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Timor-Leste . Historical Background. Portuguese colony for over 500 years Occupied by Indonesia for 24 years Declared independence in 1999 and became a country in 2002 Some of the lowest maternal and child health outcomes in the world. Health Statistics (2003).

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  1. Timor-Leste

  2. Historical Background • Portuguese colony for over 500 years • Occupied by Indonesia for 24 years • Declared independence in 1999 and became a country in 2002 • Some of the lowest maternal and child health outcomes in the world

  3. Health Statistics(2003) • Maternal Mortality Rate = 660/100,000 † • Infant Mortality Rate = 84/1,000†† • Neonatal Mortality Rate = 43/1,000 †† • Total Fertility rate = 7.8 †† (highest in the world) • ANC: 50% †† † Maternal Mortality 2000: Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNDPA †† Data Source: Timor-Leste DHS 2003

  4. Timor-LesteChild Spacing film to address excessive fertility rates Health Alliance Internationalin cooperation with theTimor-Leste Ministry of Health presents

  5. The film promotes the following methods of contraception: • The Pill • Injection • IUD • Implants • Natural/rhythm methods • Breastfeeding • Vasectomy • Condoms

  6. As of September, 2008, the film has been piloted in 15 villages in 2 sub-districts of Dili (Dili total population ~167,000) • Immediate qualitative analysis suggested that the movie was well-received • The film has yet to be shown in 6 of the other districts in which HAI currently works (cumulative est population of 6 districts~330,000)

  7. Intervention Study Objectives To determine if this film has helped increase FP utilization and knowledge about • the importance of child spacing • effective methods for practicing child spacing • available resources for more information about and access to family planning

  8. General Aims • To determine the impact of the film on knowledge • To determine the impact of the film on family planning utilization

  9. Methods Time period: June-August, 2009 Pre-test post-test survey • Create a survey to test knowledge and self-reported FP utilization of individuals in districts where film has been shown/not shown Comparison of FP utilization in case and control districts • Use available baseline data to determine effects of film on utilization in health centers

  10. Available data • Baseline information about family planning knowledge and utilization for 6 districts in the country was collected in Summer, 2008 • We have support on the ground now who is in the process of showing the film • In-country support is also gathering baseline information about family planning utilization in local health structures • DHS survey will be available in January, 2010

  11. Lingering Questions • What would be the best way, if any, to incorporate any DHS data into the results? • What information should I be seeking from in-country support with regards to baseline data? • As long as we find villages with similar demographic and socioeconomic status, is this a valuable way to establish case and control groups? • Better ideas from more experienced, more quantitative-minded people out there?!!! Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? Please contact Sarah Hohl: hohl@u.washington.edu

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