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Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group. June 9 th , 2010 SharePoint for the Internet. Raymond Mitchell. Meeting # 66. http://www.sharepointmn.com. Agenda. Introductions SharePoint for Internet Sites Web Content Management Publishing Content Break Branding and Customization

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  1. Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group June 9th, 2010 SharePoint for the Internet Raymond Mitchell • Meeting # 66 http://www.sharepointmn.com

  2. Agenda • Introductions • SharePoint for Internet Sites • Web Content Management • Publishing Content • Break • Branding and Customization • Hosting and Administration • Common Questions • Q & A http://www.sharepointmn.com

  3. User Group Goal / Objectives Develop and support a local community focused on Microsoft SharePoint Technologies Educate user group members about SharePoint Technologies Transfer knowledge within the community Communicate best practices Introduce new products / solutions http://www.sharepointmn.com

  4. Introductions – MNSPUG Sponsors Inetium (www.inetium.com) Technology consulting company Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Practice area focused on SharePoint Benchmark Learning (www.benchmarklearning.com) Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Training on many technologies Microsoft (www.microsoft.com) http://www.sharepointmn.com

  5. www.sharepointmn.com Website for user group SharePoint resource documents SharePoint resource links RSS Feeds Meeting Schedule Past User Group Presentations info@sharepointmn.com www.sharepointmn.com http://www.sharepointmn.com

  6. Social Networking Linked In group – The most interactive… includes job postings… http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1878792 Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=27333305456 Twitter tags - @MNSPUG and #MNSPUG http://www.sharepointmn.com

  7. Upcoming Schedule Next Meeting July 14th 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM Microsoft’s Bloomington Office Topic: TBD Check www.sharepointmn.com for updates! Ongoing Schedule 2nd Wednesday of every month 9:00 to 11:30 am Microsoft’s Bloomington Office http://www.sharepointmn.com

  8. Local Events SharePoint 2010 Deep Dive – Communities and Social Networking – June 22, 2010 1:00 PM *FREE*http://www.benchmarklearning.com/Resources/Events.aspxBenchmark Learning – Edina, MN SharePoint Saturday – October 2, 2010 *FREE*http://www.sharepointsaturday.org/twincities/default.aspxUniversity of Minnesota – East Bank, Twin Cities Campus http://www.sharepointmn.com

  9. Conferences • TechEd – June 7-10, 2010 • http://www.microsoft.com/events/techednorthamerica/New Orleans, LA • Best Practices Conference – August 24-27, 2010 • http://www.bestpracticesconference.comWashington, D.C. • SPTechCon – SharePoint Technology Conference – October 20-22, 2010 • http://www.benchmarklearning.com/techfuse.aspxBoston, MA • No SharePoint Conference this year… October 3-6, 2011 • http://www.mssharepointconference.com http://www.sharepointmn.com

  10. Announcements Update Center http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/office/ee748587.aspx Good, Better, Best Document for SharePoint 2010 available http://download.microsoft.com/DOWNLOAD/2/A/A/2AA0D302-86A6-4AA2-A0A4-4F15FA7DBF5C/BUSINESS%20PRODUCTIVITY%20AT%20ITS%20BEST_WHITEPAPER.PDF Update to SharePoint Server 2010 for Internet Sites http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sharepoint/archive/2010/06/03/sharepoint-server-2010-for-internet-sites-update.aspx http://www.sharepointmn.com

  11. POLL – What do you want to know? http://www.sharepointmn.com

  12. SharePoint for Internet Sites http://www.sharepointmn.com

  13. The Business Case – Why SharePoint? SharePoint is a platform for Web Content Management SharePoint ships with powerful search functionality Intranet content owners are frequently Internet content contributors IT is already managing your SharePoint Intranet? Developers are already customizing your SharePoint Intranet? Wide platform adoption = available support http://www.sharepointmn.com

  14. SharePoint as a Web Content Management Platform http://www.sharepointmn.com

  15. SKUs and Versions “WSS Level” Limited functionality Not a true WCM platform Scenarios: Blogs? Simple WCM scenarios “MOSS Level” Publishing framework for true WCM Scenarios: Public-Facing Internet Sites http://www.sharepointmn.com

  16. SKUs and Versions SharePoint 2007 WSS MOSS For Internet Sites SharePoint Designer 2007 SharePoint 2010 Foundation SharePoint for Internet Sites Standard (FIS) SharePoint for Internet Sites Enterprise (FISe) SharePoint Designer 2010 http://www.sharepointmn.com

  17. SKUs and Versions SharePoint for Internet Sites Standard (FIS) Single Domains SharePoint for Internet Sites Enterprise (FISe) Multiple Domains Enterprise features including FAST search http://www.sharepointmn.com

