1. AudBaseAudiometric Database Software�Designed with the Audiologist in Mind�
2. Log In Screen AudBase is HIPAA compliant
Requires each end-user to have their own ID and Password
End-user can set defaults specific to their ID
3. Patient List
4. New Subject
5. Patient Screen
6. Audiogram
7. Audiogram Example
8. Aided Drop Down List
9. High Frequency Page
10. SRT/SAT Tab Keeps Audiogram visible while recording SRT/SAT information
Manually enter or �Data Transfer� from GSI equipment
11. SRT
12. SAT
13. Word Rec Tab Manual or automatic transfer from GSI equipment
Transfers Word Rec Counter score from GSI-61
Can custom create word lists to read from off screen (shown on next slide)
14. Word Rec
15. Tymp Tab Transfers both diagnostic and screening data from GSI Tympstar
Transfers reflex data, either marked reflex, or last tested if not marked
16. Tymp
17. Reflexes
18. Notes Tab Allows for 32,000 characters. If that limit is reached, separate notes page automatically prints
Can create a �Standard Comment List� to cut time of reporting
19. Sample AudBase Reports All standard reports are available at no charge
Footer can be customized to your facility
Can print multiple reports at one time if necessary (high frequency)
23. Sample AudBase Multiforms Printed to view multiple audiograms of same patient
26. For Further InformationPlease ContactYour Local MSR Representative