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WHY IT IS A BROPLEM ?. ? Labor begins without warning ? Anesthesia may be required within minutes of full meal ? Gastric emptying is delayed during pregnancy and prolonged even more during labor. . -The normal physiological changes during pregnancy, superimposed by disorders unique to pregnancy, such as ( PIH, APH, Chorioamnionitis
1. Obstetrical Analgesia & Anesthesia
3. -The normal physiological changes during pregnancy, superimposed by disorders
unique to pregnancy, such as ( PIH, APH,
- Presence of the infant
- The effect of analgesic on labor
- Duration of labor and delivery
4. Maternal Mortality Rate ; have been decreased
from 4.3 ? to 1.7 per million live birth
The most important single factor associated with
anesthesia related - maternal mortality is the
experience of the anesthetist.
5. Causes of Anesthesia related Maternal Death in U.S from 1979-1990: General Anesthesia Vs Regional Analgesia Complication
Intubation problem
Inadequate ventilation
Respiratory failure
Cardiac arrest
High spinal / epidural
Adapted from Hawkins and colleagues
( 1997 ) , with permission. General Regional
Anesthesia Anesthesia
33 % _
22 % _
15 % _
3 % _
22 % 6 %
_ 51 %
_ 36 %
5 % 6 %
6. Risk Factors : Marked obesity
Severe edema or anatomical anomalies
of the face and neck
Protuberant teeth , small mandible or
difficulty in opening the mouth
7. Short stature, short neck, or arthritis of
the neck
Large Thyroid
Asthma , chronic pulmonary disease , or
cardiac disease
8. Bleeding disorders
Severe pre-eclampsia eclampsia
Previous history of anesthetic complication
Other significant medical or obstetrical complications
9. Essential of Obstetrical pain relief
Preservation of fetal homeostasis
10. Analgesia and Sedation during labor Narcotic and Tranquilizer ;
( Meperidine and Promethazine )
Dose: 50 _100 mg + 25 mg Promethazine , every 2 _4 hrs
Analgesia is maximal about 45 min of IM injection and
almost immediately after IV injection
The depressant effect in the fetus follows closely behind
the peak analgesic effect in the mother
Meperdine cross the placenta
Half life approximately 2 hrs in the mother and 13 hrs
in the new born
11. Other Narcotics :
Butorphanol : Synthetic Narcotic 1 2 mg
Nalbuphine : Synthetic Narcotic 15 20 mg
Fentanyl : Short acting very potent synthetic
Opioid 50 100 mg IV / hr
12. Narcotic Antagonist;
Naloxan Hydrochloride (Narcan)
New born respiratory depression is most likely
to occur 2-3 hrs after Meperidine administration
Naloxan displacing the Narcotics from specific
receptors in the central nervous system
Dose : 0.1 mg / Kg in the umbilical vein
Acts within 2 min with an effective duration of
at least 30 min
It has to be repeated in 3 5 min
13. GENERAL ANESTHESIAA ) Inhalation Anesthesia Gas Anesthetics :
Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
Self administered nitrous oxide in a 50 % mixture with 50 % oxygen (Nitronox), provide excellent pain relief during labor & second stage of labor , It is also used as part of balanced general anesthesia
Volatile Anesthetics :
Isoflurane & Halothane
Are potent non-explosive
Halogenated hydrocarbon
agents that produce
remarkable uterine
relaxation when given in
high inhaled concentration
They are used to
supplement N2O during
maintenance of Gen.Anes.
14. Indications for use in high concentration :
Internal podalic version of the second twin
Breech decomposition
Replacement of the acutely inverted uterus
15. Side effect :
Fetal narcosis
Hepatitis & massive hepatic necrosis
Increased blood loss
16. General AnesthesiaB) Intravenous anesthesia Thiopental (Thiobarbituate)
It is given along with muscle relaxant and N2O to produce general anesthesia
Advantage :
It is easily and rabidly
induce anesthesia with prompt recovery
and minimal risk of vomiting Ketamine
In a small dose of
0.2 - 0.3 mg / kg is used to produce analgesia and sedation just prior to delivery
In a dose of 1 mg / kg it induce general anesthesia
It causes rise in blood pressure , for that it may be useful in patient with
acute hemorrhage
17. Hazard of General Anesthesia ? Fetal central nervous system depression
? Aspiration of gastric content and particulate matter
? Failed tracheal intubation
18. Aspiration during general anesthesia
( pneumonitis from inhalation of gastric contents )
Mendelson Syndrome
Fasting for at least 8 hours
Use of agents to reduce gastric acidity
Skillful tracheal intubation Cricoids pressure
Passage of nasogastric tube to empty the stomach content
Awake intubation
Use of regional analgesia when appropriate
19. Failed intubation:
Is uncommon , It is the major cause of anesthesia
related maternal mortality
History , careful assessment and examination and
appropriate pre-operative preparation for immediate
management by : - Short handled laryngoscope
- Fiber-optic laryngoscope
- A wake intubation
20. Sensory Innervations of the genital tract Uterine Innervations :
Visceral sensory fibers from
uterus, cervix, &upper vagina
traverse through:
Frakenhauser ganglion
Pelvic Plexus
Meddle & Superior internal Iliac
Sympathetic chain 10th, 11th ,12th
And first lumbar
Motor Pathways : 7th ,8th thoracic
Lower genital tract
innervations :
Pudendal nerve
(2nd, 3rd, & 4th sacral nerve)
Provide sensory inervations
to Perineum, Anus, and the
more medial and inferior
parts of the vulva & introitus
21. Some local Anesthetic agents used in obstetricConcentration Volume Dose Duration Anesthetic Agents ( % ) ( ml ) ( mg ) Onset Clinical use Amino esters
2-Chloroprocaine 1 2 20-30 400-600 Rapid 15-30 Local or pudendal
2 3 15-25 300-750 30-60 Epidural for cesarean
Tetracaine 0.2 _ 4 slow 75-150 Low spinal block
0.5 _ 7 10 75-150 Spinal for cesarean
Amino amide
Lidocaine 1 20-30 200-300 Rapid 30-60 Local or pudendal
2 15-30 300-450 60-90 Epidural for C/S
5 1-1.5 50-75 45-60 Spinal for C/S or
puerperal tubal liga
5 0.5-1 25-50 30-60 Spinal for vaginal
Bupivacaine 0.5 15-20 75-100 Slow 90-150 Epidural for cesrean
0.25 8-10 20-25 60-90 Epidural for labor
0.75 1-1.5 7.5-11 60-120 Spinal for C/S
Ropivacaine 0.5 15-20 75-100 Slow 90-150 Epidural for cesarian
0.25 8-10 20-25 60-90 Epidural for labor
22. Toxicity:{ injection of the anesthetic agents in to a blood vessel, or by administration of excessive amount } Symptoms of
Central nervous system Toxicity
Light Headedness ,
Dizziness , Slurred speech ,
Tinnitus , Bizarre behavior ,
Metallic taste .
