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JMSC PBL Project 1 HKC 3 Member: Chu Man Yiu Wong Yan Sin Li Xiaoyu Shan Zhou Learning Issue To learn Hong Kong Connection’s decision on the selection of issue to be investigated . To learn how Hong Kong Connection present the issue . Goal s As JMSC students,
JMSC PBL Project 1HKC 3 Member: Chu Man Yiu Wong Yan Sin Li Xiaoyu Shan Zhou
Learning Issue • To learn Hong Kong Connection’s decision on the selection of issue to be investigated. • To learn how Hong Kong Connection present the issue.
Goals As JMSC students, • To learn how to collect, write, edit and present the news and news-related stories in media • Being involved in the development and enhancement of public life • To acquire the skill of analyzing information • To think critically • To raise our own awareness to social issues • To learn how to think in the stance point of the media that we work for • To try to apply the principles we have learnt before
Activities To access relevant information from different sources To find out the stance point and target audience of HKC To evaluate whether it suits our goals and principles To put into practice
Hong Kong Connection • Documentary series • Aiming at general public • Being objective • Uncovering every local and international topic that concerns the people in Hong Kong • Providing the public with information and analyzing as well as an opportunity for rational discussion
Newspapers & Online News • http://www.rthk.org.hk/special/hkconnection/ • BBC • Ming Pao • http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-03/02/content_6500313.htm • Xinhua • Southern Weekly • Apple daily
From Oriental Daily Abstract: 陳冠希自拍謝罪騷 2008-02-05 【東方日報專訊】慾照風波中的男主角陳冠希連日來一直玩失蹤,更有傳他遠走外國避開傳媒追訪。…但一眾網民未有對陳冠希施以絲毫同情,反發起聯署行動,要求有關藝人向公眾清楚交代事情始末。黑眼圈面容憔悴短片片長一分廿三秒,陳冠希全程以英語獨白,片中只有灰白色背景,難以辨別陳冠希身處何方,只見他身穿白色藍間的恤衫,面容憔悴,眼神渙散及有兩個大黑眼圈,猶如多日沒有睡一個好覺般。平日被稱為潮人先鋒的陳冠希昨一反常態,未有刻意整理髮型,只是隨意撥弄,更收起嘻哈玩世不恭的神態,神情非常嚴肅,稱此次是惡意及刑事的行為(指慾照事件),影響了許多人,亦令他感到痛苦、受傷害及困擾,希望藉短片向所有受牽連的人士道歉。
From Oriental Daily Abstract:網民籲封殺陳冠希雖然陳冠希稱自己亦受事件困擾,但網民未有寄予同情,反對他大肆抨擊,除以惡魔、衰格、縮頭烏龜形容外,又發起全城封殺陳冠希行動,指陳只能選擇交出所有床照或是接受封殺,更有網民贊成警方拘捕事件男主角陳冠希。
Edison bows out on sorry note 22-2-08 Singer and actor Edison Chen Koon-hei announced yesterday he is taking indefinite retirement from the entertainment industry. Chen was speaking publicly for the first time since the scandal over sexually explicit photos which appeared on the internet. "I admit most of the photos being circulated on the internet were taken by me," said Chen, 27. "These photos are very private. They have not been shown to people and were not intended to be shown to anyone." …
Hong Kong University law professor Eric Cheung Tat-ming said Chen will not be liable for mishandling the photos. He could also apply for an injunction to bar people from uploading, duplicating, displaying and distributing the photos and to seek damages at a civil court. Thirty percent thought Chen was "sincere and had guts," however an equal number thought he was "pretending to be miserable to gain sympathy." Twenty-one percent said they will forgive and continue to support him; 9 percent thought Chen is quitting because he plans to establish himself in Hollywood; and 6 percent thought he deserved to be blamed and should not be forgiven.
HK police arrest 7 more in celebrity porn scandal Written by Patrick Frater Monday, 04 February 2008 All those are believed to be involved in secondary distribution of the pictures which started appearing a week ago. Although Internet service providers quickly removed Web pages with the images, pics were swiftly reposted on other sites and blogs. Newspapers and magazines have since reprinted many of the images, albeit with careful shading.
Star apologizes to six artistes in 1,300 racy internet photosThe Standard People who had only transferred the obscene picture files to friends had not violated the law, but those who transferred them to the public - for example via internet web pages - were breaking the law, said Wong. He said there were three clauses relating to the possession of obscene material that constitute a violation of the law, namely: publishing obscene material; possession for publishing; and inserting obscene material for publishing. He also maintained the police had not used excessive manpower as the whole case had been handled by 19 men from the Commercial Crime Bureau.
Reaction of police and government • Two arrested for spreading celebrity sex photos Xinhua 2008-03-02 Hong Kong: • The police met with more than 200 people responsible for major Hong Kong Web sites and BBS communities to urge them to delete the pictures on appearance. • Several people were arrested for allegedly uploading images and distributing materials.
Mainland China: • Police arrested 10 people suspected of the production in Shenzhen. • On 1 February, relevant departments of Jilin Province declared that they would regulate the circulation of pornography on the internet according to law • 吉林強推行版主實名制 Xinhua 2008-02-03
Beijing draws line as Taiwanese crack downThe StandardFriday, February 22, 2008 • A crackdown began in mainland China on the manufacturing, selling and spreading the CD-ROMs of the celebrity photos,which sold "like hotcakes".Police arrested 10 people suspected of the production in Shenzhen. • On 21 February, police in Beijingannounced it would act to stop the circulation of the photographs. Officials declared that showing the photos to friends or posting them on blogs or online forums, even without profit motive, could be punishable by detention for up to 15 days; transmission of more than 200 of the photos as a package on the internet would be met with criminal prosecution. • Mainland authorities have ordered websites and internet service providers to exercise self-censorship, filtering and deleting the photos, but private sharing through instant messengers and other software remains rampant.
Video • Edison Chen's Statement of Apology in press conference http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=UaGyyggap38&feature=related • Gillian Chung’s Statement of Apology http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=fu6iBVZ7NyM&feature=related • Comment on scandal in Pentaprism (五稜鏡)http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=SGjZCmS95jg&feature=related • Demonstration against selective application of lawhttp://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=8LuGimLa8CQ • News related to the controversial speech of Tang King Shing http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=1iw3RFSoi7Q&feature=related
Blogs and Websites • http://blog.sina.com.cn/chenguanxi (Edison Chen’s blog) • some gossiping websites • http://www.coiao.gov.hk/b5/welcome.htm (Review of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance) • http://www.tela.gov.hk/chinese/welcome.htm (Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority)
Selecting Information • HK newspaper’s cover page on the event • Southern Weekly’s comments on the event • Readers’ reaction in reality and internet • Absurdity of the law on the regulation of the obscene material on internet • Debate between privacy and truth; freedom of speech and paternal control