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Public health means the safety and protection of the health of population of nation rather than the health of an individual person. Read this report to know more about Public Health And Social Care.
Public Health And Social Care A Sample Report on Public Health And Social Care To Buy Complete Assignment: Contact us: Phone No.: +44 203 8681 671 Mail us: help@instantassignmenthelp.com Website: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 TASK1 .............................................................................................................................................3 1.1) Roles of different agencies. .................................................................................................3 1.2)The epidemiology of infectious and non- infectious diseases. .............................................4 1.3)Effectiveness of different approaches to control disease incidents. .....................................5 TASK2 .............................................................................................................................................7 2.1) Current approaches and priorities of the services to communities. .....................................7 2.2)Relationship between prevalence of diseases and requirement of the services. ...................8 2.3) The impact of the current lifestyle choices for the future needs. .........................................8 TASK 3 ............................................................................................................................................9 3.1) Priorities of health and well being. ......................................................................................9 3.2) Effectiveness of the strategies and policies in the health and social care. .........................10 3.3) Changes that could be made for more improvement. ........................................................10 3.4)The activity that has been implemented to encourage the behavioural changes. ...............11 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................11 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................12 Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
INTRODUCTION The public health means the safety and protection of the health of population of nation rather than the health of an individual person. The government of the nation has also a major role in the development and improvement of the health of the people of society. There are many factors that can cause health related issues to the people of the nation. Hence it is very necessary to understand these factors and safety and protection policies and procedures are to be made as to safeguard the health of the population. The policies can not be made by any single entity it is very must to create links and connection with the different nation's government and private sectors so that the effective procedures of health safety can be executed. TASK1 1.1) Roles of different agencies. The health of the public very important as it has to be safeguard by adapting the various policies that are related to the disease, safety of the health campaigns has to be promoted by the government and several agencies who are involved in the identifying the diseases and the reasons behind it. The health care sectors has to very carefully tackle the patients facing the health related problems and they have to be treated very effective manner. And the root cause of the issue has to be find out by the researchers so that the problems can be reduced earlier. The local, national and international levels are the stages where the agencies are performing their duties and they are making many plans and strategies that can help in resolving the health related issues. Local agency The local public health department has the basic and difficult role in the the sector of health and social care. As they act as the front line staffs who delivers the services to the public of the various communities of nation. They are liable for the availing the facilities to the people of community in different countries. The local outbreaks of the diseases are responded by these agencies. The social services at local level are to be considered effectively and also the welfare acts are to be done like accommodation related to the residential to those people who are not able to get any kind of care due to several reasons. National agency Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
At national level the National Health Services are operating in England and it is named as the Health and Social Care Act 2012, where the nation's people health are protected and improved and they try to reduce the issue of health inequalities of the country. This act is been established on 1st April 2013 it got its existence due to the unhealthy condition of the people in the nation was increasing rapidly, death rates are increasing which has disturbed the country's standard of living very badly. International agency In international level the World Health Organisation is carrying out its duty to safeguard the life and the health of the nation's people. The WHO is providing many financial aids to the different countries so that the governments of the nation can be able to invest those funds in the health and the safety policies and health cares for better services to the public. The research agenda for every country are planned and shaped by it, the knowledge and the informations are communicated worldwide to create the awareness related to health aspects. It issues policies and rules regarding articulating ethical and evidence based elements. It also helps in providing the technical support system and evaluate and monitor the situations of health and also assess the trends. 