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Kent Update . Safeguarding inspectionKCC budget Kent restructuring - Change to Keep Succeeding What support is currently in your district. District Update The role of the School Improvement Advisor. Personalised support according to need but could include:Coaching and mentoring support Ofsted supportJoint lesson observations/teaching and learning reviewsSupport with leadership appointmentsReview of dataBrokering/signposting support.
2. Kent Update Safeguarding inspection
KCC budget
Kent restructuring - Change to Keep Succeeding
What support is currently in your district
Unannounced visit in August when Ofsted looked at a range of data which included school data for outcomes.
Ofsted returned in October when safeguarding was deemed inadequate due to insufficient progress since unannounced visit. Outcome wasn’t totally unforeseen as Kent Social Services have been placed under great pressure with a huge increase in referrals since baby P and they have also experienced difficulty in recruiting to vacant posts. KCC promptly identified actions to be put in place which will be reviewed on a three monthly basis. This includes reducing the caseload of social workers. Safeguarding and emotional and mental health are two key priorities included in the new CYPP.
Budget overview will be updated by finance colleague
Restructuring -
CFE now changed with a new Education, Learning and Skills directorate with children and families and social care becoming part of the new Family and Social Care Directorate from April 2011. Period of transition as Rosalind Turner has been replaced by an Interim director – Malcolm Newsom, Merril Haeusler, Diirector of Learning leaving end of March. Director positions currently being advertised nationally
Unannounced visit in August when Ofsted looked at a range of data which included school data for outcomes.
Ofsted returned in October when safeguarding was deemed inadequate due to insufficient progress since unannounced visit. Outcome wasn’t totally unforeseen as Kent Social Services have been placed under great pressure with a huge increase in referrals since baby P and they have also experienced difficulty in recruiting to vacant posts. KCC promptly identified actions to be put in place which will be reviewed on a three monthly basis. This includes reducing the caseload of social workers. Safeguarding and emotional and mental health are two key priorities included in the new CYPP.
Budget overview will be updated by finance colleague
Restructuring -
CFE now changed with a new Education, Learning and Skills directorate with children and families and social care becoming part of the new Family and Social Care Directorate from April 2011. Period of transition as Rosalind Turner has been replaced by an Interim director – Malcolm Newsom, Merril Haeusler, Diirector of Learning leaving end of March. Director positions currently being advertised nationally
3. District UpdateThe role of the School Improvement Advisor Personalised support according to need but could include:
Coaching and mentoring support
Ofsted support
Joint lesson observations/teaching and learning reviews
Support with leadership appointments
Review of data
Brokering/signposting support
4. Identification of Priority Schools Schools below 55% combined in English and Maths (60% from 2011)
Schools where they are due an Ofsted inspection/monitoring visit and are deemed vulnerable (eg decline in results)
Local intelligence eg. Leadership changes, staffing issues, parental complaints No surprises – the above criteria match those used by Ofsted. Using RAG rating to identify schools. Red and orange schools will be the priority for support. No surprises – the above criteria match those used by Ofsted. Using RAG rating to identify schools. Red and orange schools will be the priority for support.
5. National context May 2010: Proposal to extend academy status to
outstanding schools
November 2010: The Importance of Teaching – the
Schools White Paper 2010 signals a radical reform of
our schools.
February 2011: Publication of green paper on
special needs
April 2011: Schools to receive pupil premium for the
first time
June 2011: Review of Yr 6 testing SATs) to be published.
Pilot of reading test for six year olds
January 2012: New OFSTED schedule
Academy status – 3 primary schools in Kent - Woodgrove, Meopham, St. Stephen’s Canterbury. Letter sent to them informing them of services which will be charged.
Expectation that Education Bill will be published in late January/early Feb will receive Royal Assent in the Autumn which will then allow for changes to be in place.
Pupil premium Ł430 per child
Academy status – 3 primary schools in Kent - Woodgrove, Meopham, St. Stephen’s Canterbury. Letter sent to them informing them of services which will be charged.
Expectation that Education Bill will be published in late January/early Feb will receive Royal Assent in the Autumn which will then allow for changes to be in place.
