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Healthy Weight Loss For a Longer Life Diet or Exercise? What’s more important for lasting weight loss: Diet or exercise? Both. Hygene or Stress Reduction? Both. You have to do it all! Blood Capillaries Every Cell is an Electric Generator Sodium Potassium Pump Lymphatic Capillaries
Healthy Weight Loss For a Longer Life
Diet or Exercise? • What’s more important for lasting weight loss: • Diet or exercise? Both. • Hygene or Stress Reduction? Both. You have to do it all!
Blood Capillaries • Every Cell is an Electric Generator • Sodium Potassium Pump • Lymphatic Capillaries • One Way Check Valves • Excess Fluid and Excess Sodium Around the Cells • Trapped Blood Proteins Around the Cells.
Where Does The Energy Come From? • The rotation of the sodium single positive ion and the potassium single positive ion in and out of the cell creates electricity, like an electrical generator.
The Cause of Obesity • Medical charts show that it is possible to retain 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, or up to 21 gallons of fluid from trapped proteins. • There are 24 pounds in three gallons. • With a loose cellular structure people can balloon out and gain from zero to168 pounds or more from trapped blood proteins.
What Eliminates Trapped Blood Proteins? • Deep Breathing-Increased Oxygen • Adding Energy • Beautiful Image Facial & Body Sculpting • Stroking & Compressing Tissues • Skin Brushing / Massage / Chiropractic • Bouncing
What Eliminates Trapped Blood Proteins? • Beautiful Image • Microcurrent • Non-surgical • No downtime • Non-evasive Facial & Body Sculpting
Don’t Just Exercise – Lymphasize! • Start of with a gentle bounce without your feet leaving the mat. • Safe for all ages. • May have to start by sitting either on the mat or a Bounce Back Fitness Chair. • The lymph system pumps fluid and protein out of the tissue spaces each time the tissues are compressed or moved in any other way. • Add deep breathing to get the lymph system to dump the waste through the thoracic duct.
There are many Diets • All of them seem to help you loose weight; but are they healthy? • High protein, low carb diets • High carb, low protein diets • Low fat diets. • Which is right? How do you know who is telling you the truth? • Any diet that you cannot transition into for the rest of your life is a bad diet. Don’t think diet, think life style change.
3 Basic Food Groups • Carbohydrates- Source of quick energy and include starches found in potatoes, rice, and pasta. • Proteins- Contain the basic building materials of the body and are found in meats, beans, and other foods. • Fats-Consist of greases and oils, usually stored in body tissues as long term sources of energy. Fat is present in such foods as meat, peanuts and butter. • Average American diet is 40% Carbs, 40% Fats and 20% Proteins. • Should consist of 80% Carbs, 10% Fats, and 10% Proteins.
Problem with High Protein Diets • Excess proteins saps energy from working muscles, by leaving toxic residues of metabolic waste in tissue and turning off the electric generators. • Excess protein can’t be stored, and must be quickly metabolized, giving a shot of energy, but over stresses the kidneys with an enormous amount of useless decomposition of by-products which must be quickly eliminated. • Excess protein causes autotoxemia, over-acidity and nutritional deficiencies, accumulation of uric acid and purines in tissues, intestinal putrefaction, and contributes to arthritis, kidney damage, schizophrenia, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and cancer. • A high protein diet also causes premature aging and lowers life expectancy.
Problem with High Protein Diets • Excess protein leads to mineral imbalance. (Too much phosphorus and too little calcium.) • A recent study made at the U.S. Army of Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory in Denver, Colorado demonstrated that the more meat you eat, the more deficient in Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Calcium and Niacin. • Ammonia is produced in great amounts as a by-product of meat metabolism and is highly carcinogenic. • A high protein diet breaks down the pancreas and lowers resistance to cancer as well as contributes to the development of diabetes. • Excess protein over stresses the kidneys with an enormous amount of useless decomposition by-products which must be quickly eliminated.
Problem with Fat • Too much fat will rob the body of Oxygen and reduce the electrical energy produced by the cells. • Glucose plus Oxygen yields ATP. • Too much fat in the blood stream will rob the Red Blood Cells of their oxygen and produce the microscopic traffic jam and the resulting trapped blood proteins. • Vitamin E prevents the fats from robbing the oxygen from the RBC’s. • Cholesterol epoxide and other substances formed from cholesterol will cause cells to mutate, which will cause cancer. • If you remove oxygen from a healthy cell it will turn cancerous every time. • Without oxygen glucose will ferment. Cancer cells live on the fermentation of glucose.
Problem with Salt • Excess sodium outside the cells upsets the sodium-potassium balance inside the cell. • Salt will trap blood proteins and pull water out of the blood stream. This is why salt makes you thirsty and causes fluid retention. • The only sodium we need is the salt we get in our natural fruits, vegetables, and whole grains or sprouts. • An alternative to salt would be BioSalt. More info on www.biosaltusa.com
Problem with Sugar • Simple sugars are released very quickly into the blood stream. • Too much sugar in the blood stream will dilate the capillary membranes just like stress, shock, or poisons from damaged cells. • Sugar is also a physically and mentally addicting drug, much like alcohol. • The simple sugars will trap your blood proteins, pull the water out of the blood, make you thirsty, shut your generators off, and damage or kill the cells.
