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This presentation is intended to enable principals, teachers and school communities to make a decision about application for a place in the IDEAS process. Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements in Schools. IDEAS:
This presentation is intended to enable principals, teachers and school communities to make a decision about application for a place in the IDEAS process.
Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements in Schools IDEAS: A developmental project of the Leadership Research Institute, University of Southern Queensland in collaboration with the Learning and Development Foundation, Education Queensland
The IDEAS vision To inspire IDEAS schools to engage in a journey of self-discovery which will ensure that they achieve sustainable excellence in teaching and learning.
What is IDEAS? • A process for positioning schools for the future; • A process of enhancing learning outcomesby valuing the work of teachers and their classrooms; • A process that enables alignment between the work of teachers in classrooms and the school’s strategic purpose. What might your school gain? • Anenhanced focus on the practice of teaching; • A heightened sense of identity and purpose through the development of a distinctive schoolwide pedagogy; • Alignment with systems initiatives, enabling the school to articulate its uniqueness and emphasise classroom achievements and successes; • A strengthening of the school’s professional community. Who is involved? • Teaching staff; • The school community; • The broader school community.
IDEAS expands beyond the local context …. • 2002/2003 Australian Government (DEST) supports a National Trial involving 12 schools in three Australian school jurisdictions (WA, NSW and ACT). • 2003/2004 Development of Clusters in Toowoomba, Cairns, Rockhampton and Brisbane coordinated by a local state school district facilitator. • 2004 Research project established with National Institute of Education (NIE) in Singapore – tracing the implementation of IDEAS in three schools in Singapore (Marymount Convent, West Grove Primary and Woodlands Secondary College) 2004/2005.
IDEAS: Key components • The Research-based Framework (RBF) for Enhancing School Outcomes • The ideas process • Parallel leadership • ‘Alignment’ as a key variable in school success
IDEAS is based on significant research from America, Australia and Hong Kong There are five compelling research conclusions…
1. American research “The most successful schools were those that used restructuring tools to help them function as professional communities. That is, they found a way to channel staff and student efforts toward a clear, commonly shared purpose for student learning; they created opportunities for teachers to collaborate and help one another achieve the purpose; and teachers in these schools took collective — not just individual — responsibility for student learning. Schools with strong professional communities were better able to offer authentic pedagogy and were more effective in promoting student achievement.” Newmann and Wehlage 1995
2. Australian research Professor Peter Cuttance, University of Sydney states: “International and Australian research has now conclusively demonstrated that differences in the effectiveness of classroom practice are about four times more important than differences between schools in explaining the variation in achievement among students ... … A large proportion (40%) of the variation in student learning outcomes is associated with variation in the quality of teaching in individual classrooms, compared to a small proportion (10%) that is attributable to difference between schools … … the remaining 50% of variation in student learning outcomes is associated with differences between students (differences in ability, attitudes, esteem, aspirations, disposition to work, etc).”
3. ARC Research of Crowther et al. - Processes that Enable School Improvement Successful school revitalisation: the IDEAS way Crowther & Andrews, ARC Research Report (2003)
Australian research (cont.) “… in a study of selected Australian schools that initiated and sustained significant improvement in student achievement it was conclusive that parallel leadership activates three processes that enable improvements to occur. The processes are schoolwide learning, culture building and a schoolwide approach to pedagogy.” (Crowther, Hann & McMaster, 2001)
Other research from: • Cooperative Research Project — Victoria 1998 • Caldwell (1998) stated that the benefits of school improvement relate to improved curriculum and learning, curriculum support and initiatives, planning and resource allocation, more focused objectives and school purpose, professional and personal benefits. • Whole structure strategy — Cheng 1998 • Cheng generated a whole structure strategy for teacher effectiveness that encompassed affective, cognitive and behavioural domains and extends across individual, group and school levels. There needs to be a congruence in school processes that enables mutually supportive roles, consistency in values and compatibility of technologies and culture.
