the government, media, news organization and much more which gives more effect. The business of Vodafone is affected with stakeholders including employees, suppliers, NGOs, agents work under a government which is detailed below: Employees – This is an important individual which focus on understanding mindset and requirement of the customer (Teece, 2010). They have direct interaction with customers and provide adequate information to them. It is important for the organization to make sure that they deliver their workers with all type of equipment so If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
that they will be delivering their services effectively. The growth of a business depends on the performance of employees. Customers – They help to determine their quality to improve or not whether they are getting satisfaction with services of Vodafone. The customer determines their demand as well as the growth of an organization. The company provides a high standard of service which they perform their work effectively. Shareholders – This is one of the stakeholders who invest in the organization as capital. They are an essential factor for the growth of Vodafone which builds a strong relationship. They expect to achieve greater returns and decrease the value of the share as capital. Local Community – They participate as local, national and international committees which aggressively decrease the impact of business on the environment. Vodafone works on recycling activities where waste reduces and save energy (Trkman, 2010). They provide all facilities such as talk time loan, general knowledge skills and tips for beauty so people were aware of plans and they consume these scheme according to their needs. They individually work with stakeholders such as by conducting the meeting which denotes bullet points. They maintain their position by attaining strategies and initiatives. The cited firm work continuously by the interacting relationship with all keys of stakeholders (Ahi and Searcy, 2013). The objectives of Vodafone which met influence of stakeholders by working on pricing policies, the safety of products, equal opportunities for employees as well as reward and recognition. The cited firm believes on working continuously on feedback. 1.3 Responsibilities of Vodafone and strategies which met objectives Staff members of Vodafone perform their work with the dedication which fulfill the objectives of an organization. Following are responsibilities that should be considered by Vodafone: Management Responsibilities – Vodafone considers their responsibilities through management by controlling business and overlooking day to day trading. The members who manage and control these responsibilities are like CEO and Executive If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
Board where both of them have their duty to ensure operations of the company within limited period. CEO of the cited firm take an important decision in meeting with Executive Board. Executive Board regulates entire business and develops their target according to the demand of customers. Social Responsibilities – Cited firm refers this authority to business practices where benefits for society is considered. Vodafone primarily focuses on the environment which reduces the issues that are faced by the organization as well as society. Employees were treated fairly in an organization. Vodafone attends official events with sincerity where they express issues of society and steps are taken to overcome them. Environment Responsibilities – It is considered as a legal duty which affects the environment to run along business. Responsible for cited firm includes promoting business with socially as well as environmentally which provides the direction of success in business for a long term in Vodafone. TASK 2 2.1 Three economic systems which allocate resources There are three economic systems where an organization is affected by the decisions that are country takes over the resources. Different countries follow the diverse set of the economic market like command economies, market economies, and traditional economies. Traditional Economic System – This can be determined by the type of economic system in which price of the commodity is fixed, and there are not changes make in it. This type of system is very helpful for the organization as the price is determined by the government and there are not changes made. In this context, this system is followed in Poland. (Boons and Lüdeke-Freund, 2013). When Vodafone follows this type of economy, then it becomes easy for the organization to determined the price. Equal opportunity s provided to other firms as well. Market Economies System– As per this economy system all the decision is taken by customers. On the other hand, government does not tolerate any interference for allocation of resources. In this context, it can be stated that the decision with related to products and services are made as per the buying pattern of customers. This type of If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
system is beneficial for Vodafone as they will understand the perception of customers and change their pricing strategies accordingly. Singapore follows this type of economy. Command economic system – As this economy, the government makes all the decisions in respect to allocation of resources. This is highly effective as it helps to have effective competition among organization (Grant, 2016). As a result, companies provide their customers with high-quality services so as top develop a strong customer base. This type of economic system is followed by Cuba, China, North Korea, etc. 2.2 Impact of fiscal and monetary policy on Vodafone Before fiscal and monitory policy has the high impact over the growth and performance of the organization. Changes in the policies have the negative impact on the pricing strategies. Below given are the impact of the fiscal and monitory policy to Vodafone: Tax rates: Different countries have a diverse set of policies that are implemented by them over tax rates. It is essential for the firm to make sure that tax is covered (Kor and Mesko, 2013). In case changes take place in tax rates, then the price of the product or services that are delivered by Vodafone is to be changed. In case the tax rate increases, then the price will also raise. On the other hand, when tax rate decreases, then price will also decrease. Frequent changes in tax rates affect the business performance of Vodafone. Exchange rate: Different countries have a diverse rate of exchange. In case the rate of exchange is high, then the business operations get affected (Rosenbusch, Rauch and Bausch, 2013). On the other hand, when the exchange rate is low, then this is beneficial for Vodafone as they will be able-able to deliver their services effectively and efficiently. 2.3 Evaluating the impact of UK competition policy Competition Policy is a type of process in which organization has effective competition. Specially for those organizations which deliver their customers with similar If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
