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National Conference on Kharif Campaign 2010 . 18 th & 19 th March, 2010 At : New Delhi. Presentation By:. Department of Agriculture Government of West Bengal. WEST BENGAL : AN OVERVIEW. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONES. 1. Northern Hill (29.1K sq.Km)
National Conference on Kharif Campaign 2010 18th & 19th March, 2010 At : New Delhi Presentation By: Department of Agriculture Government of West Bengal
1 2 3 4 5 6 AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONES 1. Northern Hill (29.1K sq.Km) (Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri) 2. Terai Teesta Flood plain (12K sq.Km) (Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri and Uttar Dianjpur) 3. Gangetic Flood plain (16.3K sq.Km) (Dakhin Dinajpur, Malda, Nadia,Uttar Dinajpur, Burdwan, Murshidabad, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, Hooghly, and Birbhum) 4. Undulating Lateritic (23.8k sq.Km) (Purulia,Burdwan, Birbhum, Bankura and West Midnapur) 5. Vindhyan Old Flood plain (17.9K sq.Km) (Murshidabad, Howrah, Hooghly, Burdwan and Birbhum, West & East Midnapur) 6. Coastal Flood plain (12.8K sq.Km) (North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Howrah, East Midnapur)
Farming Community: Composition vis-à-vis operated area (2005-06 Agri. census) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 In lakh
Annual growth rate (%) of yield rate of different crops in West Bengal during different years (Base year Tri-ending 2006-07*) • Area, Production and yield rate figures of different crops • corresponding to base year 2006-07 are actually the triennium • ending average of three years, namely, 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07. Note: Area, production and yield rate figures for the years 2009-10,2010-11 and 2011-12 are year wise targets.
RABI ASSESSMENT 2009-2010 A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha
Kharif Target 2010 A=Area in ’000 ha, P= Production in ’000mt, Y= Yield in Kg/ha
Strategies to be adopted to boost up the production & Productivity of paddy in the State of West Bengal During 2010-2011 Contd…..
Strategies to be adopted to boost up the production & productivity of paddy in the State of West Bengal during 2010-2011
SEEDS Requirement and Production 2009-2010 & Target 2010-2011 In Qtls.
Share of different seed producing agencies of the State during XI th Plan (Target) Towards self sufficiency in seed production • WBSSC = 20% • Govt. Farm = 10% • Agril. University = 10% • Other Govt. Agencies = 20% • (CADC, KVK, Co-operative • Societies) • Seed Village, SHG’s = 10% • Private = 30%
Status report NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION State : West Bengal
Financial Target, Fund Allocation & Financial Progress under NFSM up to February, 2010 (Rs. in Lakh)
Physical & Financial progress (Tentative ) 2009-2010 NFSM- Rice (Rs. in Lakh)
Physical & Financial progress (Tentative ) 2009-2010NFSM- Wheat (Rs. in Lakh)
Physical & Financial progress (Tentative ) 2009-2010NFSM-Pulse (Rs. in Lakh)
Status report RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA State : West Bengal
RKVY FOCAL THEMES OF WEST BENGAL • Strategy for Production & Productivity Enhancement of Agril Allied Sectors • Institutional Capacity Building of Agril & Allied Departments • Seed Production Strategy • Focus on SHGs & Co-ops • Improving the absorptive capacity of the Marginal & Small Farmers Income Generation • Strengthening Research – Extension linkage & emphasis on Agri. Research Projects • Greater role of SAUs and KVKs • Technology Up-gradation • Extension Services and working together • Emphasis on rain water harvesting, soil and water conservation • Integrated Farming approach demos. through KVKs, Govt. Agril. Farms & CADC Farms • Convergence of BRGF & NREGA with RKVY
RKVY in West Bengal Allocation of fund & utilization 2007 - 2008 (Rs. In lakh) N.B. 1.Fund for Preparation of DAP received from GOI separately in addition to SLSC approved outlay 2. GOI has released 90% but expenditure incurred in 100%. GOI is requested to release the rest 10% amount (Rs.5.99 crore) 3. Planning Commission, GOI has not released any fund towards preparation of C-DAP to the pilot districts (Bankura, Purba Medinipur & Jalpaiguri) which has been paid from Rs.150 lakh. As such each district has received Rs. 8.5 lakh instead of Rs.10 lakh for the preparation of C-DAP.
RKVY in West Bengal Allocation of fund & utilization - - 2008 - 2009 (Rs. In lakh)
RKVY in West Bengal Allocation of fund & utilization - - 2009-2010 (Rs. In lakh) N.B. Allocation of Agriculture Department includes SAUs. KVKs, NGOs & administrative cost for Nodal Department.
Proposed Sectoral Requirement of Fund under RKVY for the year 2010-2011 in West Bengal * I. Administrative cost for the Nodal Department, as per para 3.6 of the RKVY guide linees. II. 25% of the proposed fund is meant for Stream-II projects, as per para 3.6 of the RKVY guide lines.
Agriculture ARD 3.49% 3.51% Fisheries 8.46% FPI & Hort. 34.85% 7.82% Agri. Mkt. 8.75% Co-op 7.37% P & RD 25.75% Forest RKVY- Sectoral Share of Stake Holder Department (year 2009-10) State : West Bengal 8.75%
Sectoral Highlights – Animal Resources Development (2009-10)
Sectoral Highlights – FPI & Horticulture Department (2009-10)
Convergence of BRGF and NREGAwork with Agriculture Convergence with BRGF • The P & RD Dept’ has recruited about 1200 nos. of “Jeebika Sahayak” in rural areas as livelihood support worker .These “Jeebika Sahayaks” and Panchyat Executives will be trained for Agril. Development of the rural areas. They will assist in transmission of new Agril. technology to the farmers. • The training module and the training will be conducted by the Agril. Dept’. • The landless cultivators will be provided with 16 decimal of land, of which 2 decimal of land will be utilized for homestead purpose and the remaining 14 decimal will be utilized for crop production. The planning of crop production will be prepared by Agril. Dept’, Land Reforms, Horticulture & Rural Development Department together. Contd……
Convergence with NREGA • Under NREGA “Renovation of Traditional Water Bodies” was undertaken. Irrigation sources created from these water bodies are being utilized for crop husbandry & Pisci-culture under convergence with Irrigation, Agril. & Fisheries Dept’s. • Through NREGA the programme of drought proofing has been undertaken. Agril. & Horticulture dept’. are jointly engaged for the preparation of cropping programme in those areas. • A number of water harvesting structures have been created under NREGA. Agril. Dept’. is engaged in preparation of cropping pattern as per the Agro-climatic zone and Micro-irrigation facilities in those areas. • A considerable area land has been developed for cultivation through NREGA. Agriculture, Horticulture & Sericulture Dept’s are engaged in preparing the cropping pattern.
(INM) National Project on Management of Soil Health & Fertility
Agril Marketing Reform of the Agricultural Produce Marketing Act, in the line suggested under Model Act, 2003 of the Government of India, is under active consideration of the State Government.