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Living with Change Administration and Registration Council Conference February 8, 2008 Jane Benson M.S., CEAP Washington State Employee Assistance Program Department of Personnel. Objectives. Learn About The Process Of Change. Recognize It’s Impact On You / Others. Explore Coping Skills.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Living with ChangeAdministration and Registration CouncilConferenceFebruary 8, 2008Jane Benson M.S., CEAP Washington State Employee Assistance Program Department of Personnel

  2. Objectives • Learn About The Process Of Change. • Recognize It’s Impact On You / Others. • Explore Coping Skills. • Have Fun and Learn From Each Other

  3. “If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else.” Yogi Berra, Baseball Legend

  4. “Its not so much that we are afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it’s that place in between that we fear…..It’s like being between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to.” Marilyn Ferguson, American futurist

  5. KEY POINTS • Understand the dynamics of change. • Expect emotional reactions and resistance. • Communicate-Communicate-Communicate. • Maximize self-care. • Keep end result in mind. • Own the process…Make a difference.

  6. Change

  7. Understanding the Process • Typical phases that one experiences during change: - Reluctance, feeling might be mad or sad. A time when people tend to feel resistance through denial, non-compliance and/or an inability to focus on work. - Uncertainty, might be most uncomfortable phase. Changes can lead to confusion and stress – might feel vulnerable both personally and professionally. Sense of security shaken – don’t know what’s next.

  8. Understanding the Process cont. • Assimilation, change starts to be absorbed and things are quite so overwhelming. Begin to feel more comfortable with changes. • Transferal, a continuation of assimilation and self-confidence begins to appear. • Integration, Workplace has accepted and adapted to the change.

  9. During Organization Change • EMPLOYEES OFTEN EXPERIENCE: - Anxiety, connected with the loss of a sense of security, competence, relationships, sense of direction and control as well as their territory and perhaps even their job. - Anger, connected to a sense of betrayal, helplessness and uncertainty

  10. During Organizational Change • EMOTIONAL AND PHYSCIAL SYMPTOMS: • Lowered concentration skills and decreased productivity often with heavier workloads. • Increased physical symptoms related to stress, muscle tension, headaches, intestinal distress, depression and insomnia.

  11. During Organization Change • CHALLENES TO WORK RELATIONSHIPS: - More time needed for discussion but less time for it. - Less time for relationship building and coaching. - Active rumor mill. - Increased frequency of saying goodbye and forming new relationships. - Increased time in training & orienting self and others when workload is already high.

  12. Moving Through Change or Getting Stuck in It • Different people adapt to change and move through the process of transition at different speeds. • Build resilience • “Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress, such as family, relationship and health problems or workplace and financial stress. Resilience is “bouncing back” from difficult circumstances.”

  13. Moving Through Change or Getting Stuck in It • Factors That Promote Resilience: • Caring and supportive relationships within and outside family, relationships that create love and trust and provide role models that offer encouragement and reassurance. • The ability to make realistic plans and carry them out. • Positive view of yourself and confidence in your strengths and abilities. • Skills in communication and problem solving • The capacity to manage strong feelings and impulses.

  14. Moving Through Change or Getting Stuck in It • Ways To Build Resilience: • Make connections with those positive and caring people – “stick with the winners”. • Avoid seeing change as insurmountable. • Accept that change is part of living. • Establish goals and move towards them. • Take decisive actions. • Look for opportunities for self-discovery. • Keep things in perspective. • Maintain a realistic and hopeful outlook. • Take care of yourself.

  15. Managing Work Related Stress • RECOGNIZE and accept it is a difficult time – take extra care of yourself. • ATTITUDE, try to have a good one. While you might not have any control over what’s happening, you do have control over your attitude. Control what you can and don’t agitate yourself about what you cannot. • LIVE IN THE PRESENT. • HAVE FUN and relax. Don’t lose your sense of humor. • HEALTH, eat, sleep, rest, exercise

  16. Final Reflections • To create an opportunity find a problem. • Remember, 10% of life is what happens to you, 90% is what you do with it. • It is not the strongest who survive, nor the most intelligent, but those who are the most responsive to change.

  17. Employee Assistance Program • Confidential • Assessment/Referral/Problem-Solving for Employees and Family Members • Workplace Consultations • Training/CISM • IAMP • OLYMPIA OFFICE: 360-753-3260

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