products are services. There are a different set of impact over the companies due to this policy which is as follows: High quality: the Ultimate aim of any firm is to gain maximum profit. This is only possible when they will be able to deliver their customers with high-quality services. To compete with each other effectively, firmly makes sure that they deliver services which are of high quality. Low price: Price can be determined as one of the effective sources that change the buying behavior of customers when the quality that is provided by the firm is high, and the price is also high them customers will prefer to make use of services that are of the low price. However, with the help of competition policy, the pricing that is used is effective enough to make sure that there are not many changes in pricing. Data protection act: as per this policy, it is important to make sure that personal information of customers is not conveyed to anyone (Zott, Amit, and Massa, 2011). In addition to this, it should not be misused and used for the purpose of the organization only. Moreover, all the data of customers should be destroyed after a certain set of the period. There needs to have a proper system in which data is collected and stored. Innovation: Due to competition policy, innovation within the organization take place (Competition Policy in Markets and Industries, 2015). To be better from others, they make sure that all type of services are delivered, and customers requirements are identified and are fulfilled. TASK 3 3.1 Explaining the way in which market structure determine pricing and output decision Market structure plays an important part in an organization. In the company, managers have a responsibility to increase their sales for product and services according to needs and demands of the customer. They focus on a feature that makes the firm competitive in nature (Economics Online, 2016). There are a different type of marketing structure, and organizations fall under thee structure as per the type of services and products that they deliver. In this context, below given are the different type of marketing structure: Perfect Competition – This is a type of market in which there are a large number of buyers and sellers in the market. Customers have the wide range of products If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
and services that they can choose (Black, Clemmensen and Skov, 2010). The main focus on the organization is over the quality of the product. When the quality that is provided by the firm is high, then customers will shift on to that product. Vodafone does not fall under this market as there are much organization which exists in the particulate market structure. Monopoly – In this type of market, there is a single seller with a single product. The decision related to the price of product and services is taken by organization themselves (Elliot, 2011). Changes in price are made by the organization, and when there is any change implemented in the price, then it will not have that impact on the customers as they do not have any other substitute to it. Vodafone does not fall under this market as their many other organization that delivers their customers with similar services. Oligopoly market: As per this market structure, there few organizations that provide their customers with similar products and services. Vodafone falls under this market and slit changes in price affect the customer's perception. In this context, it is important that the organization make sure that price of the product is kept low when compared with other firms as it has high influence over customers. 3.2 Illustrating the ways in which market forces shape organization The effect on price and providing service in market economy is one of the factors of market forces. The activity where buyers and sellers form changes in price without being the authority of government which maintains their image in the market is market forces (Moutinho, 2011). The factors which influenced in market forces such as follows: Price – Vodafone promise not to increase their price or customer will not pay any increases in their monthly rent. They ensure monthly mobile cost will remain same for contract term as it may be over than 24 months. The cited firm reserve their rights to amend price for a bundle of charges. If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
Competitive Advantages – The second largest mobile operator that revealed income and sales by regulation in the quarter. By rising competition, they were going on recession among Europe. Still, Vodafone is on the track which met their full targets with profit. Demand and supply – In the modern era, Vodafone causes fluctuation due to an economic condition which effects on profitability. For that, they decide to implement in strategies which increase purchasing power of raw materials (Tang and Musa, 2011). According to customer requirement firm should provide their services. These changes are highly effective on demand and supply in an organization which enhances business in the market. 3.3 Business and cultural environment of Vodafone There are a different set of factors that affects the environment of business and this negatively affects the business. In this context, below given are factors that affect the business: Educational Development – As per this factor, there are cases in which people do not have proper information about the services that are delivered by Vodafone, and so this affects the business negatively (Teece, 2010). On the other hand, if people have proper information about the type of services that are provided by the firm, then it helps to develop growth and business. Demographic factors – They focus on increasing their usage rate. When a market has a high population, then it helps the organization as they can attract more and more customers. On the other hand, when there is fewer people or population in a market then the amount the incomes that will be generated will be less. Political factor – There are a different set of fiscal and monitory policy that are followed at diverse countries, and it is important for the firm to follow them. When the rate of these policies is high, then it affects the firm negatively. On the other hand, when the rate of the policies are low, then it acts positively. If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
