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Behavioral biometrics is a technology that aims to address these limitations of traditional authentication while enhancing its strengths. Behavioral biometrics is the process of analyzing micro-patterns in movements. These patterns are unique and difficult to fabricate and are therefore a more secure way to identify users.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is one of the most frequently required cybersecurity solutions by industry standards, insurance providers, and companies. In the recent executive order by the Whitehouse on improving cybersecurity, they mandated that MFA be implemented by federal organizations. Additionally, many insurancecompaniesarerequiringMFAasabasicrequirementfor obtaining cyber insurance. MFA is being frequently required becauseofitssimplicityandeffectivenessinensuringidentity.MFA is an identity and access management (IAM) solution that prompts users to ensure their identity on multiple devices to allow them access to an application or set of data. This can help block someone using stolen credentials from accessing your organization’s system. It is a basic and effective way to begin ensuring that the users accessing your organization’s data is authorized to doso. Flaws in Existing IdentificationMethods Itisfartooeasyforhackerstogainaccesstoasystemusingstolen passwords or by fabricating other forms of authentication. Additionally, once a user has been authenticated, it grants them access for the entire day. A weakness of this traditional way of authentication is that it only occurs one time a day and it relies on information that can be imitated. If a user were to leave a device loggedin,thesessioncouldbeaccessedbyanunauthorizeduser, making an entire organization vulnerable toattack. Behavioral biometrics is a technology that aims to address these limitations of traditional authentication while enhancing its strengths. Behavioral biometricsis the process of analyzing micro-patterns in movements. These patterns are unique and difficulttofabricateandarethereforeamoresecurewaytoidentify users. By analyzing behavior, behavioral biometricscan
authenticatecontinuously,monitoringauser’sbehaviorinreal-time throughout the wholeworkday. Behavioral Biometrics and TraditionalIAM DEFEND is a powerful solution that uses behavioral biometric to identify users in real-time. When a user’s behavior matches their typical movements and keystrokes, no risk will be detected. If a user’s keystrokes and mouse movements differ from their typical behavior, a high-risk event will be detected and security staff will bealertedtostopthethreat.DEFENDcanbeintegratedwithSIEM solutions like Splunk, to more quickly and effectively identify risk. DEFEND is not a replacement for traditional IAM solutions but it will enhance them to increase security andproductivity. Whether you are just getting started with implementing basic IAM solutions or if you are looking to further enhance your security portfolio, Aurora can help. See our full solution portfolio hereor learn more about DEFEND by visitinghttp://aurorait.com/defend.