Adrenal and Pituitary Diabetes • In conditions of hypoglycemia, the adrenal gland will secrete cortisol in attempt to make glucose from the protein in the cells. • The pituitary gland secretes growth hormone as an attempt to preserve the protein in the cell. • The growth hormone has a side effect of not allowing glucose in the cell thus increasing blood glucose. • It becomes a battle between the adrenal and pituitary glands.
High Protein Makes You Feel Good While It Kills You. • Eating a high protein diet by-passes the pituitary-adrenal gland battle. • It takes the protein you are eating to make the glucose instead of the protein from the cells, and there is no growth hormone prohibiting the glucose from coming into the cells. • The high protein diet causes the ill effects as described earlier.
Low Protein and Low Fat Diet • Reduces risk of Colon, Breast and Prostate Cancer. • “When people eat all the carbohydrates they want and reduce fat intake, people tend to loose weight.” Dr. Kelly West, Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Oklahoma. • Eat more whole grains cereals, rice, and other noodles; all bread except white; plain Graham crackers, rye crackers, whole wheat muffins, oat muffins, corn muffins; all fresh vegetables; potatoes; nonfat dairy items; apples, applesauce; apricots, bananas, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, grapes, muskmelon, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums and tangerines. • At dinner eat only moderate amounts of chicken or fish and limit red meats to 3 times a week.
High Carb, Low Protein and Fat • Eat less: fats and oils, margarine and butter, table sugar and anything made with sugar, including cookies, cakes, ice cream etc. • Daily need of protein is actually 25-35 grams. • Vegetable sources of protein are superior or equal to animal proteins. • We can get protein in abundance from natural brown rice, green leafy vegetables, the root vegetable and legumes like chick-peas, and lentils.
Praise the Potato. • We would have to eat 11lbs of Potatoes to gain 1lb of weight. • Provides: • All of your Riboflavin (B2) • 11/2 times your Iron • 3-4 times your Thiamin (B1) and Niacin (B3) • 10 times your Vitamin C • Good source of essential amino acids • High source of Potassium • Valuable aid in treating digestive disorders. • The same amount of protein as mothers milk.
8 Basic Rules for A Healthy Life. Arnold Ehret in the book The Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation • To lengthen your life, shorten your meals. • Avoid drinking any liquids with meals. • Avoid all harsh condiments and spices. • Avoid using margarine and most cooking oils. • Avoid all denatured and over processed foods. • Avoid constipating foods such as mashed potatoes with gravy, hot buns, cakes and pastries. • Avoid all frozen desserts such as ice-cream, sherbet, etc. • Make it a habit to visit the bathroom the first thing in the morning or immediately after eating.
Stages of Starvation (Fasting) • Carbohydrates go immediately. • Fats go next. • Protein-The medical research states that protein undergoes three phases of depletion during starvation. Phase 1: There is a “fast depletion of protein at first” Phase 2: then a “greatly slowed down depletion” Phase 3: protein falls off “just shortly before death”.
More on Fasting • Otto Buchinger, MD- Greatest authority on fasting, says, “Fasting is a burning of rubbish.” • The body digests its own tissue by the process of autolysis or self-digestion. • Your body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead. • You can die in the first stages of starvation because like fruit, you pull out the pockets of excess fluid, excess sodium and poisons out too fast.
Formulas for Life and Death • Basic Formula for Life No TPP = No Ex. Fl. • Basic Formula for Death TPP = Ex. Fl., Ex. Na+ • TPP = Ex. Fl., Ex. Na+ = ▲EE = • Thirst and loss of Energy are the first signs of sickness and death. • The foods that cause loss of Energy and make you thirsty are salt, simple sugars, fats, the high cholesterol foods, and too much meat.
Causes of Trapped Proteins • Mental • Shock, Stress, Anger, Fear, Loss of Temper, Holding Grudges, Resentment, Greed. • Nutritional • Tea, Coffee, Liquor, Tobacco, Soft Drinks, Drugs, Sugar, Salt, Fat, High Cholesterol Foods, Too much Meat. (Thirst, Loss of Energy) • Physical • Shallow Breathing, and Improper Exercise (Loss of Energy)
Prevention of Trapped Proteins • Mental • Love, Bless, Do Good, Desire to Give (Phil 4:6) • Nutritional • More Fruits, Vegetables, Grains and Fish (No Thirst and High Energy) • Physical • Breathe Deeply and Exercise Properly (Lymphasize) (High Energy)
Take Action NOW! • Are you ready to become a new person? • Quick fixes are nice, but over the long run they will prolong your suffering until you stop breaking the pure laws and principals that are causing your problems • This is why the health care costs will continue to double and tripple as they have every 10 years since 1950, until people put the truth first! • This is Truth In Action ~ Race For The Truth!
Take Action NOW! • Start becoming a new person TODAY! NOW! • For more information… Contact the Representative that provided this for you