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GN Super Parking Service

Remove the selected car. A rectangle draw around only one car at a time. Definition. Stack ... Super class (parent) contains features that shared by subclasses ...

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GN Super Parking Service

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Presentation Transcript

    1. GN Super Parking Service By Grace and Neng

    2. What Does It Do? Allows users to add new cars to the parking lot Allows users to select license plate numbers from Drop-down menu and remove cars from lanes Users are able to do mouse click

    4. Comparisons of 2 Phases Phase 1 Phase 2

    5. Difficulties/Problems Sort license plate numbers Generate different cars Selecting license plate numbers from the drop-down menu Calling pop and push method Draw method (Stack1.java) findLicense method (Stack1.java) newCars button event

    6. Files that need to run this program Car1.class Car2.class CarThree.class Car5.class Car6.class funVehicle.java Stack1.class Vc.class Vc.html (not necessary to create an html file, can use javac applet viewer to view)

    7. Not Able to Finish Remove the selected car A rectangle draw around only one car at a time

    8. Definition Stack – the last item placed on the stack will the the first item out. Example: stack of dishes, book, homework assignments Mouse Listener Interface– includes mouseClicked(), mousePressed, mouseReleased(), mouseEntered(), MouseExited() – use when u want to know where the mouse is pointing Event Object – buttons (ActionEvent), dropdown menu (ItemEvent), mouse click (MouseEvent) Events – an event occur when someone using your applet takes action on a component, such as clicking on a Button object Inheritance – example: Animal:Dog:Poodle Abstract class – you cannot create any concrete objects, but can inherit, and usually have one or more empty abstract methods. Abstract method – a method with no statements within the method Super class (parent) – contains features that shared by subclasses Subclass (child) – Can inherited any properties from the parent class plus additional properties.

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