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Prehistoric Andean States

Prehistoric Andean States. Wilson Ch.-9 (Part 1) The Chavín & The Moche. Chavín Wall. The Chavín. Research by Richard Burger (1992) Physical Environment and Subsistence Settlement Pattern, Demography, & Social Organization Urabarriu phase (~1000-500 BC ) Chakinani phase (~500-400 BC )

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Prehistoric Andean States

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  1. Prehistoric Andean States Wilson Ch.-9 (Part 1) The Chavín & The Moche Chavín Wall

  2. The Chavín Research by Richard Burger (1992) • Physical Environment and Subsistence • Settlement Pattern, Demography, & Social Organization • Urabarriu phase (~1000-500BC) • Chakinani phase (~500-400BC) • Janabarriu phase (~400-200BC) • Social stratificiation- elite priests, economic, political and religious power over other sites • Chiefdom, not state society • Architecture: began during Urabarriu phase • U-Shaped temple • Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic stone heads • Subterranean galleries and rooms, & a labyrinthine maze

  3. The Chavín • Political Economy • Gallery of the Offerings • Burial of a woman and 40 infant teeth • 9 doorways to rectangular rooms • Foreign pottery indicate trade (Spondylus shells- Ecuador) • Interpretations • Offerings, stored objects for ritual or redistribution? • Air ducts, storage functionality • Center for ritual and worship • Evidence of trade • Shellfish from the Pacific coast, obsidian from Quispisisa in the south, pottery vessels from the Casma Valley. • Social Stratification- evident in material culture

  4. The Chavín Art Style • Artisans or craftspeople • Social stratification • Figure 9.12 • Zoomorphized man with a stalk of San Pedro • The Raimondi stela- depicting the Staff God • Principal deity of Old Temple: the Lanzón

  5. The Chavín • Ritual and Leadership • Fusion of coastal and tropical forest elements • Cosmopolitan ideology • Hallucinogenic drugs to transform into mythic creatures • Figures depict dripping mucous from the nostrils • Similar to the Yanomamo • Priestly class and pilgrims

  6. The Chavín • The Rise and Collapse of the Chavín Cult • Environmentally caused economic decline • Ideological coping mechanism • Deities appear in the art of the Moche & Wari cultures • Migration? • See Figure 9.13 • Staff Deity (Bolivia) • Tusked Deity- Lord of Sipán • Chavinoid staff goddess with vagina dentata

  7. The Moche • 1950s emergence of the name for the “Mochica”(Moche Valley) • “…best candidate for pristine multiv-alley state formation ..of South America” • Early Intermediate culture- AD 100-750 • Moche I- shorter spout w/pronounced lip (-AD 400) • Moche II-similar spout, smaller lip (up to AD 400) • Moche III- flaring spout w/o lip (AD 600-750) • Moche IV- taller, straight-sided no lip. Figure 9.14

  8. The Moche • Physical Environment • North Valley- 30,000 hectares of irrigable land • South Valley- 15,000 hectares of irrigable land • Semitropical environment • Fauna: parrots, toucans, pumas, iguanas, & boas. • Represented in the iconography of pottery vessels

  9. The Moche • Mode of production • Agriculture- Andean crops began by 1800B.C. • Coast crops: maize, roots, and tubers, legumes, fruits, cucurbits and chili peppers and cotton. (Plus seafood) • Settlement Pattern • Cerro Blanco- primary center’s site (Moche capital • Huaca del Sol • Huaca de la Luna • personalized columns or walls per each community who built it • “Fictive reciprocity” • Functions of the Huacas

  10. The Moche • Mode of Reproduction • 5,000-20,000 people earliest periods • Estimated population= 650,000 people • Domestic Economy & Social Organization • Wattle-and-daub quinchastructures • Two main rooms • Evidence of an artisans class • Specialized craft production found among states. • Figure 9.17 b

  11. The Moche Political Economy • Military segmentation for resistance • Moche military expansion & conquest • HuacaTembladera • Centralized power • Similar personalized marks as in Huasca del Sol • Ruled by Mocheadministratos and elite • Moche state imposed style of pottery making, pyramid construction and administrative policies • Iconography depicts collection of tribute and P.O.W.s • Warfare, conquest and coercive control

  12. The Moche • Ritual, Leadership, and State Ideology • Created a powerful ideology, which permeated • P.O.W. were sacrificed and their blood was handed to priests as offerings. • Religion as means of social control

  13. Lord of Sipán • Tomb I- largest burial offering of prehispanic vessels ever found • Copper bells and backflaps- Decapitator deity • Burial included: • Hundreds of pottery vessels • 2 sacrificed llamas • A small child • 5 coffins, one warrior missing a his feet • Women, all secondary burials from elsewhere not sacrificed there

  14. A Model of Moche State Policy • Superstructure • Ideology • Ritual/leadership • Structure • Social organization • Political economy • Infrastructure • Mode of production • Settlement pattern

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