Key component: The Research-based Framework for Enhancing School Outcomes Professional Support This research-based framework is grounded in extensive research in schools. All these elements need to align for significant success to occur… Strategic Foundations Cohesive Community OUTCOMES OUTCOMES 3-Dimensional Pedagogy Infrastructual Design
The principle of alignment in the Research-based Framework “This principle asserts that schools that have generated both depth and integration across the elements of the organisation [Research-based Framework] have been found to produce enhanced sense of identity and greater capacity to pursue high expectations for student achievement.” (Crowther et al. 2001)
Alignment ….. • An organisation is like a tune: it is not constituted by individual sounds but by the relations between them. (Drucker, 1946, p.26)
PROFESSIONAL SUPPORTS STRATEGIC FOUNDATIONS COHESIVE COMMUNITY • Do professional learning initiatives reflect the school vision? • Is the community supportive of the school’s vision? • Is the community actively involved in the school planning processes? • Does the staff assume collective responsibility for individual students and school outcomes? • Are the contributions of individuals and groups to the school’s culture and identity recognised? • Is there a culture of ‘no blame’? • Is the schoolvision clear and meaningful? • Is leadership distributed? • Are successes capitalised to enhance the school’s identity and ethos? • Are decision-making processes shared and transparent? • Is the school’s conceptualisation of education promoted in the community? SCHOOL OUTCOMES • What hare the students achieved? • What new knowledge,skills and dispositions has the professional leaning community created? • What is the nature of school-community relationships? • Are the five contributory elementsaligned? PROFESSIONAL SUPPORTS Are collaborative professional learning processes in place? PROFESSIONAL SUPPORTS Do teachers’ external network/alliances contribute to their professional growth? 3 DIMENSIONAL PEDAGOGY INFRASTRUCTURAL DESIGN • Do financial, physical and human inputs facilitate the school’s vision and SWP? • Do teachers have a shared understanding of successful pedagogy for their school (SWP)? • Do pedagogical priorities reflect the school vision? • Do teachers base their work in authoritative theories? • Is student achievement measured against agreed authoritative benchmarks? • Do teachers have clearly articulated personal pedagogical theories? • Is the school’s use of time, space and technologies • -conducive to quality teaching? • - reflective of the school’s vision? • responsive to students’ developmental needs? • conducive to an aesthetic environment? • Are the school’s curriculumframeworks: • - reflective of the school vision? • - responsive to students’ needs? • transposable into quality teaching? PROFESSIONAL SUPPORTS Are physical/human resources available to support teachers’ shared pedagogical priorities? • Is time allocated for reflective practice? A Research-based Framework for Enhancing School Outcomes (LRI IDEAS Team, April, 2002)
Using the Framework — comments from schools … • An IDEAS school establishes its own benchmarks for the RBF elements and future outcomes. • Schools working with IDEAS have used the RBF for strategic planning. • The Framework is an interesting concept. The more you use it the more layers you uncover to help explain and understand the complexities of school life. • Teachers readily interact with the dimensions of the Framework. It is highly discussible.
The five phases of the ideas process initiating: How will we manage the process? Who will facilitate the process? Who will record our history of the journey? discovering:What are we doing that is most successful? What is not working as well as we would like it to? envisioning: What do we hope our school will look like in the future? What is our conceptualisation of schoolwide pedagogy? actioning: How will we create a tripartite action plan? How will we work towards the alignment of key school elements and processes? sustaining: What progress have we made towards schoolwide pedagogy? What school practices are succeeding and how can we expand them?
Theideasprocess: is based on the following: • Recognises the equivalence of teacher leadership and principal leadership in achieving school success. • Acknowledges that school improvement can only occur if two concurrent and inter-related processes are in place —strategic planning and a process to create school wide professional learning. • Requires the management of the process by a representative school team. • Provides for school-based facilitation with USQ support. • Requires schools to manage their own resources e.g. time. • Encourages schools to operate in a ‘no blame’ culture
IDEAS Principles of Practice • Principle 1: Teachers are the key • Principle 2: Professional Learning is key to professional revitalisation • Principle 3: Success breeds success • Principle 4: Alignment of school processes is a collective school responsibility • Principle 5: No Blame
“At Goondiwindi State High School, flexibility in moving between the ideas phases has been essential to our development. This flexibility has made ideas a highly functional process for us.” Catherine O’Sullivan, Principal, Goondiwindi State High School 2001. Recognition of a local ‘prophet’ sceptics of the worth of a rural technology training centre. Her persistence paid oft ‑ it will be built, with an initial injection of $1.2 million‑plus into the local community and the ongoing and permanent benefit of creating an environment for local kids to stay in town and find jobs. That alone is worth the accolade of being our Citizen of the Year. But she's like the Demtel ad ‑ with this lady there's more, much more. Too much to catalogue here, but found elsewhere in this issue. It's worthwhile reading. Across the Border, there was national recognition for a most deserving lady. Mabel Doyle's Order of Australia Medal comes as a rich reward for a lifetime of dedicated service in PROPHETS, they say, are never recognised in their own lands and tall poppies are made to be cut down. It's common enough among mediocre types who aspire to little more than a continuation of their own blinkered world and a resistance to leave their own comfort zones. But every so often, there's an exception and a tall poppy" holds sway. Such an occasion came at Saturday's Australia Day celebrations, organised and carried out as usual, with great aplomb, by Goondiwindi's hard‑working and much appreciated Rotary Club. The Principal of the local High School, a tall poppy, in this little backyard at least and maybe, just maybe, a little further afield as well, broke the mould of awards given for the usual traditional reasons.