1.2)The epidemiology of infectious and non- infectious diseases. Epidemiology is the study of medicines which deals with the incidents possible situation of controlling the diseases and the study of all the related aspects of the health. It helps in the collection of data of the population, monitoring them and they take corrective and protective actions against them. It do the identification of all the problems related to health and several programmes and policies are created by them. Infectious disease HIV is one of the infectious disease that the forms in the human where the immune system of the person fails to function properly. It can also make a situation of clotting of the blood in body and cancer can be formed. The person can survive up to 9-11 years with any treatment of HIV. It occurs fragile manner and cause deficiency in immunity of the body. It mostly occurs due to the exchange of the fluids of the body like, blood, semen, tissue transplant and blood products of the body. The high chance of the cause of this disease it the unprotected physical intercourse and intimation of the partners and also with the transfusion of blood. The disease can get transmitted to the infant from the diseased mother. The screening can be done Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
through a test called ELISA test and if the result seems positive then to make it confirm the Western Blot test can be carried out. The disease is very dangerous as because if the precautionary actions are not taken correctively on time the death of the patient can also be occurred due to this. Non- infectious disease Asthma is a non infectious disease which stays for long time may entire life cycle of the person. This disease is caused by the genetic factors and with the environmental factors the factors of environment can be allergens and air pollutions the medication of aspirin and beta blockers can be the channel through the disease take place. Basically are are no cure for this disease. The symptoms of it can be avoided with the help of usage of the inhalers and capsules. There are many people in the nation who are suffering from asthma and are not able to be cured. As the research study it is been understood that more than 350 million people who are suffering with asthma till 2015. it has seen that 397,100 people got died due to this. The rate of this disease has been increasing very frequently since 1960s. 1.3)Effectiveness of different approaches to control disease incidents. • The health research agencies and organisation has planned for the development of the policies and procedures that has to be implemented in the laws so that the health related issues that the people of the society is facing can be resolved or can be reduced as because there are many such diseases which do not have any treatment. They can be medicated but not eliminate from the root. There are several strategies that are made to control the incidents of the diseases. The solutions that can be understood and implement in the aspect of controlling of the HIV disease in the nation. The campaigns are been introduced by the government and the different agencies to promote the safety of the health related to HIV diseases. The health education and awareness programmes are organising where the unprotected sex related aspects are informed and also the safety precautions are communicated. The use of condoms while intimating if any of the partner is already suffering from the disease. Also the physical relation of a person with many people can be a cause of the formation of this virus, hence the awareness are created by these agencies to the public. The Behavioural intervention is the method through which the risk related to the HIV transmission can be emitted or reduced. This aspect helps to reduce the person to understand the need of avoiding number of sexual partners that an individual person have. The use of the clean Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
and new needles for those who uses drug injections and also the increase of the use of condoms by people. Biomedical intervention is the strategy through which the transmission of the HIV can be reduced up to 60% when the unprotected heterosexual sex is been performed. The examples related to this approach is the condoms of male and females both, Tests and counselling, needle and the syringe programmes and screening of the blood. Structural intervention is the method by which the HIV disease can be prevented, but it is very difficult to implement as because it deals with the core socio-economical issues of the nation. The cases here occurs between the lesbians and gays, hence the implementation of the programmes become quite difficult with them. TASK2 2.1) Current approaches and priorities of the services to communities. The diseases are impacting the nation's whole scenario, not only the country but the world is facing the problem of health related issues. There are some approaches and priorities that are considered as to provide the services to the communities. They are as follows- 1.Disease prevention- It is the method through which the attention are drawn upon the services that are to be availed to the public of the nation. With the help of cooperation with different entities and groups the medication approach to prevent the diseases are carried out. Basically the aspect focuses upon the safety and protection of the people of the nation and its communities. This concentrate on the strategies that are made to reduce the risk of the chronic disease and the morbidities. The division of the medication and the science are included in this and to learn the racial practices that can spread the diseases among the people. 2.Treatment- It is the way through which the several diseases and the cause and the outcomes of them are deal out. The aspects of the medicines and the use of the various equipments so that the disease can be identified and can be treated effectively this way the diseases can be eliminated or can be reduced from the person and their life can be saved and the number of death can also be decreased. 3.Palliative care- It is the approach through which the patients are treated and the aid are provided to them apart from the care of the hospitals. The grief that the patient has are Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
