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What AreGraniteHeadstones–HowToChooseAndWhereTo Find Them A granite headstone, gravestone, and tombstone are everlasting memorial stones that have been used by people since ancient times. It is made from naturalmaterialslikemarble or granite. However,urns, caskets, and other burialcontainersare often made from wood, metal, glass, or plastic. But there is another option for those who prefer somethingdifferent.The graniteheadstoneis apermanentmonumentthat will lastforever. TypesOf GraniteHeadstones Flat TopGraniteGraveMarker The most common typeof graniteheadstoneis called aflat-topgranitegrave marker. Flat-top granite gravemarkersareusuallymadefromgranite blocks that are cut into shapes that resemble a tombstone.These stones are typically rectangularwithrounded corners. FlatTopSlab
Thereareseveraldifferent types ofgraniteheadstones available. Oneofthe most popular types is the flat top slab, which is also known as a plain top slab. Thistype is oftenpreferredbecause it looksmoretraditionalthanotherstyles. Another popular styleisthecurved topslab, whichresembles a tombstone. FlatTopStyle Themost common typeofgraniteheadstoneisthe flat top style. This typeof headstoneis usually placedatgravesites.Graniteheadstonescomein various shapes and sizes.Youcanchoose betweenaflat top slab, aroundedtop slab, or even a square top slab. If you prefer a more modern design, you can opt for a curvedtop slab. What AreGraniteHeadstones Granite isthe most commonly used modernstoneusedforcemetery memorials andmonuments.It isthehardestcarvingstonemakingitstrong,durable,and beautiful. HowToChooseGraniteHeadstones -Consultthe memorialparkorcemeteryaboutheadstoneregulations -Askforthecemetery’sinstallationservices -Setabudget -Getyourselffamiliarwithheadstone designandmaterials -Decideonthe kindofheadstoneyouneed -Selecttheheadstonematerial -Selectheadstonefinish -Selectinscriptions -Selecttheheadstonesupplier -Askforthedraft -Finalizethedesignandsupplier Ifyouhaveanyqueriesregardingheadstones,gravestones,andtombstonesor thinking to placeanorder. Feelfree to contact us. Our memorialmonument priceincludesdesign, lettering, delivery, and installationfor your loved ones.