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PENGUKURAN RISIKO PENYAKIT. Oleh Nugroho. Pengantar. Kejadian Penyakit Insiden Prevalensi Epidemiologi Deskriptif (Frekuensi Penyakit) Rate Ratio Proporsi Epidemiologi Analitik Odd Rasio Risiko Relatif. Kejadian Penyakit (Insiden). Insiden
Pengantar • Kejadian Penyakit • Insiden • Prevalensi • Epidemiologi Deskriptif (Frekuensi Penyakit) • Rate • Ratio • Proporsi • Epidemiologi Analitik • Odd Rasio • Risiko Relatif
Kejadian Penyakit (Insiden) • Insiden • Insiden merupakan kejadian kasus baru selama masa pengamatan.
Question • What is the ratio of males to females? • What proportion of infants lived? • What proportion of infants were delivered in a delivery room? • What is the ratio of operating room deliveries to delivery room deliveries?
Answer • a. 5 males, 6 females. male:female = 5:6. Ratio of males to females is 5 to 6; 0.83 to 1 • b. 9 lived, 2 died. proportion lived = lived / all case = 9 / 11 =0 .82. Proportion of infants that lived is 82%or 8.2 out of 10 • c. 5 delivery room, 5 operating room, and 1 emergency room delivery. proportion delivery room deliveries = delivery room/ all cases =5/11 = 0.45. Proportion of infants delivered in delivery room is 45% or 4.5 out of 10 • d. 5 delivery room and 5 operating room deliveries. delivery room:operating room = 5:5 = 1:1 Ratio of operating room deliveries to delivery room deliveries is 1 to 1.
Question • Assume that we begin a study of 100 persons free of disease on January 1, and that on the last day of each month throughout the year, we will be given a count of new cases of disease in this population. Assume that over the course of a full year, 10 of these persons develop disease, and that 2 of these cases were reported on March 31, 3 more cases on June 30, 3 cases on September 30, and 2 cases on December 31. How many person-months did the study members contribute (assume patients became cases on the last day of the month).
Answer • (90 patients x 12 months) + (2 patient x 3 months) + (3 patients x 6 months) + (3 patients x 9 months) + (2 patients x 12 months) = 1155 person-months
Insiden Prevalensi Mati/sembuh Hubungan insiden dan prevalensi
Epidemiologi Analitik • Odd Rasio • Risiko Relative
Odds Ratio • Digunakan dalam penelitian case control • Menilai perbandingan atara kasus dan kontrol • Tidak mampu menilai laju risiko penyakit • Rumus
Relatif risk • Menilai laju kecepatan penyakit • Tepat digunakan pada desain penelitian kohort • Risiko relatif yang dinilai • Rumus
Latihan • Mahasiswa A71. jika diketahui dalam perkuliahan biostatistik didapatkan 3 mahasiswa absen perempuan dan 6 mhs laki-laki. Jika diketahui mahasiswa perempuan 20 mahasiswa dan laki-laki 20 mahasiswa. • Pertanyaan… berapa resikonya mahasiswa perempuan di A71 untuk tidak masuk biostatistik…?