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Biotechnology. What Is Biotechnology?. Using scientific methods with organisms to produce new products or new forms of organisms

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  1. Biotechnology

  2. What Is Biotechnology? • Using scientific methods with organisms to produce new products or new forms of organisms • Any technique that uses living organisms or substances from those organisms to make or modify a product, to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific uses

  3. BIO • Bio means life or living • Biotechnology is the application of living processes to technology

  4. What Is Biotechnology? • GMO- genetically modified organisms. • GEO- genetically enhanced organisms. • With both, the natural genetic material of the organism has been altered. • Roots in bread making, wine brewing, cheese and yogurt fermentation, and classical plant and animal breeding

  5. What Is Biotechnology? • Manipulation of genes is called genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology • Genetic engineering involves taking one or more genes from a location in one organism and either • Transferring them to another organism • Putting them back into the original organism in different combinations

  6. What is the career outlook in biotechnology? • Biotech in 1998 • 1,300 companies in the US • 2/3 have less than 135 employees • 140,000 jobs • Jobs will continue to increase exponentially • Jobs are available to high school graduates through PhD’s

  7. What Subjects Are Involved With Biotechnology? • Multidisciplinary- involving a number of disciplines that are coordinated for a desired outcome • Science • Life sciences • Physical sciences • Social sciences

  8. What Subjects Are Involved With Biotechnology? • Mathematics • Applied sciences • Computer applications • Engineering • Agriculture

  9. What Are the Stages of Biotechnology Development • Ancient biotechnology- early history as related to food and shelter; Includes domestication • Classical biotechnology- built on ancient biotechnology; Fermentation promoted food production, and medicine • Modern biotechnology- manipulates genetic information in organism; Genetic engineering

  10. What Are the Areas of Biotechnology? • Organismic biotechnology- uses intact organisms; Does not alter genetic material • Molecular biotechnology- alters genetic makeup to achieve specific goals • Transgenic organism- an organism with artificially altered genetic material

  11. What Are the Benefits of Biotechnology? • Medicine • Human • Veterinary • Biopharming • Environment • Agriculture • Food products • Industry and manufacturing

  12. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Friedrich Meischer • Observed that the nuclei of all cells contain a slightly acidic substance. He named the substance NUCLEIC ACID. • This was later changed to DNA

  13. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Anton van Leeuwenhoek • Discovered cells • Bacteria • Protists • Red blood

  14. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Gregor Johan Mendel • Discovered genetics • Genetics is the biology of heredity

  15. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Walter Sutton • Discovered Chromosomes

  16. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Thomas Hunt Morgan • Discovered how genes are transmitted through chromosomes

  17. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Ernst Ruska • Invented the electron microscope

  18. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Sir Alexander Fleming • Discovered penicillin

  19. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Rosalind Elsie Franklin • Research led to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA

  20. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • James Watson and Francis Crick • Discovered DNA

  21. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Mary-Claire King • Mapped human genes for research of cancer treatments

  22. What Did These Individuals Contribute to Biotechnology? • Ian Wilmut • Created the first true clone, the Dorset ewe Dolly

  23. What Is Molecular Biology? • Molecular biology- study of molecules in cells • Metabolism- processes by which organisms use nutrients • Anabolism- building tissues from smaller materials • Catabolism- breaking down materials into smaller components

  24. What Is a Cell? • Cell- a discrete unit of life • Unicellular organism- organism of one cell • Multicellular organism- organism of many cells • Prokaryote- cells that lack specific nucleus • Eukaryote- cells with well-defined nucleus

  25. What Is a Cell? • Cells are building blocks: • Tissue- collection of cells with specific functions • Organs- collections of tissues with specific functions • Organ systems- collections of organs with specific functions

  26. What Are the Structures in Molecular Genetics? • Molecular genetics- study of genes and how they are expressed • Chromosome- part of cell nucleus that contains heredity information and promotes protein synthesis • Gene- basic unit of heredity on a chromosome • DNA- molecule in a chromosome that codes genetic information

  27. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

  28. Deoxyribonucleic Acid • DNA • Coded material in a cell is called DNA • It is the coded material in a cell that determines what the cell and its successive cells will become.