Key component: parallel leadership “Our research is conclusive that shared responsibility for school outcomes, involving teachers and principals in mutualistic leadership relationships, is a vital key to successful school improvement.” Frank Crowther 2001 “Parallel leadership is the central concept – the principal can step outside the safety zone and teachers learn leadership skills that enable them to influence others.” Lesley Bath, Teacher Leader, Walkervale State School.
Parallel leadership: Recognises the capability of teachers as leaders and emphasises principals’ strategic roles and responsibilities • It is based in three values: • mutual trust and mutual respect; • shared sense of purpose; • allowance for individual expression. • It is conducive to improved school outcomes.
IDEAS Teacher leaders’ reflect ... • “Teacher leadership underpinned the successful development of our schoolwide pedagogy. My role has been to provide expertise, to enthuse and to work with teaching teams to integrate our vision and schoolwide pedagogy into the core business of teaching and learning at our school” • Leasa Smith, Currimundi State School • ‘The ideas process has given the teachers the opportunityto have valued input into the future direction of the school.’ • Deborah Boesten, Beerwah State High School.
The roleof the principal in nurturing parallel leadership • Communicates a clear strategic intent. • Incorporates the aspirations and views of others. • Posesdifficult-to-answer questions. • Makes space for individual innovation. • Knows when to step back. • Creates opportunities from perceiveddifficulties. • Builds upon achievements to create a culture of success. Crowther, Kaagan, Hann & Ferguson (2002)
Principals reflect on parallel leadership … “I had to be prepared to ‘live and breathe’ the vision and values that were emerging in the staff development. I had to demonstrate trust by nurturing the good work of the IDEAS process. I had to step back and let others take the lead. For example, the middle school teachers were given the responsibility for building the curriculum in a shared situation... they were given the responsibility and developed parallel leadership.” (Principal, Beerwah SHS, 2003) “Lesley (Facilitator) has emphasised the centrality of Teaching and Learning in IDEAS and this has enabled us to get to the point where Literacy is our focus.” Michael Fay, Principal, Walkervale State School. “I saw IDEAS would provide opportunities for staff to engage in a process of school improvement. I was able to step back and let others take the lead but I also needed to open up dialogue about our preferred future. Also as circumstances changed I was able to reorganise resourcing to bring in new staff and provide time and space for the sharing to happen.” Richard Wilkinson, Currimundi State School.
Key roles in the process • School-based facilitator(s) • School IDEAS Management Team (ISMT) • IDEAS Support Team (IST) • Leadership Research Institute Team, University of Southern Queensland
In a nutshell … Optimal school achievement occurs when: teachers and administration team share leadership responsibilities; the school’s vision is clearly focused on shared,concrete aspirations; school development emphasisesthe creation of schoolwide pedagogy and the alignment of vision and schoolwide pedagogy; systemic services are available when required to support school priorities.
School IDEAS Management Team • Composition: Preferably a voluntary representative group including the facilitator, a scribe and other stakeholders including classroom teachers, administration, middle management and parents. • This group provides: • Representation (represents the community in the process); • Communication (documents the process, prepares and publishes reports, provides information, readings); • Planning (facilitates workshops and develops an action plan for the process); • Networking (with other schools and districts); • Advocacy (on behalf of teachers and students); • Development (of teacher leaders).
School-based facilitator(s) reflect on their role “Not everyone got involved. A critical mass of us have created new images and symbols that have changed how we think of ourselves. The ISMT became a sorting strategy before staff meetings. Staff meetings have become forums for sharing successes.” Walkervale State School ISMT “My role has been to inform the staff on the process and steer the process … to keep the momentum going. My greatest challenge was to engage the staff in the process.” Janelle Amos, Pine Rivers State High School “Overall, my experience with IDEAS has enhanced my ability to lead a team of people, it has increased my understanding of the leadership competencies I need to display in my role as an educational leader to maximise student outcomes in our school setting.” Lisa Cutter, Currimundi State School
A Cluster Coordinator comments.. “As a cluster coordinator I have observed members of the cluster develop a growing realisation that together they can learn from sharing experiences in working with IDEAS. In cluster meetings and informally, the IDEAS school-based management team members have shared their successes, their frustrations and their challenges and in so doing they have inspired each other!” Stephen Bell, Toowoomba Schools with IDEAS 2003-2004.
