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9UniqueHeadstoneDesignsThatWillInspireYou Urnsareoftenusedtoholdcrematedremains,buttheyaren’tthe only option. Headstonesareavailableinmany different styles and materials, suchasgranite or bronzeand they canbepersonalizedtoreflectyour lovedone’s personality. Unique HeadstoneDesigns ThatWillInspireYou Therearemany ways to designaheadstone, and each hasitsownbenefits.One popular choice is to use a simple stone slab with a picture engraved. Another option is to use a more elaborate monument, such as a statue or a tombstone. If youprefer something more modern, considerusing a3D modelof your loved one’sface instead of a traditionalphoto. The StarfishHeadstoneDesign Thisuniqueheadstonedesign featuresastarfish shapemadeoutofstones. ArtistDavid Peeblesdesignedit,andhesays that itsymbolizes“thebeauty oflife anddeath.” The Flower GardenHeadstoneDesign If you’relookingforauniqueheadstonedesign, youmight consider usingoneof theseflower gardendesigns.They’re beautifuland willhelp youpay tribute to your loved one while honoring them at thesame time.
TheHeartHeadstoneDesign Ifyou’relookingforsomethingmoreuniquethantraditionalheadstones,consider usingaheartasa memorial. Heartsareoftenused torepresent love, affection, andfriendship.They’realso a symbolof life anddeath. UprightHeadstones Uprightheadstonesarethe most traditionaldesignand arecomposedoftwo parts: thebase and the die (also knownasthe tablet). The die isa slab ofstone thatsitsontop ofthe baseand containsthe deceased’sname andother information. Uprightheadstonestypicallyfeaturetheinformationfor anindividual(single uprightheadstone) ortwo individuals(companion uprightheadstone).The die/tablet foratraditionaluprightheadstone isverticalinthe front and back. The mostpopulartopis theserpentinetopbutotherpopulartopfinishesinclude rooftop, ovaltop, flat top, and corner rounds. SlantHeadstones Slantheadstonesareverysimilartouprightheadstoneswithafewexceptions. Slantheadstones are verticalinthe backbut slantedinthe front, giving the bottom ofthe die a more stocky shape. Because of this, abaseisnot required on slant gravestonesinorder tomake them sturdy.However, bases for slant headstonesare stillvery muchdesired. Slantheadstones canbe made foranindividual(single slantheadstone)or two individuals (companionslantheadstone). Flat Headstones&BevelHeadstones As thename suggests, flat headstones are levelwiththe ground.Flat headstones can be set flush (completely level) with the ground or set raised (1- 4”).Flat markersare rectangularinshapeandusually 4inches thick. A bevel headstone is raised slightly higher in the back than in the front, giving a stonea slight slope. Bevelheadstonesarethicker thanflat headstonesat6 inchesthick. Flat headstonescanbemadefor anindividual(singleflatheadstone)or two individuals (companionflat headstone).
BenchHeadstones Benchheadstoneshavebeenusednotonlyincemeteries as grave markers but in public areas as well. They offer a nice place to sit and reflect on loved ones andtheir beautifulsurroundings. Bench monumentsrangeinlengthbut themost commonlengthsare36”,48”, and60”. Therearemany different types of monumentbenches. Below isa list ofthemost commontypes ofbenches. WingHeadstones Wingheadstonesconsist oftwo “wings” (die ortablets) ona basethatis separated by a pedestal(orplinth) supporting a vase.Theplinthtypically displaysthefamilyname while thetwowingsdisplaytheindividualnames.Itis also commonfor the basetodisplay thefamily nameand the plinthto display children’snames,marriage dates,s or anepitaph. It is also common for wing monuments to feature a larger die or tablet instead of apedestalorplinth.Thelargerdie (centerdie) sitsinbetweenthetwo smaller wings. Children’sHeadstones Commemorating the all-too-brief lifeofaninfantorchildis noteasy.There’sa wide array of headstone designs like toys, angels, teddy bears, musical instruments, etc. that becomevisualreminders of theirlegacy. Children’sheadstonesoftenrange from flat headstonesand markersto headstones shaped likeanimals,blocks,ortoys.Below aresomepopular options. FinalWords Hope so you understand what typeof gravestone youshould select for the loved one,whonowwaiting for you to express your love to them. If youhaveanyquestions related todifferent types ofheadstonesor any other questions related toheadstones, feelfreetocallusat(318)674-7500or fillouta contactus form byclickinghere.