released with this and proper attention and care are given to them. The main concentration is in the part of the patients safety as because this is availed to those people who are not having the chance to live any more, at any moment they can take their last breath. Therefore special attention beside the medicines of the hospitals are also to be availed to them. 4.Palliative medicines- These are the medicines that are provided to those who are in palliative care, their life is going only on the basis of these medicines. This is only suitable for the patients who is suffering from every aspects he does not have any chance to live further, the case is very worst of the patient. 5.Remedial care- This is a non residential care centre for those young and grown up people who are not capable enough to carry out their own work, the disabled or the incapable people are held here are care is done for them. They are well treated and all the facilities that they requires are fulfilled by remedial care centres. 2.2)Relationship between prevalence of diseases and requirement of the services. The prevalence is the quantity of the situations of different incidents related to the event of the health issues that has been occurred in specific time period. It is the division of the circumstances of the issues related to the health problems according to the time gap of the population of the happened indicators. As to provide the social care and services to the public the prevalence are required as it is very important. It helps in making appropriate plans to avail the best health services to the clients and the patients suffering from various diseases. Considering the prevalence of the HIV disease the basic need is to plan the strategies and to implement these activities in the protection and prevention of the health threatened diseases. The understanding and knowing the exact issue related to the disease will help in targetting the issues, and will also help in implementing the strategies in effective manner that has been planned by the varies agencies and government for the prevention of the diseases. The public of the society are not even aware of the several diseases and its outcome hence it become very essential to create the awareness about the diseases and their impact in the life of the people. The education and all the information has to be conveyed and to make them understand the need of the precautions and safety measures to tackle the different circumstances. The planning has to be made to identify the services that has to be availed to the patients. The incidents that occurs is not in proper therefore the the prevalence is required as to measure the Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
requirement of the services that must be provided to the patients who are suffering various health related problems which are both infectious and non infectious. With the help of the gathered information it can be understood that what all areas has to be practised and where the expert attentions can be executed. Hence the relation between the prevalence and the services are very directly connected and they are to be implemented in the best effective manner so that the patients can be treated and their life can be protected and prevented from the several diseases. 2.3) The impact of the current lifestyle choices for the future needs. The people of the society are now a days not much concern about their health. The lifestyle they opts are very hectic and complex, they don't spend time for their own life. They don't understand the worth of their life, the health is totally depended upon the way a person live and behave. If today one will not value their life definitely in future time and health both will not value that person. The suffering can be the end result of the wrong lifestyle adopted by the people. The trend and the life style that the people of the nation now a days are opting is quiet different which is totally against the life. A unhealthy lifestyle is been followed by the people and they are liking it very well. The current and most trendy issue is the smoking, most of the people are very much addicted to the activity of smoking. Beside knowing the impact the people are adapting the trend of cigarette smoking. The children and women are now a days more addicted to the smoking act and it is been carrying as a culture to the upcoming generation. The schools kids are also involved in this addiction. Their life is been very badly affected by thus and still they are not concerned about this. The other issue that are followed by the people are the consumption of the alcohol, the result of this is very critical and complex as because it is causing many death even. The use of these has caused problem in the living and in future they will be facing many more issues related to their health. The adverse effect of the use of these things may not be seen instantly but can be analysed in the future and that time they will not be able to understand what to do exactly. TASK 3 3.1) Priorities of health and well being. There are many factors that are to be considered so that the people's health and life can be prevented and protected effectively and safely. There are many aspects that has to be understood by the people as because these are the factors that can affect the living of the nation's people. The Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
