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Test Construction and Measurement An Experiment Researcher gave students the Diagnostic Inventory Blank Hobbies, reading interests, secret hopes and ambitions Then gave students typed descriptions of their personalities Asked students to rate how well personality sketch described them
An Experiment • Researcher gave students the Diagnostic Inventory Blank • Hobbies, reading interests, secret hopes and ambitions • Then gave students typed descriptions of their personalities • Asked students to rate how well personality sketch described them
Sample Personality Description • You have a need for other people to like and admire you • You have a tendency to be critical of yourself • While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them
Disciplined and self-controlled outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside • You pride yourself as an independent thinker and do not accept others’ statements without proof • At times you are extraverted and sociable, while at other times you are introverted and reserved
Result • Almost all students were very impressed with how well DIB described them • Rated DIB as very accurate personality test
Problem • Every student was given exactly the same personality description
The Lesson • Beware of the Barnum effect • Tendency of people to see vague, universal statements as descriptive of themselves
Major Point • Real psychological measurement is a complicated and difficult process
A Preview • Correlation • Steps in constructing a psychological test • Reliability and validity • Factor analysis
Correlational Research • Focuses on relationships among variables • Changes in one variable are associated with changes in another variable
Correlation Coefficient • Number which expresses the direction and strength of the relationship between 2 variables • Ranges from -1 to 1 • Index of the degree to which scores on one measure can be used to predict scores on a 2nd measure
Direction • Indicated by + or - sign (slope) • Positive correlation • as one variable goes up, so does the other • Negative correlation • As one variable goes up, the other goes down
Strength • Indicated by absolute value • perfect positive relationship = 1 • perfect negative relationship = -1 • no relationship = 0
Percent of Variance • Percent of variance in “measure A” that can be accounted for “measure B” • square correlation coefficient and multiply by 100 • Correlation of .50 means we can account for 25% of variance
Causality • Correlation just tells you that 2 variables are related • Can’t make causal interpretations
Fact: Time spent on the internet is positively correlated with depression • Possible interpretations • Spending lots of time on internet causes depression • Being depressed causes you to spend lots of time on internet • Some third variable, such as living by one’s self, causes both
Major Point • It is difficult, but not impossible, to construct a meaningful psychological test
Steps in Test Construction 1. Decide what to measure • Identify construct • Idea that helps us makes sense of world around us • Not directly observable • Examples: intelligence, extraversion, racism, pessimism, creativity
Steps (continued) 2. Develop a set of items/questions • Search literature • Get experts or lay people to tell us what construct means to them
Steps (continued) 3. Get sample of people to answer items • From population you want to use test for
Steps (continued) 4. Evaluate each item • Correlate each item with mean of whole set • Correlate each item with item directly assessing self-reported racism • drop bad items
Steps (continued) 5. Select a set of items for further study • Want normal distribution • Drop high YES and high NO items
Steps (continued) 6. Assess reliability of entire test • Consistency of measurement • 3 major types
Reliability 1. Inter-rater: • Extent to which different people scoring same test get same result • Correlate set of tests scored by one rater with same set of tests scored by different rater
Reliability 2. Test-retest: • Extent to which people get same results if take test again • Subjects take test twice. Correlate set of time 1 scores with time 2 scores
Reliability 3. Internal consistency: • Split-half: correlation between one half of test and other half • Coefficient alpha: average of all possible split-half reliabilities
How high should reliability correlations be? • Expect r = .80 or better
Factors that influence reliability • Clarity of items • Motivation of test taker • Number of items
Steps (continued) 7. Assess validity of entire test • Extent to which test measures what it is supposed to measure • Face validity not sufficient • Do series of validity studies
Ways to Measure Validity 1. Criterion validity • Correlation between test and concrete, directly observable criterion • Example: correlate self-report of weight with actual weight on scale
Ways to Measure Validity (continued) 2. Content validity • Adequate coverage of target domain • Example: test of chapters 1-4 which only covers chapter 2 and 3 lacks content validity
Ways to Measure Validity (continued) 3. Convergent validity • Agreement among alternative measures of same construct • Example: correlation between ACT and SAT 4. Discriminant validity • Lack of correlation between tests that are intended to measure different constructs • Example: expect low correlation between ACT and test of aggression
Threats to Validity Response tendency • Assign numbers to items for reasons that have little to do with the construct the item is intended to measure
Response Tendencies • Extremity tendency • Use end of scales • Acquiescence tendency • Agree with questions • Social desirability • Answer in a way that makes you look good
Factor Analysis • Statistical technique that examines pattern of correlations among multiple tests or items • Tests or items that correlate strongly with one another are considered to represent a common, underlying factor
Interpreting Factor Analysis • Each item has a factor loading: correlation between item and factor • Marker variable • item that has high factor loading (correlation) with given factor • closely related to meaning of factor • Blend • item that loads moderately high on more than one factor • not a pure measure of factor, related to two or more factors