  29. DNA occurs in pairs of strands intertwined with each other and connected by chemicals called bases The different bases in DNA are: Adenine Guanine Cystosine Thymine The first letters of each word A, G, C, and T have become known as the genetic alphabet of the language of life.

  30. What Is Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)? • Transcription- process of RNA production by DNA • DNA-thread-like molecule which decodes DNA information

  31. What Is Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)? • Kinds of RNA: • mRNA- RNA molecules that carry information that specifies amino acid sequence of a protein molecule during translation • rRNA- RNA molecules that form the ribosomal subunits; Mediate the translation of mRNA into proteins • tRNA- molecules that decode sequence information in and mRNA • snRNA- very short RNA that interconnects with to promote formation of mRNA

  32. Improvement by Genetics • Genetics-The biology of heredity • Heredity-The transmission of characteristics from an organism to its offspring through genes in reproductive cells • Genes-Components of cells which determine the individual characteristics of living things.

  33. Improvement by Genetics • Generation-Refers to the offspring or PROGENY of common parents.

  34. What Are Genetic Engineering Organisms? • Genetic engineering- artificially changing the genetic information in the cells of organisms • Transgenic- an organism that has been genetically modified • GMO- a genetically modified organism • GEO- a genetically enhanced organism

  35. How Can Genetically Engineered Plants Be Used? • Agriculture • Horticulture • Forestry • Environment • Food Quality

  36. Transgenic • Animals or organisms etc. that have been modified using genetic engineering methods to contain genes that are not naturally found in the animal. • The new gene is inserted into the chromosomes of the transgenic organism, it may be transmitted to future offspring. • WHAT COULD SOME POSSIBLE REASONS BE????

  37. WHAT COULD SOME POSSIBLE REASONS BE???? • Adding a clotting agent to the blood that would help dissolve clots. • What if: • Cancer free genetics? • Aids free genetics • Creating something that was resistant to these diseases???IS IT POSSIBLE?

  38. How Do We Create Transgenic Organisms? • Donor cell- cell that provides DNA • Recipient cell- cell that receives DNA • Protocol- procedure for a scientific process • Three methods used in gene transfer • Agrobacterium gene transfer- plasmid • Ballistic gene transfer- gene gun • Direct gene transfer- enzymes

  39. How Does Agrobacterium Gene Transfer Work? • Extract DNA from donor • Cut DNA into fragments • Sort DNA fragments • Recombine DNA fragments • Transfer plasmids with bonded DNA • Grow transformed (recipient) cells

  40. What Are Methods of Classical Biotechnology? • Plant breeding- improvement of plants by breeding selected individuals to achieve desired goals • Cultivar- a cultivated crop variety

  41. What Are Methods of Classical Biotechnology? • Plant breeding methods; • Line breeding- breeding successive generations of plants among themselves • Crossbreeding- breeding plants of different varieties or species • Hybridization- breeding individuals from two distinctly different varieties • Selection

  42. Improvement by Selection • Means picking the best plants or animals for producing the next generation. • Selective Breeding-selection of parents to get desirable characteristics in the offspring.

  43. Why Are Plants Genetically Engineered? • Resist pests • Resist herbicides • Improved product quality • Pharmaceuticals • Industrial products

  44. Ice-Minus • Bacteria that was genetically altered to retard frost formation on plant leaves. • Why would this be a good thing?Why would this be a bad thing?

  45. BST and PST • Bovine somatotropin-increase milk production in cattle • Porcine somatotropin-increases meat production in swine

  46. Insulin • One of the first commercial products made by genetic engineering. • Insulin is the chemical used by people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels.

  47. What Is AI? • Artificial insemination- the transfer of collected semen to a recipient female • Semen is collected from males of desired quality • Semen is graded and stored

  48. What Is AI? • Female must be in estrus for conception • Hormone injections may be used to synchronize estrus • Semen is placed in the cervix near the horns of the uterus

  49. What Is a Test Tube Baby? • In vitro fertilization- fertilization of collected ova outside the reproductive tract; Usually in a test tube • Semen is collected from males of desired quality • Ova are removed from females • Sperm and ova are placed in a petri dish or test tube

  50. What Is Gender Reversal? • Gender reversal- changing the sex of an animal • Very young animals receive hormone treatments • Most common among selected fish species

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