factors are- physical factors, psychological factors, environmental factors and socio-economical factors. Physical factors- The immune system, hormonal imbalance , malfunctioning of the body parts are the physical factors of the person that can be an element which will affect the health of the person. Psychological factors- These are the factors that are related to the behaviour of the person that he does upon the several situations. The stress is the most important factor that includes in the psychological aspects as it results if consumption of alcohol, smoking, unsafe sex activities. This can affect the living and can destroy the life of the person totally, and also illness can take place in the life of several people. Environmental factors- These are the factors which affect the life of the people as it is the surrounding and area where the people resides. The impure water, polluted air and the chemicals are the elements which can affect the health of the person. Social- economical factors- The living standard of the people can be the element through which the life of the people of the society can be affected. The income level of the people can be differentiated and the service can be availed accordingly. The higher class people can be able to use the services in the best and effective manner whereas the people of the lower level class can not be able to attain the qualitative services that they actually need. These are the factors that can be the reason through which the life of the people can be affected and the health can be lead to death. 3.2) Effectiveness of the strategies and policies in the health and social care. The effectiveness of the implemented strategies can be evaluated with the help of the services and the feedback and also with the result in the health of the patients who were suffering from the various diseases. The number of agencies which are involved in the policy making and implementation of them into the culture are interlinked with each other so that they can be perform their operations for one main objective. Due to the changes that are made in the strategies that are related to the protection and prevention of the health issues are seem to be very effective and because the people of the nation comparatively are concerning more for their health. Also the changes that are made in the strategies has motivated to inculcate new policies to make better provisions for the care of the people's health. Therefore many of the strategies are Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
found to be very much effective in dealing with problems of the health related issues. There are many areas which has to be worked upon to improve those areas. 3.3) Changes that could be made for more improvement. As the changes that are already implemented are very effectively working in the protection and the safety of the health of people of society. The most important thing that has to be considered is the attitude of the people. The changes related to the attitude of the person will definitely help in the improvement of the health and the life of the people. The various factors has to be very effectively focused to improve the living and health of the people. The psychological factors are connected with the health of the people as it will affect the health a lot. To cope up with this it is very necessary to be relaxed so that the life can be smoothly run otherwise this will affect the mind and can cause the situation of memory lose. 3.4)The activity that has been implemented to encourage the behavioural changes. There are various action that are to be implemented to improve the living of the people in a healthy manner. It is very necessary for the agencies to implement the health related campaigns from the school level itself so that the children can be cured since childhood. The vaccination camps can also be executed by the government and non government agencies so that they can help the people and the children from the various health related problems. The planned visits has to be carried out on the weekly basis in different schools and villages and all the areas so that the awareness as well as the medication process can be carried out effectively which will also help in the improvement of the life and the living of the people of the country. CONCLUSION This assignment report helps in understanding the roles and the responsibilities of the different agencies who are working for the protection and prevention of the public from the various diseases that can affect the life and the family of the people. The priorities and the approaches are also been concluded so that the needs and the policies can be understand by the reader to enhance their knowledge about the precautionary act that can be taken by the people. The current lifestyle of the people definitely pay in the future both in positive and negative manner. The way a person live today frames the future of him, it is been studied that the lifestyle has a direct impact in the future of a person. All the discussion related to the improvement criteria that can be implemented to enhance the living of the people of the society. The activities Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.
are also explained which can be implemented for the encouragement of the behaviour of people to live a healthy life. REFERENCES Books and Journals Atrash, K. and Carpentier, R., 2012. The evolving role of public health in the delivery of health care. Journal of Human Growth and Development. 22(3). pp.396-399. Basile, K.C. and Smith, S.G., 2011. Sexual violence victimization of women: Prevalence, characteristics, and the role of public health and prevention. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 5(5). pp.407-417. Beckman, M.G. And et.al., 2010. Venous thromboembolism: a public health concern. American journal of preventive medicine. 38(4). pp.S495-S501. Bennett, P., 2010. Risk communication and public health. Oxford University Press. Blas, E. and Kurup, A.S., 2010. Equity, social determinants and public health programmes. World Health Organization. Cromley, E.K. and McLafferty, S.L., 2011. GIS and public health. Guilford Press. A Sample Report on Public Health And Social Care To Buy Complete Assignment: Contact us: Phone No.: +44 203 8681 671 Mail us: help@instantassignmenthelp.com Website: https://www.instantassignmenthelp.com Instant Assignment Help provides the best quality healthcare management assignment writing services to students of colleges and universities.