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How Can We Protect Our Environment?. We can protect our environment by not littering and not polluting our air or water.Not only does the pH of a stream affect organisms living in the water, a changing pH in a stream can be an indicator of increasing pollution or some other environmental factor.pH tells us the acid factor in water which can tell us if the water is safe to use..
1. SUISUN MARSH’S: pH scale BY: Keila
Sullivan Middle School Fairfield CA
February 2005
2. How Can We Protect Our Environment? We can protect our environment by not littering and not polluting our air or water.
Not only does the pH of a stream affect organisms living in the water, a changing pH in a stream can be an indicator of increasing pollution or some other environmental factor.
pH tells us the acid factor in water which can tell us if the water is safe to use.
4. Common Water Measurements All around the world measurements of water are being made. Even the most simple measurements can change what people know about the whole environment.
How a waters properties change is more important than one single measurement. For example, if you are surprised that a creek near your house has the pH of 5.5 that acidy might be normal for that water.
5. What is pH? pH is the acidity of the water.
We saw if the Suisun Marsh had a healthy pH balance.
The normal ph balance for water is 8.0
The water at the Suisun Marsh had a pH mostly around 7.75 so its pretty healthy.
6. Water Science For Schools pH can tell us how healthy our environment is just by showing us the acidity.
Even though you may not hear it as a big problem everyone is having conversations about pH is a big part of our lives.
As this diagram shows, pH ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs less than 7 are acidic while pHs greater than 7 are alkaline (basic).
7. What Did We Learn? The pH scale tells you the acidity of a liquid substance.
It can show you all liquids acidity numbering from milk to acid rain.
pH stands for the power of Hydrogen.
We also learned that that the Suisun Marsh is the largest water marsh on the west coast of North America.
8. Final Data
9. Final Conclusion In conclusion the Suisun Marsh is healthy in pH because a normal acidity is around 8.0 and most water there was somewhere around 7.75.
10. References Best of Terrain.org- UnSprawl Case Study: Downtown Suisun City, CA- Microsoft Internet Explorer. http://www.terrain.org/unsprawl/11/ 2/4/05
Google- Microsoft Internet Explorer.www.Google.com.2/4/05
Acid Rain Students Site: PH Scale- Microsoft Internet Explorer http://www.epa.gov/acidrain/site_students/phscale.html&h=332&w=396&sz=30&tbnid=RZIs--052IcJ:&tbnh 2/4/05
Acid Rain Students Site: PH Scale- Microsoft Internet Explorer http://www.epa.gov/acidrain/site_students/images/phscale.gif&i 2/4/05