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Historical Aspects. 1901 use of cocaine as an epidural agent for humans and dogs reportedAlternative to general anesthesia1927 E.R. Frank describes use of procaine as a successful alternativeInterest wanes as inhalant anesthesia gains favor1979 first report of use of spinal opioids. Current Role.
1. Epidural Analgesia and Anesthesia September 25, 2002
Kristy Donnelly, DVM
3. Current Role Significant role in modern veterinary and human anesthesia and analgesia
Important aspect of “balanced anesthesia” concept
4. Indications Surgery caudal to the umbilicus
Up to and including thoracic limb if using morphine
Severe pancreatitis
Caudal trauma
High risk anesthetic candidates
Preemptive analgesia
5. Contraindications Coagulopathies
Severe systemic infection
Infection at the site of needle placement
Thoracolumbar deficits
Lumbosacral fractures or dislocations
Uncorrected hypovolemia
Inexperience of operator
6. Potential Complications Infection
Epidural or intrathecal hemorrhage
Spinal or nerve root trauma
Persistent weakness or ataxia
Rare with experienced clinician
7. Epidural Space and Spinal Anatomy Epidural space
Between dura and vertebral canal
Dural sac ends at L7-S2
Spinal cord
Usually ends at L6-7 intervertebral space
Extends to LS region in small dogs and cats
9. Landmarks for administration LS region preferred
Relatively large intervertebral space
Dura terminates cranial to (in most cases)
Lateral recumbency
Sternal recumbency
10. Techniques of Administration Lateral recumbency
Ideal if lateralized orthopedic problem
Surgical site down for maximal infiltration of agent (at least 5min)
Potentially easier
Pelvic limbs drawn cranial
Stretches out ligamentum flavum
Expands intervertebral space
11. Sterile Preparation Clip generous region
Surgical scrub
12. Needle selection Spinal and Tuohy needles preferable
Shorter bevels
Steel stylet
Longer length
Duller tip
13. Needle Selection con’t…
14. Anatomical Landmarks Draw pelvic limbs cranially
Palpate wings of ilia
L6 just cranial to wings
L7 is substantially shorter just caudal to wings
LS space
Palpable depression just cranial to 1st dorsal sacral process
Caudal to L7
15. Injection Needle should penetrate on midline, perpendicular to skin of LS space
Needle passes through:
Supraspinous ligament
Interarcuate ligament
Epidural space
16. Correct placement of needle Hanging drop technique
Air leakage
Loss of resistance
Whoosh test
17. Hanging Drop Technique Advance needle to point near ligamentum flavum
Withdraw stylet
Place several drop of sterile saline in hub so liquid protrudes beyond orifice
Advance needle into epidural space
Negative pressure will pull drop down needle shaft
Most effective in larger animals
*Hansen, B. “Epidural Anesthesia,” Current Veterinary therapy, XIII. p. 129
18. Air leakage test 0.5 to 2.0 ml of air will proceed w/ no resistance
No air bulge or crepitus
Usually can aspirate it back in part
*Hansen, B. “Epidural Anesthesia,” Current Veterinary therapy, XIII. p. 129
19. Whoosh test Stethoscope is used to auscult directly over spinal just cranial to LS
Inject 0.5-2.0ml of air
Proper placement results in a “whoosh” sound
Outside of space produces loud crepitus
*Hansen, B. “Epidural Anesthesia,” Current Veterinary therapy, XIII. p. 129
20. Injection Inject over 10-20sec
Maximum injectate of 6 ml
21. Injection/dose precautions If intrathecal reduce dose by 40-75% of epidural
Reduce dose by up to 75% in pregnant patients
Engorgement of epidural vessels
Decreases volume of space
Increased absorption
22. Post injection Keep head elevated for 10 min.
Place affected limb down for 5 min.
