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Molecular Hydrogen as an Energy Source for Helicobacter pylori. Jonathan W. Olson and Robert J.Maier 29 NOVEMBER 2002 SCIENCE Speaker: Lai Szu Ming ( 賴思明 ) Date: 2002/12/24.
Molecular Hydrogen as an Energy Source for Helicobacter pylori Jonathan W. Olson and Robert J.Maier 29 NOVEMBER 2002 SCIENCE Speaker: Lai Szu Ming (賴思明) Date: 2002/12/24
The bacterial oxidation of molecular H2 commonly occurs in nature, as hydrogen gas released by other bacteria represents a useable high-energy reductant.
Once H2 is bound and “split” by a membrane-associated hydrogenase , further oxidation-reduction and energy-generating steps are facilitated by a series of membrane-bound heme-containing electron carriers.
Hydrogen is a by-product of colonic fermentation , and hydrogen has been reported to be produced (measured as excreted gas) in the gastrointestinal tract of both rodents and humans . • H2 levels were determined in the termite hind-gut and recently from the cockroach midgut , but H2 levels in tissues of vertebrate animal hosts has not been assessed. • Molecular hydrogen is used as an energy reservoir for pathogenic bacteria residing in animals is not known.
Previously reported that lab-grown H. pylori can express a membrane bound “uptake-type” hydrogenase .(NiFe hydorgenase) FEMS Microbiology Letters 141 (1996) 71-76 Hydorgen uptake hydrogenase in Helicobacter pylori
Characterize hydrogenase regulation • The reporter gene XylE of Pseudomonas putida • phyd:xylE => hydrogenase promoter + xylE gene • pHP0630:xylE => HP0630 promoter + xylE gene (not related to hydrogenase) • pHel:xylE => promoterless xylE gene
The reporter gene XylE XylE gene 2,3-dioxygenase catechol 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde Measure at 375nm absorbance spectrum 1 unit of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity oxidizes 1mMole catechol/min, Activities are expressed as units/min/108 cells
Mouse colonization assay of H. pyloriSS1 and Hyd:cm (SS1) SS1 => Normal hydrogenase Hyd:cm => Hydrogenase mutant Inoculated by oral gavage with H. pylori culture Exp A: 2x108 cells/dose Exp B: 1x109 cells/dose 4 weeks Stomachs excised, weighed, homogenized , serial dilutions were plated on BA plates Incubated at 37℃, 100% humidity, 5% CO2, 2% O2, balance N2 atmosphere for 5 days Measure colonization data (CFU/gram stomach)
Mouse colonization assay of H. pyloriSS1 and Hyd:cm (SS1) Exp A: 2x108 cells/dose Exp B: 1x109 cells/dose 1 x 103 CFU/gram stomach
Mouse colonization assay of H. pyloriSS1 and Hyd:cm (SS1) 18 19 6 3 17 12 A mutant H. pylori strain unable to oxidize hydrogen is severely impaired in its ability to colonize in mice.
Hydrogen concentrations in mouse stomachs Female C57B1 mice Anesthetized with halothane Clark-type micro-electrode model H2-50 Stomach mucus lining area Different days, different times 8 sites per mouse stomach
Previously show that a whole-cell michaelis constant (Km) For hydrogen => 1.8μM Average 43 μM Under most conditions the hydrogen oxidizing system in H. pylori would be saturated
Discussion • H. pylori infection <=> hydrogen & hydrogenase • Colonic H2 <=> move into other tissue • H. pylori is very limited in its use of oxidizable carbon substrates <=> H2 as a high energy reductant produced by colonic fermentations from other host-residing bacteria. • H2 concentration <=> Diet Diet => H2 concentration => H. pylori controlled
Conclusion • H2 use must represent a large energy boost for a bacterium living in an energy-poor environment (such as gastric mucosa). • H2 is an energy substrate not used by the host, so competition for this high-energy substrate in the gastric environment is not a factor. • Other human pathogens contain uptake-type hydrogenases, so H2 utilization within animal hosts may extend beyond just H. pylori and gastric infections.