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Hiv is growing day by day and by now many people have been affected by this virus. But instead of fighting those people are losing hope. Don't worry because now hivpositivedatingsites.org has taken the initiative to bring change in your life. We are a genuine platform for the people with hiv and Std. Our Hiv Dating Site is completely free and has many moret benefits that one could ever ask for. To know more reach us out and do the registration now.<br>
HIV:STAY HEALTHY WITH HIV DURING COVID19 www.hivpositivedatingsites.org
Immunity can make you sicker when you aresick, even withCOVID-19. For people living with HIV, it is important to be consistent with care and treatment to protectthe immune system and protect the body againstHIV. This help will keep CD4 readings high and viral load down.
If left untreated, HIV attacks the immune system, especially CD4- fighting cells. Fortunately, there are medications that work to regulateHIVsothatyourimmune systemworksasitshould.
Everyday TakeMedicines Drugs used to treat HIV are called antibiotics or antivirals.ARVs,whicharecountedasplannedevery day,keepthenumberofCD4sandtheweightofyour virus-HIV-byreducingtheamountofHIVinyour body. Thishelpskeepyourimmunesystemstrong. Medicationshaveadditionalbenefitsforpartnersin preventing HIVinfection.
STAY CONNECTEDWITH DOCTORSREGULARLY Evenifyoudonotfeelsick,goforregular check-upswithyourHIVcareprovider. Make sure that your medication for icing works well for you as prescribed by your doctor'sviralloadtest.Theywillalsocheck yourCD4counttomakesureyourdefense system is strong. If correction is needed, theymayprescribeanothertypeofARV
HANDWASH According to the CDC, one of the best ways to protect yourselffromcoronavirusistowashyourhandsregularly withsoapandwaterforatleast20seconds.Donottouch youreyes,noseandmouth,andstayhomewhenyoufeel sick.
FOR MOREHIV DATINGTIPS www.hivpositivedatingsites.org