A principal reflects … “The IDEAS Project reinforced for me the need to promote a culture of teacher leadership in order to achieve real long-term reform where it matters— that is, in the classroom.To achieve improved student learning outcomes, teachers need to be engaged in professional dialogue about their teaching. The role of facilitator is key and that person needs to be enthusiastic, influential and assertive. The role of the principal is to nurture an environment where teachers are encouraged and feel safe about sharing what works and what does not work and to provide ongoing support for the facilitator.” Janelle Deakin Principal, Pine Rivers State High School
A principal reflects: “The IDEAS research-based framework provided a scaffold for reflection on the elements which are critical to establishing world’s best practice in schools. When combined with the comprehensive data provided by the Diagnostic Inventory and the ideasprocess we were able to conduct meaningful dialogue within the school community about school cohesiveness, school community, classroom pedagogy and school policies, practices and procedures. The process has enabled Currimundi to embark on a most exciting school visioning experience. We now provide exciting and challenging curriculum experiences which are reflective of our school vision “Riding the Waves to Success” and are understood and owned by our school community. The IDEAS project has enabled Currimundi to indeed “Ride the Waves to Success.” Richard Wilkinson, Currimundi State School
The role of the USQ Support Team - IDEAS is based on a world view that: • perceives successes are the impetus for school improvement. • leadership is a shared responsibility (parallelism) and it is a creative process. • recognises a unique professional relationship between educators who work in schools and in universities – where USQ support team work with schools to assist the school community to establish a desired future.
The role of the USQ Support Team • To engage school communities through processes of analysis and reflection, decision and action at key junctures in the process, namely: • Establishment; • Interpretation of diagnostic inventories; • Conceptualisation of schoolwide pedagogy; • Implementation design. • To cultivate ownership of the process by the school staff
The Leadership Research Institute Team (USQ) as a resource: • Expert advice — in the interpretation of diagnostic inventories, creation of schoolwide pedagogy and development of actionplans; on-site meetings with school management teams, school staff, community. • Training of facilitators — orientation seminars, cluster workshops; • Resourcing— Facilitation Folder, research articles, online advice.
Systemic Connections in Queensland – linking to QSE—2010 • Productive pedagogies • Professional Standards for Teachers • New Basics • Differentiation • School Planning and Accountability Framework • Community partnerships In Victoria, WA, Singapore…….?
Acceptance of nominations for participation Administration Quality assurance, linking IDEAS to systemic priorities Accreditation upon successful completion of the ideasjourney Systemic Roles:
Criteria for nomination for IDEAS • Time commitment of 18 to 24 months • The school accepts responsibility for its own revitalisation with external support and facilitation • Acceptance of the principle of parallel leadership • Time allowance for facilitation and school management team activities • Budget allocations
The USQ IDEAS Core Team Frank Crowther – IDEAS Team Leader Dorothy Andrews – IDEAS Program Manager Marian Lewis, Mark Dawson, John McMaster, Alison Mander - IDEAS Specialists The USQ IDEAS Support Team Facilitators from the 1998–2004 IDEAS projects
The USQ IDEAS Core Teamand EQ Coordinator From left:Professor Frank Crowther, Helen Starr (EQ), Dr Marian Lewis, Mark Dawson, Dr Dorothy Andrews, John McMaster.
Contacts Helen Starr Department of Education and Arts Phone: (07) 3237 1830 Fax: (07) 3239 6536 Email: helen.starr@qed.qld.gov.au Professor Frank Crowther ProVice Chancellor Dean, Faculty of Education University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: (07) 4631 2317 Fax: (07) 4631 2828 Email: crowthef@usq.edu.au Dr Dorothy Andrews Director Leadership Research Institute University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba Q 4350 Phone: (07) 4631 2346 Fax: (07) 4631 2828 Email: andrewsd@usq.edu.au
This PowerPoint presentation has been prepared by Dr Dorothy Andrews, University of Southern Queensland Leadership Research Institute IDEAS Team, October, 2004.Many thanks for contributions from members of the LRI and critical comment from IDEAS facilitator and IDEAS support team members.