  18. SKUs and Versions 2007 Scenario (via harbar.net) http://www.sharepointmn.com

  19. Example Sites WSS/Foundation http://www.SharePointMN.com http://www.iwkid.com MOSS/SharePoint Server http://www.gatesfoundation.org http://www.ferrari.com/English http://www.polarisindustries.com http://www.inetium.com http://www.creative-sharepoint.com http://www.brightstarr.com http://www.sharepointmn.com

  20. Key 2010 Improvements Ribbon Modal Framework (AJAX/Web 2.0) Rich Media Support Social features (requires login) http://www.sharepointmn.com

  21. Web Content Management http://www.sharepointmn.com

  22. Web Content Management Publishing Framework introduced in MOSS 2007 Implemented with Content Types, Page Layouts, and Pages Use core SharePoint list features combined with tools like the Content Query Web Part to dynamically render content across the site http://www.sharepointmn.com

  23. Content Types Collection of Site Columns defining an entity Hierarchical: http://www.sharepointmn.com

  24. Page Layouts Define where content should go and how it should be rendered Created with SharePoint Designer Merged with the Master Page and Page content to display a page http://www.sharepointmn.com

  25. Pages List items that contain the content for each page Must live in a Pages library http://www.sharepointmn.com

  26. Pages Field Control Field Control Field Control Field Control Field Control Field Control http://www.sharepointmn.com

  27. DEMO http://wcm2007 SharePoint 2007 page editing Content Types Layout Pages http://www.sharepointmn.com

  28. Improvements in 2010 Wiki Pages Asset Library Content Organizer Change Page Layouts via Ribbon http://www.sharepointmn.com

  29. DEMO http://wcm2010 SharePoint 2010 page editing Page Layout changing Content Organizer http://www.sharepointmn.com

  30. Publishing Content http://www.sharepointmn.com

  31. Publishing Content Roles Server Admin STSADM/PowerShell Content Contributor Word/Browser Content Approver Email/Browser Site Designer SharePoint Designer http://www.sharepointmn.com

  32. Publishing Content Content Versioning Core SharePoint Functionality Major and Minor version support Scheduled Publishing http://www.sharepointmn.com

  33. Publishing Content Approval Workflows Out of the box approval workflows (2010) Completely configurable via SharePoint Designer http://www.sharepointmn.com

  34. DEMO 2010 Disable out of the box approval workflow Publish a page http://www.sharepointmn.com

  35. Variations Channels for content One source Target Variations Default: Pages published on the source are copied to the targets in draft mode Sites created at the source are created (not copied) on all target sites Infrastructure supports multi-lingual site hierarchies Does not auto-translate content http://www.sharepointmn.com

  36. Content Deployment Deploy content from one environment to another Allows for separation of the authoring environment from production Configurable via Central Administration http://www.sharepointmn.com

  37. Content Deployment In a simple scenario, the authoring environment and published content environment can be on the same server/farm http://www.sharepointmn.com

  38. Content Deployment The same scenario can also extend beyond the corporate network (hosted environment, Disaster Recovery environment) http://www.sharepointmn.com

  39. Content Deployment Advanced environment configuration Useful if deploying custom code as well as promoting content http://www.sharepointmn.com

  40. Break! http://www.sharepointmn.com

  41. Branding and Customization http://www.sharepointmn.com

  42. Branding 101 Deserves its own session! Master Pages Layout Pages CSS / Styles Themes http://www.sharepointmn.com

  43. DEMO Master Page Gallery 2010 Themes http://www.sharepointmn.com

  44. Customization Out of the box customizations SharePoint Designer Sandbox Solutions (2010 only) http://www.sharepointmn.com

  45. Hosting and Administration http://www.sharepointmn.com

  46. Hosting Options In-House / “On-Premises” Hosting Provider BPOS / SharePoint Online http://www.sharepointmn.com

  47. In-House / “On-premises” You will need to support: Servers Network Firewall / Security Consider SLA http://www.sharepointmn.com

  48. In-House / “On-premises” ISA - Internet Security and Acceleration (2006) Templates for publishing SharePoint sites TMG - Forefront Threat Management Gateway (2010) UAG - Unified Access Gateway Commerce Server 2009 Integrates with SharePoint http://www.sharepointmn.com

  49. Hosting Provider They worry about uptime / maintenance Scalability A few out there: http://www.fpweb.net http://www.SharePointHosting.com now Dell? Big list: http://www.microsoft.com/hosting/en/us/catalogs/hosted-collaboration.aspx http://www.sharepointmn.com

  50. Business Productivity Online Suite - BPOS Microsoft’s SharePoint in the cloud offering SharePoint Online is a component of BPOS Standard and Dedicated offerings Standard: Multi-tenancy Limited customizations Dedicated: Dedicated hardware Additional support for customizations http://www.sharepointmn.com

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