23. Agents Local anesthetics
a-2 agonists
24. Preservatives Prudent to choose preservative free when possible
No reports of neurotoxicity in animals after one dose
Avoid especially with:
Repeated injections
Intrathecal injections
Avoid antioxidant Na metabisulfite (in local anesthetics that contain epinephrine) intrathecally
Not a true preservative
25. Local Anesthetics: General Bupivicaine, lidocaine
Amide-linked drugs
Agents reversibly bind to neuronal voltage-gated sodium channels and block nerve impulse conduction
Affect segmental nerve roots
Individual pharmacodynamics of agents depend on lipid solubility, dissociation constant, protein-binding characteristics
26. Local Anesthetics con’t…. Effects based on myelination and size
Smaller sensory and ANS fibers affected 1st
Sensation disappears in following order:
Deep pressure
Recovery in reverse order
27. Local Anesthetics: Uses Minimal motor blockade when used in dilute concentrations
Effective analgesia, potential complete regional anesthesia, potentiates epidurally administered opioids
28. Local Anesthetics: Disadvantages Relatively short duration of action
Possibility of unwanted motor blockade
Potential blockade of spinal sympathetic nerves
Cause or aggravate hypotension
29. Local Anesthetics Lidocaine
Quick onset of action
More potent
Slower onset
Analgesia with minimal motor blockade
High affinity for Na channels (potential for cardiotoxicity)
30. Lidocaine: Dosages Lidocaine for injection or preservative free 1.0-2.0%
Single LS injection
1ml/5kg lean body weight for caudal procedures
1ml/3.5kg lean BW for abdominal procedures
31. Bupivacaine: dosages Bupivacaine with epinephrine: 0.25-0.50%
Single LS injection
1ml/5kg lean body weight for caudal procedures
1ml/3.5kg lean BW for abdominal procedures
Bupivacaine preservative free (no epi)
1ml/5-3.5kg lean BW
+/- CRI 0.1-0.4mg/kg/day
*CVT XIII p. 127, B. Hansen
32. Duration of action Lidocaine
~1 hour
~4-6 hour
33. Toxicity Seizures
Crossing of BBB
Treat with diazepam
Respiratory depression
artificial ventilation and oxygen
Cardiovascular depression
Myocardial depression
34. Opioids Morphine, Fentanyl, oxymorphone, meperidine, buprenorphine
Selectively block pain conduction without:
Motor, sensory or sympathetic blockade
Central effects
MAC reduction
Hemodynamic stability
Blockade of autonomic response to noxious stimuli
35. Opioids mechanism of action Bind at opioid receptors on interneurons of superficial laminae of dorsal horn of spinal cord segments
Pre/postsynaptic inhibition of afferent transmission (glutamate & substance P)
Better for dull aching post-op pain than acute intraoperative
Must cross dura to CSF and spinal cord
Diffuse across meninges into CSF then SC*
Arachnoid mater is main meningeal diffusion barrier
Travel thru perineurium of spinal nn. along n. root into SC
Absorbed by spinal segmental aa. or epidural vv. and then to brain and SC
*Quandt & Rawlings, “Reducing Post-operative pain for dogs: Local Anesthetic and Analgesic Techniques,” Compendium, pp. 101-111,1996.
36. Opioid Agents More lipophilic = quicker onset = shorter acting
Most to least lipid soluble
37. Morphine Least lipid-soluble
Peak effect ~90 min.
May persist for 24 hours
Cephalad migration independent of volume
38. Other Opioid Agents Fentanyl
Little use as a single agent
Does not extend more than 2 spinal segments from site
Useful in combination with morphine
Local action
Slightly longer acting than fentanyl
Has been used successfully
Slightly less duration than morphine
39. Side Effects of Opioids Pruritis at affected dermatomes
Especially with morphine
Delayed respiratory depression
Up to 24 hours with morphine
<2% of humans
Not clinically significant in companion animals
Posterior ataxia
Urine retention
Detrusor m. weakness
Up to 24 hrs post morphine/oxymorphone
*Hansen, B. “Epidural Anesthesia,” Current Veterinary therapy, XIII. p. 128
41. Intrathecal Injections Accidental entrance into subarachnoid space
May see significant central effects
Dogs: sedation and miosis
Cats: agitation and mydriasis
Respiratory depression
If aware of intrathecal location:
Reduce by 30-75% of epidural dose
Preservative-free, w/o epinephrine
42. Opioids and MAC Morphine proven to reduce halothane MAC in dogs
42% reduction in HL
35% reduction in FL
Morphine proven to reduce isoflurane MAC in cats
31% reduction using tail clamp
*J.E. Ilkiw, Balanced Anesthetic techniques in dogs and cats, pp. 31-36., 1999
43. Synergism of Opioids and Locals Post-op combination of morphine and bupivacaine
Superior analgesia to morphine alone
Longer than 24 hours of analgesia
*Torske & Dyson, “Epidural Analgesia and Anesthesia,” Veterinary Clinics of N. America., p. 859-874, vol. 30, no. 4, July 2000.
44. a2-agonists Xylazine, medetomidine, clonidine, detomidine
Cross dura to bind a2 adrenoreceptors and act at dorsal horn (similar to opioids)
Work best when combined with other agents ie. Morphine
*Hansen, B. “Epidural Anesthesia,” Current Veterinary therapy, XIII. p. 128
45. a2-agonists dosages Medetomidine and Morphine
0.005mg/kg medetomidine
0.1mg/kg morphine
Effects for 13 hours
46. Dissociatives Ketamine
Blockade of a adrenoreceptors
Selective suppression of dorsal horn
Interactions with opioid receptors
1-2 hour duration
47. Combinations Opioids and ketamine
Opioids and local anesthetics
Alpha-2 and opioids
Bupivacaine, lidocaine and opioids
48. Conclusions Epidurals are an important part of pain management
Multimodal therapy
Easy to implement