Romania History - Dacian places http://www.eliznik.org.uk/RomaniaHistory/dacia-places.htm A-Z of Dacian places Eliznik home > Romania > history > dacia > a-z of dacian places The following lists sites of Dacian fortresses, towns and citadels that I have found references to. The first table list the Dacian place name and the nearest current place to the site. The second table lists sites for which I don't have a Dacian place name. Place Nearest current place Judetul Notes Acidava Aegyssus Tulcea Tulcea Aizisis Farliug Caras-Severin Apoulon Piatra Craivii Alba May be another name for Ranisstorum Apulum Alba-Iulia Alba The Apuli lived in central Transylvania with their capital at Piatra Craivii, Apulum. Arcidava Varadia Caras-Severin Arcobadava Argedava Popesti Ilfov The capital of King Burebista. Arrubium Macin Tulcea Bononia Vidin Dolj Borysthenes Olbia Ukraine At the mouth of the river Bug, old Hypanis Buricodava Buridava Ocnele-Mari Valcea Buteridava Dobrogea nordică Callatis Mangalia Constanta Capidava Capidava Constanta Carpis Mentioned in Ptolemeu north of Aquincum Clepidava Mentioned in Ptolemeu below the river "Tyras near Dacia" Cumidava Râşnov Brasov the Roman camp discovered in Rasnov, the former north eastern border of the Roman empire. An inscription in stone at the Roman camp at Râşnov give the Dacian name of Cumidava. Dinogetih Bisericuţa Tulcea Near Garvan. Dokidava Simleul Silvaniei, Salaj Drobeta Drobeta Turnu Severin Mehedinti Dyonisopolis Balcik Bulgaria Genucla Capital of King Zyraxes of Dobrogea. Germisara Geoagiu Hunedoara Germizena Giridava Helis Capital of King Dromichaetes on the Muntean plain. Histria Istria Constanta Marcodava Ocna-Mures Alba Napoca Cluj-Napoca Cluj Netindava Piscul Crăşani Ilfov Citadel with earthen ditches Olbia Parutino Ukraine Partiscum Szeged hungary Town at the confluence of the Mureş with the Tisa. Pelendava Craiova Dolj Perburdava May be another spelling of Piroboridava. Petrodava Bâtca Doamnei, Piatra Neamţ Neamt Citadel contains shrines resembling those in the Orastiei Mountains. Kingdom of Dicomes. Piroboridava Poiana - Adjud Vrancea Porolissum Moigrad Salaj 1 of 3 6/18/2013 9:12 PM
Romania History - Dacian places http://www.eliznik.org.uk/RomaniaHistory/dacia-places.htm Potaissa Turda Cluj Ranisstorum May be another name for Apoulon. Ramidava Brasov ? Buzău and Olt valleys. Sarmizegetusa Dealul Grădiştii Hunedoara Setidava Between Nistru and Nipru Singidava Măgura Hunedoara Between Bretea Mureşului and Branisca Singone Sornum Muntenia Sucidava Corabia Olt Sucidava Celei Olt Susudava Between Nistru and Nipru Tamasidava Răcătău Bacau 4 km south of the village along the river Siret. Tapae south west Transylvania Decebal was the leader here before becoming the king of the Dacians Tiason Tinosu Prahova Tibiscum Jupa - Caransebes Caras-Severin Tsierna Dierna - Orşova Mehedinti Ulmetum Pantelimonude Sus Constanta Utidava Târgu Ocna Bacau 500 m southeast of the town right of the river Trotus. Zargedava Brad Bacau Ziridava Pecica Arad Settlement protected by earthen ditches Second table: Nearest current place Judetul Notes Brasov Dacian Sanctuary of Racos Banita Hunedoara Controlling the Jiu valley. 4km east of village. Barbosi Galati Beştepe Tulcea Blidaru Hunedoara Citadel with military purpose Branesti Galati Breaza Transylvania Butea Iasi Bârlalesti Vaslui Capalna Alba Cioclovina Dacian fortification of a system of walls 8 to 14 m wide. The main wall has is 2.5 km with 33 perpendicular walls. Ciurbesti Iasi Costesti Hunedoara Dwelling-towers and sanctuaries. Cârlomanesti Buzau Crasanilor Cugir Alba Fata Cetei, Ceata Large settlement on about 40 to 50 terraces Fetele Albe Hunedoara Civil settlement on 30 artificial terraces. Gogosesti Iasi Peak of Hulpe Limestone blocks on the slopes are the remains of a fortress that secured the access to Sarmizegetusa through the valley of river Sibisel. Igesti Vaslui Jigodin Hargita Lupesti Vaslui Marca Salaj Piatra-Neamt, Cozla Neamt Piatra Rosie Hunedoara Rectangular fortress, 102x45m, with towers at the corners. The the east is a second fort and nearby are the traces of two round sanctuaries. 2 of 3 6/18/2013 9:12 PM
Romania History - Dacian places http://www.eliznik.org.uk/RomaniaHistory/dacia-places.htm Sprâncenata Olt Stancesti Buzau Tilisca Sibiu Zimnicea Teleorman Attacked by Alexander in 4th century BC Zetea Hargita References © Eliznik2005, First issue 2002, Last updated Dec-05 3 of 3 6/18/2013 9:12 PM