Pupil premium Ł430 per child
6. White Paper: The Importance of TeachingImplications for Primary Schools Changes to Ofsted
More school autonomy less Central and LA intervention
Development of Primary Academies
Primary Curriculum Review
Funding Review
Key headlines: No SIPs or centralised target setting, floor target increased to 60% combined. Age 6 reading test with end of KS2 assessments. Develop collaborative working and teaching schools Increase number of NLE and LLEs. Smaller governing bodies. Pupil premium. Review of teachers pay and conditions, NPQH and Ofsted
NB Floor standards: below 60% combined and where progress in Eng and maths is below the expected level. Pilot of 200 schools in June 2011
40 item test – 10 seconds per word
Administered one-to-one by Yr 1 teacher
Test to be taken during a given week with a different paper for each day
Parents to be informed if their child meets the standard and able to compare to the year group as a whole
Children who don’t meet the standard will be given support during term 6 and will repeat the test at the end of term 2 in Year 2
Key headlines: No SIPs or centralised target setting, floor target increased to 60% combined. Age 6 reading test with end of KS2 assessments. Develop collaborative working and teaching schools Increase number of NLE and LLEs. Smaller governing bodies. Pupil premium. Review of teachers pay and conditions, NPQH and Ofsted
NB Floor standards: below 60% combined and where progress in Eng and maths is below the expected level. Pilot of 200 schools in June 2011
40 item test – 10 seconds per word
Administered one-to-one by Yr 1 teacher
Test to be taken during a given week with a different paper for each day
Parents to be informed if their child meets the standard and able to compare to the year group as a whole
Children who don’t meet the standard will be given support during term 6 and will repeat the test at the end of term 2 in Year 2
7. New Ofsted Schedule Will focus on 4 key areas
Pupil achievement
Leadership and management
Behaviour and safety
Ofsted will focus its resources on underperforming schools New inspection regime could be in place for Jan 2012.
New guidance on provision for SEN and the need to focus on evaluating the quality and effectiveness of services for children with SEN.
New guidance of monitoring of grade 3 schools. National concern about the lack of progress in these schools. Criteria for sect 8 visit: any inadequate judgement, capacity to improve satisfactory , attainment in core subjects, pupils’ progress including vulnerable groups and attendance.
Recent TES predict that Ofsted will focus its attention on schools’ core function of teaching and learning – more lesson observations. Schools rated as outstanding will be exempt from further inspections unless standards slip, with struggling schools told to expect more frequent visits. (Last year 1770 schools good and outstanding schools last inspected in academic year 06-07 received an interim assessment – 2 in our area)
New inspection regime could be in place for Jan 2012.
New guidance on provision for SEN and the need to focus on evaluating the quality and effectiveness of services for children with SEN.
New guidance of monitoring of grade 3 schools. National concern about the lack of progress in these schools. Criteria for sect 8 visit: any inadequate judgement, capacity to improve satisfactory , attainment in core subjects, pupils’ progress including vulnerable groups and attendance.
Recent TES predict that Ofsted will focus its attention on schools’ core function of teaching and learning – more lesson observations. Schools rated as outstanding will be exempt from further inspections unless standards slip, with struggling schools told to expect more frequent visits. (Last year 1770 schools good and outstanding schools last inspected in academic year 06-07 received an interim assessment – 2 in our area)
8. More School Autonomy We want every school to be able to share its own character, frame its own ethos and develop its own specialisms, free of either central or local bureaucratic constraint.
Increase freedoms and autonomy for all schools and remove un-necessary duties and burdens
Restore academy freedoms but ensuring level playing field on admissions particularly around SEN children
9. All schools not performing well or in category, etc., are converted to academies
Support for schools to collaborate through federations or chains of schools
Support teachers and parents to set up free schools, especially in areas of deprivation
10. Primary curriculum objectives Provide teachers with greater professional freedom
Develop a NC that acts as a benchmark for all schools
Ensure the NC compares favourably with international curricula
Set rigorous requirements for pupil attainment
Enables parents to understand what their children should be learning
11. Primary Curriculum Review English, maths, science and PE to remain as subjects within the NC with new Programmes of Study prepared for September 2012.
2012: Review of all other subjects with statutory and non statutory Programmes of Study being developed and available in Sept 2013 for implementation Sept 2014
NC to inform the design and content of assessment at the end of KS2. Review in 2 phases. Review in 2 phases.
12. Secondary District Developments Progress in National Challenge
Academy Developments
SIP programme for Secondary
13. White Paper Implications for Secondary School level decision making and freedoms
Changes to Ofsted – framework and frequency.
Drive to academy status for all.
English Baccalaureate.
New Floor target.
Continuing focus on narrowing/closing the Gap.
14. Group Discussions and Q and A session. There is now an opportunity, in small groups, to discuss the implications of the White Paper for your schools.
Changes to Ofsted
Drive to Academy Status and School Autonomy
Changes to the curriculum
(Slides 6 and13 in the handout)
Q and A
15. Key Officers supporting the District
District Head of Primary Standards and School Improvement – Jean Mosley
District Head of Secondary Standards and School Improvement – Matthew Munro
School Improvement Advisers, Primary – Lesley Gallagher and David Pratt
Early Years Adviser – Julie Simmons
Standards and School Improvement Partner – Cole Andrew
Preventative Services Manager – Helen Anderson
Area Education Officer – David Adams