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Creating Custom Designs Through Laser Etching On Headstones


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Creating Custom Designs Through Laser Etching On Headstones

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  1. Creating CustomDesignsThroughLaserEtching OnHeadstones Laser etching on headstones is becoming an increasingly popular way to memorialize a loved one. This specialized service provides families with the opportunitytoimmortalizetheirdeparted family memberswithcustom laser engravings that capture their spirit and personality. Learn more about this unique service here! UnderstandTheProcessOf LaserEtching Beforeoptingforlaseretching onaheadstone,it isimportanttounderstandthe process andhowlong it cantake. Beforebeginning theetching process, the laser technicianmust first transferthe image ontoa piece ofgraniteor marble. This can be done by scanning an existing photo onto a photomask or by sketching the desireddesign directly ontothe stone. After completing this step, thelaser technicianwillcarve outthe design using lasers. The amountof time needed for completionvaries dependingonthecomplexity and sizeof the design. SelectThe PerfectGranite For Your Headstone Whenselectingthegraniteforyour customdesign, itisimportantto consider thecolorandtexture ofthe stone. Generally, darkerstones areidealforlaser etching because they provide a good backdrop that contrasts with different colored designs.Beforeetchingontoapieceofgranite,thetechnicianwillassess the compositionand color ofyour selectedstonetodetermine ifitcaneffectively

  2. beetchedby lasers. It is alsoimportanttoconsideranyadditionalelements like weathering ornaturalmarkings whenchoosing whichpiece ofgranite touse. Determine The Size And ShapeOfTheLaserEtching Design Oncetheappropriate granitehas beenselected, itis time to decide onthesize and shape of your custom laser etching.The technicianwillusea laser cutterto create the design based on your specifications. If you are creating a traditional headstone withtext or anepitaph,youmayselect a standard sizeand shape. Alternatively, if you wish to incorporate various shapes or designs into the etching, discuss withyour technicianfor possible options. ChooseFontAndTextureForDesign After deciding onyour etchingdesign,thetechnicianwilltransferitontoa computer programand createa pattern. Bothfont and texture canbe chosen during this stage–optforaneasy-to-read,dignified fontormakethe words look rustic withetchingsthatmimic chiseledstone.Ifyou haveaspecifictexturein mind,discuss it withthe technicianfor possibleinterpretationsinstone form. Oncethe designisfinalized,the laser cutterwillbeginengraving itontoyour headstone. DiscussInstallationOptionsWithProfessionalMason After theetchingprocessis complete,professionalmasonrywill installyour headstone.Whenchoosingacompanyforinstallation,makesure to discussall youroptions so youcanpick thebest choice for yourneeds. Thereareseveralinstallation methodsavailable,suchasstand-alone monumentsandflushmarkers,dependingonwhetheryou prefertheetchingsto be visible ornot.Theteam should alsopreparethegroundsforthemonumentby digging and leveling off thearea inanticipationof the installation.

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