Numbness of the tongue & mouth,
Muscle fasciculation & excitation ,
Generalized convulsion & loss of cosciousness .
Management: establish air way,
Oxygen ,Succinylcholine
Thiopental ,or Diazepam , MgSO4
Cardiovascular Toxicity :
Hypertension & tachycardia
soon followed by
Hypotension & cardiac
Turn patient to her side
Crystalloid infusion
I.V ephedrine
23. Regional Analgesia cont A ) Local Infiltration:
Before episiotomy and delivery
After delivery into the site of lacerations to be repaired
Around the episiotomy wound
B ) Pudendal block:
Relief pain of the lower vagina & posterior vulva
It is a safe , simple method for spontaneous delivery
and outlet forceps only
Complications: Systemic toxicity , Haematoma formation
Infection (rare)
24. C ) Para cervical Block: Lidocaine or Chloroprocaine 5-10 ml
Injected at 3 & 9 Oclock position
Provide excellent pain relief during 1st stage of labor
Fetal bradycardia: ( the effect may be the
consequence of Transplacental transfer of the anesthetic
agent or its metabolites )
25. D ) Spinal ( subarachnoid ) block Subarachnoid space is smaller in pregnancy , most likely due
to the engorgement of the internal vertebral venous plexus
All anesthetic agent can be used
Low spinal block , 10th thoracic dermatome
for vaginal delivery and instrumental delivery
up to the 8th thoracic dermatome
for cesarean delivery
26. Complication 1) Hypotension:
Is the consequence of vasodilatation from sympathetic blockade
Obstructed venous return from uterine compression of the vena cava
Uterine displacement
Hydration with 500-1000 ml of a balanced salt solution
Ephedrine 5-10 mg Iv if hypotension persist
2 ) Total spinal blockade:
as a result of excessive dose of analgesic agent
Patient will develop, hypotension, apnea, cardiac arrest
27. 3) Spinal ( post puncture ) Headache: due to leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the site of puncture of the meninges
Prophylactic measures:
Use a small gauge spinal needle
Avoiding multiple punctures
Hydration , abdominal support with a binder , blood patch
4) Convulsions:
Rare instance , presumably caused by cerebrospinal fluid hypotension
28. 5) Bladder dysfunction:
6) Oxytocics and hypertension:
7) Arachnoiditis and meningitis:
rare complication , the local anesthetic agents are
no longer preserved in alcohol , formalin or toxic solute ,
and disposable equipment are used most of the time"
29. Contra indication to spinal analgesia ? Obstetrical complications that are associated with
maternal hypovolemia and hypotension
? Disorders of coagulation and defective homeostasis
? Infection at the site of puncture
? Neurological disorders
? Significant aortic stenosis & pulmonary hypertension
30. E ) Epidural Analgesia The epidural space is a potential space that contains areolar
tissue , fat , lymphatic and the internal venous plexus , which
becomes engorged during pregnancy
Portal of entry:
- lumbar intervertebral space for lumbar epidural analgesia
- Sacral hiatus & sacral canal for caudal epidural analgesia
The block should be from :
- the level 10th thoracic to the 5th sacral for the pain of L/D
- the level of 8th thoracic to the 1st sacral for cesarean
31. Complications of epidural Analgesia Immediate:
Total spinal blockade
Urinary retention
Central nervous stimulation ( seizures )
Cardio-respiratory arrest
Vestibulocochlear dysfunction
Long term complication:
Back ache , Neck ache ,Tingling in hands or fingers , frequent headach
32. Effect on labor:
Prolongs first stage of labor
Increases the need for labor stimulation with oxytocin
Increases the chance of instrumental delivery
Increase the rate of severe perineal trauma
33. Contra indication:
As for spinal analgesia include :
- Actual or anticipated hemorrhage
- Infection at or near the site of puncture
- suspicion of neurological disease
34. Discuss method of pain relief during
labor and delivery ?