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Cynthia Tait Aquatic Ecologist USDA Forest Service Intermountain Region Four Threats to the Health of the Nation’s Forests and Grasslands 2003 2004 E l e m e n t 1 : P r e v e n t i o n
Cynthia Tait Aquatic Ecologist USDA Forest Service Intermountain Region
Four Threats to the Healthof the Nation’s Forestsand Grasslands 2003
E l e m e n t 1 : P r e v e n t i o n The Forest Service will actively seek to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species into U.S. forest and rangeland ecosystems. STRATEGIC ACTIONS Implementation ■ Expand use of preventive measures, including sanitizing equipment after work in infested areas, requiring certified weed-free seed and other materials for restoration, and requiring the use of certified weed-free hay. Information and Technology Development ■Through research and other means, refine existing and develop new preventive treatment methods, including chemical, biological, cultural, and genetic. Technology Transfer ■ Develop and transfer technology for resource specialists and managers.
Forest Service Manual (FSM) All Issuances (Service-wide and Field): Forest Service Handbooks (FSH) Service-wide and Field Issuances
What is the need for this workshop? • Land management agencies entrusted with health of land don’t want to be agents of spread. • Many invasive species, many ideas for control, situation in constant flux • So far, no agency (FS) standards, directives, or adequate guidance
What is the need for this workshop? Find the BEST way to prevent spread of aquatic invasives Effective kill of organism or significant reduction of risk Defensible, uses sound science Cost effective Practical, do-able in the field
Whirling Disease Aquatic Invasive Species 2006
Whirling Disease NZ Mudsnails Aquatic Invasive Species 2006
Whirling Disease NZ Mudsnails Didymo Aquatic Invasive Species 2006
Whirling Disease NZ Mudsnails Didymo Chytrid Fungus QUAGGA Aquatic Invasive Species 2006
Aquatic Invasive Species 2006 Eurasian Watermilfoil
Propagation by seeds insignificant Spread by stem fragments
Websites with species site localities • http://www.esg.montana.edu/aim/mollusca/nzms/status.html • http://whirlingdisease.montana.edu/ • http://www.100thmeridian.org/
New Zealand Mudsnail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray)
For more information on New Zealand mudsnail: Montana State University, Bozeman http://www.esg.montana.edu/aim/mollusca/nzms/
Whirling Disease NZ Mudsnails Aquatic Invasive Species 2006
NEW ZEALAND MUDSNAIL • In spring, can bear young any time of year; otherwise, mostly summer and autumn • Cruising speed 1 m/hr • As many as 14 trematode parasites found in NZM • Found to be ingested by fish, nutritional value unknown • Most likely transported to new systems in western USA by passive dispersal via recreationists and contaminated equipment.