TASK 4 4.1 Importance of international trade for Vodafone International trade can be defined an effort that is make by the organization to make their business reach to new markets. There are a different type of benefits, and negative impact on the firm like Vodafone gets, and they are as follows: Reaching new customers: Different people have a diverse set of wants and expectations. Firm gets to reach out new and potential customers who are high helpful to contribute effectively towards the growth of the organization (Trkman, 2010). However, it is important that Vodafone conducts market research so that they will be able to identify the requirements and proper steps can be taken. High competition: This can be determined as a negative factor that firm has to face. In international markets, there are many organizations that deliver similar products and services. In this context, proper steps should be taken, and competitive plan should be made so that strong customers base can be developed and company achieves their desired goals and objectives. Different tax rates: There are changes in tax rates that are implemented in different countries (Boons and Lüdeke-Freund, 2013). As per the changers, the firm has to make changes in the services and their price. There are cases in which business face problems when they are not able to get a market in which tax rates are not stable. 4.2 Three global factors that have their impact on Vodafone Globalization refers growth which spread all over the world that approaches to graze of international goods to the consumer. A continuous flow of stuff as well as products in the domestic area. This trade of market explores up to the higher degree of an organization. There are three factors which have their impact on Vodafone which are as follows: Financial – to perform any activities, it requires proper financial support for the organization. In case, Vodafone is not able to get proper financial support, then the If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
activities that are listed out by them, will not be achieved effectively (David and David, 2016). Economic – This factor has a high impact on the business. In this context, it includes inflation, recession, etc. It negatively affects performance as service users fail to spend over the services that are delivered by Vodafone. Technical – Changes in technology taken place frequently. It is essential for the organization to make sure that they make use of new or updated technology so that they will be able to deliver high-quality services (Grant, 2016). When a change in technology implementation should be done so that competitive advantage can be achieved. 4.3 Evaluating the impact of EU policies The European Union operates according to a system which they work independently where the decision was negotiable. They developed a single market through increasing quality of laws that are applied (Zott, Amit, and Massa, 2011). Their policies aim to ensure proper services are delivered to countries. Below given are the impact of EU policies: Working condition – This makes sure that all the organization can have a prper working condition with different markets. Welfare – They consider an opportunity for performing well which emerge from a small company to large which is enhanced. They governed as per principle which represents democracy and Council of EU. According to policy, Commission of remuneration which manages execution of Vodafone. The percentage of accompaniment to Remuneration report which stockholder expand annually. The governance of Vodafone applies grade by metrics which results in rank entire the world. If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
Conclusion From the findings, it can be stated that employees are the face of the organization as they have direct interaction with customers. They are the one who presents products and services to customers. It is important for the firm to make sure that all they of services are delivered to the workers so that they put their full efforts to support the organization. Moreover, before entering into the new market, there should be proper research conducted so that they will be able to understand the needs and requirement and accordingly services should be delivered. If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.
References Books and Journals Ahi, P. and Searcy, C., 2013. A comparative literature analysis of definitions for green and sustainable supply chain management. Journal of Cleaner Production. 52. pp.329-341. Black, D., Clemmensen, N. J. and Skov, M. B., 2010. Pervasive Computing in the Supermarket: Designing a Context-Aware Shopping Trolley. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI). 2(3). pp.31-43. Boons, F. and Lüdeke-Freund, F., 2013. Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production. 45. pp.9-19. Cantwell, J., Dunning, J. H. and Lundan, S. M., 2010. An evolutionary approach to understanding international business activity: The co-evolution of MNEs and the institutional environment. Journal of International Business Studies. 41(4). pp.567-586. David, F. and David, F. R., 2016. Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases. A Sample Report on Business Environment To Buy Complete Assignment: Contact us: Phone No.: +44 203 8681 671 Mail us: help@instantassignmenthelp.com Website: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com If you are looking for online business assignment help service providers in the UK then Instant Assignment Help is the best option for you.