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Agenda Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives. State Board CriteriaPurpose / VisionEligible ApplicantsIntentSuccessful DesignConsortia LeaderConsortia StructureMAISA Professional Learning CommunityGrant Range. Grant AddendaFunding RoundsData for Student SuccessDistrict AssurancesGrant DeadlinesScoring RubricQuestionsQuestion and Answer.
1. Improving InstructionthroughRegional Data Initiatives FY2010 ARRA Title II, Part DCompetitive Grant Program
Applications due September 15, 2009
2. AgendaImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives State Board Criteria
Purpose / Vision
Eligible Applicants
Successful Design
Consortia Leader
Consortia Structure
MAISA Professional Learning Community
Grant Range Grant Addenda
Funding Rounds
Data for Student Success
District Assurances
Grant Deadlines
Scoring Rubric
Question and Answer
3. 2009 State Board CriteriaImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives Competitive grants issued under Title II, Part D, Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT) shall assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) or eligible local partnerships in implementing and supporting comprehensive, technology-based solutions in elementary and secondary schools, both inside and outside the traditional classroom, to improve student academic achievement and Also eligible are local and state efforts to use technology in promoting parent and family involvement in education and to enhance communication and In addition, all grants funded under this program will incorporate concepts of and contain a rigorous evaluation component, particularly regarding the impact on student academic achievement.
4. PurposeImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives Purpose: to provide Michigan teachers with real-time access to student data at the classroom level
Seeks: proposals on how to best use the programs that are currently in place
Provides: every educator in Michigan with an opportunity to differentiate and individualize instruction
Builds on: professional development for using data to inform instruction and how to individualize instruction (Universal Design for Learning)
5. Grant VisionImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
6. Eligible ApplicantsImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives This grant is targeted to eligible partnerships (i.e., consortia of ISDs) that include at least one high need district (LEA), which can be defined as one that:
Is among those districts in Michigan with the highest numbers or percentages of children from families with incomes below the poverty line as defined by the TITLE I - PART A, ALLOCATIONS School Year 2008-09 found at: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/MDE-P2_FS_09_T1aAllocListOrig_242286_7.pdf
Serves one or more schools identified for improvement or corrective action under section 1116 of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001.
All Michigan LEAs and PSAs are eligible and encouraged to participate in the Regional Data Initiatives grant through their ISD. However, LEAs and PSAs can only participate in the Regional Data Initiatives project in which their ISD is participating.
7. IntentImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives MDE anticipates awarding between five and ten grants to ISDs for the purpose of establishing and leading consortia of other ISDs and their constituent local educational agencies (LEAs) and public school academies (PSAs).
Promote the adoption and use of existing packages of web-based tools, services, resources, and professional development that identify, connect, and combine diverse educational data elements in meaningful ways.
MDE intends for this grant to extend and expand existing implementations of data analysis programs to those ISDs, LEAs, and PSAs that do not currently have access to such programs.
8. Successful DesignImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives Demonstrated package of tools, services, and professional development that meets the purpose and goals of the grant:
Identifies, connects, and combines diverse educational data elements (e.g., personnel, financial, crime and safety, schools/facilities, and student data, including assessment information and results) in meaningful ways from various sources and over time so that administrators and educators have access to the information they need to guide student learning.
Integrates elements of participating ISDs’ and districts’ student information systems and other statewide data into a package of web-based tools, services, resources, and professional development programs to create a system that lowers sustainability costs and increases the access to data by teachers and administrators.
Incorporates the above data into tools, services, resources, and professional development programs that assist educators in individualizing and differentiate instruction for all students.
9. Consortia LeaderImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives The applicant ISD will serve as Consortium Leader for the several ISDs that join its proposed project. In addition to serving as the fiscal agent on the grant, each Consortium Leader will be responsible for the successful implementation of the Regional Data Initiatives in each ISD that joins its consortium. Furthermore, all Consortium Leaders will be expected to participate in statewide conversations and collaborations to identify and select common tools, resources, and services, including evaluation services, for the grant program as a whole.
10. Consortia StructureImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
11. MAISAProfessional Learning CommunityImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives Interfacing with district student information systems
Developing common professional development programs
Recommending a common set of state and national course definitions
Facilitating research relationships
Purchasing and sharing of tools and resources for differentiated instruction
Developing a common set of drop out prevention reports
Implementing a common set of standards for teacher technology skills
Implementing a common set of assessment items for 8th grade tech lit
Evaluating the impact of Regional Data Initiatives
12. Grant Range Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives $11.6 million apportioned to 57 ISDs:
Size of District: grouped and categorized according to size and assigned to ranges ($2,500 to $150,000)
High Poverty Districts: regrouped and categorized according to number of students receiving Free and Reduced Lunch ($2,500 to $25,000)
High Priority Schools: ~$5,000 for each non-AYP school (max of four)
Minimum ISD Awards: a minimum award was set at ~$75,000
13. Grant Range Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
14. Grant Range Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
15. Grant Addenda Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives Education Research Collaborative Partners*
Personnel Skilled with Technology
8th Grade Technological Literacy
Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Dropout Challenge
16. Funding RoundsImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
17. Data for Student Success (D4SS)Improving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives Data for Student Success (D4SS) project ? providing a common source of compulsory data reported out by the State
The Regional Data Initiatives ? aligning regional data systems with D4SS
Two areas of focus:
Automated release, transfer, and incorporation of state compulsory data to each Regional Data Initiative (single “data out” platform or “conduit”)
Common set of trainings on data driven decision making
18. Regional Data Initiatives ? classroom practice
Regional Data Initiatives ? District Student Info System
4 professional development days ? two school years
Participation ? FY2009-10, FY2010-11 and FY2011-12
Full participation ? collective evaluation
Permission ? data for research purposes
Common set of standards ? technology skills
Common set of assessment items ? 8th grade tech literacy 8 District AssurancesImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
19. July 23, 2009 Grant Program Announcement
September 1, 2009 Grant Program “live” in MEGS
September 15, 2009 Round One applications due
October 15, 2009 Round One recommendations
February 25, 2010 Round Two applications due*
March 25, 2010 Round Two recommendations *
June 30, 2011 Projects to be completed; funds expended
July 31, 2011 Final Performance Report due
August 31, 2011 Final Expenditure Report due Grant DeadlinesImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
20. 5 points Abstract
15 points Identification of Need
50 points Project Design
Data Warehousing (10 points)
Current Implementation (15 points)
Differentiated Instruction (10 points)
Professional Development (15 points)
15 points Deployment and Sustainability
5 points Project Leadership
10 points Program Budget Scoring RubricImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives
21. QuestionsImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives What to do about LEAs who want to be involved but are not using what their ISD uses?
What is the process for round 2 ISDs to get involved?
How does eTranscript work in this?
Can funding of data coaches in the counties be part of this grant?
Can the consortium indicate it is partnering with other organizations to complete the work (i.e. REMC)?
What types of activities are expected in the category of 20% set aside for collaborative work through a PLC administered by MAISA (20% is over $2 million across all grants)?
Is more than one consortium per product allowed?
22. Question and AnswerImproving Instruction through Regional Data Initiatives Bruce Umpsteadumpsteadb@michigan.gov517.335.2957