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Wireless Network. Module for CET 592 / ED 492 Wayne Pauli Dustin Schnabel – Eric Schneider. Schedule. Monday 4-7 12:00 to 12:50 KC 122 Tuesday 4-8 12:25 to 1:15 KC 122 Wednesday 4-9 12:00 to 12:50 CEWL (EH 2)
Wireless Network Module for CET 592 / ED 492 Wayne Pauli Dustin Schnabel – Eric Schneider
Schedule • Monday 4-7 12:00 to 12:50 • KC 122 • Tuesday 4-8 12:25 to 1:15 • KC 122 • Wednesday 4-9 12:00 to 12:50 • CEWL (EH 2) • Thursday 4-10 12:25 to 1:15 • CEWL (EH 2)
What and Why • Monday and Tuesday will be discussion on the wireless network, how it came into existence, and why it is important to DSU • Wednesday and Thursday will be hands on days in the CEWL where you will actually configure laptops and PDAs to work on the wireless network
The CEX • Present Demographics • 74 members, representing all four colleges • 22 members graduating next Month • All with one thing in common, that being that technology is important, and that with technology they hope to become leaders in their chosen fields of endeavor
Value-Added • The CEX takes the approach that through projects, value is added to the student’s education. • The application of theories learned in the classroom are important • The application is technology based and real-world in nature
2001-2002 $50,000 in special funding from President Tunheim network installed in East Hall, Mundt Library, and the Trojan Center Purchased 20 laptops and 20 iPaqs for beta testing Unveiling of network at the 2002 CEX Symposium 2002-2003 $80,000 in line item budget for the wireless initiative installation continued into Kennedy, Beadle, Science Center, Lowry, Heston, DPP, Field House, and Community Center Purchased cart with 16 laptops for CEWL Two Years in the Making
Why a Wireless Network • The DSU Core Statement states that “we are the leader in applying computer and information systems technology to higher education.” • A competitive advantage • Forward thinking administration • Because we can
Different Standards • 802.11 -- applies to wireless LANs and provides 1 or 2 Mbps transmission in the 2.4 GHz band. • 802.11a -- an extension to 802.11 that applies to wireless LANs and provides up to 54 Mbps in the 5GHz band. • 802.11b (also referred to as 802.11 High Rate or Wi-Fi) -- an extension to 802.11 that applies to wireless LANS and provides 11 Mbps transmission (with a fallback to 5.5, 2 and 1 Mbps) in the 2.4 GHz band. • 802.11g -- applies to wireless LANs and provides 20+ Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band.
Pros Range 300 ft. in a building 1000 ft. outside Well accepted standard Low Cost Availability of Equipment AP’s, NIC’s, & Accessories Interoperability 802.11b works with the new 802.11g equipment Cons RF Interference Lower Throughput 1-11 MBit (Up to 22 MBit with special equipment.) Only 4 Step-downs 802.11b
Pros Speed! 54 MBit Support for high bandwidth applications. Ex: voice, video, & large image files. Less Interference Standards such as 802.11b & 802.11g are in the 2.5 GHz band, which is getting congested. More End-Users 802.11a AP’s can handle more users because of the increased throughput. Cons Cost Higher cost of equipment. More equipment needed Coverage High Bandwidth (5 GHz) affects range. Range of 60 ft. Inoperability 802.11b is already widely accepted and ‘a’ operates on a different frequency than ‘b’ & ‘g’. They will not work together. 802.11a
Pros Faster 54 MBit Interoperability Fledgling support Companies such as Cisco, Linksys, Apple, & D-link have ‘g’ equipment. Same advantages as ‘b’. Cons No definite standard yet. Coming Summer 2003 “Pre-standard” equipment is not guaranteed to work. 802.11g
Things to Keep in Mind • Upcoming ‘g’ standard • Dual mode equipment • Compatible with both ‘a’ & ‘b’ standards
Options • The only feasible option at the time of implementation was 802.11b. • Provides 11 Mbps connection over a 2.4 GHz frequency. • Was cost effective at the time because prices started to drop. • Was an established standard that was being used in the real world with good success.
Why did we choose this • 802.11b was the only mature wireless standard available. • 802.11g and 802.11a were on the horizon but they were not a feasible option. • Choosing to go with 802.11a would have pushed the project back by at least six months and the 802.11g standard is still not finalized. • Feedback from several “experienced” sources also had a factor on the decision.
Installing a WLAN 2002 Gateway Laptops from the CEX Wireless Lab, Wireless NIC, Cisco AP and iPaq
Steps to Installation • Planning • VLAN • Identify Locations for AP’s • Site Surveys • Installation of Equipment • Installing clear of interference • Configuring of AP’s • Alternating Channels &RF Interferance • WEP Key • SSID • Test Installation • Net Stumbler
RF Interference • For 2.4 GHz wireless LANs, there are several sources of interfering signals, including microwave ovens, wireless phones, Bluetooth enabled devices, and other wireless LANs. The most damaging of these are 2.4 GHz wireless phones that people are starting to use in homes and some companies. If one of these phones is in use within the same room as an 802.11b wireless LAN, then expect poor wireless LAN performance. • Microwave ovens operating within 10 feet or so of an access point or radio-equipped user will generally just cause 802.11b performance to drop. Bluetooth enabled devices, such as laptops and PDAs, will also cause performance degradations if operating in close proximately to 802.11 stations, especially if the 802.11 station is relatively far (i.e., low signal levels) from the station that it's communicating with. The 802.11 and 802.15 standards groups, however, are working on a standard that will enable the coexistence of Bluetooth and 802.11 devices. Other wireless LANs, such as one that your neighbor may be operating, can cause interference unless you coordinate the selection of 802.11b channels.
Alternating Channels • AP’s set to the same channel may interfere or cause ‘cross talk’. • In theory only 3 channels are able to be used: 1, 6, & 11.
Parts to a Wireless LAN • Network Card (NIC) • Radio that attached to computer. • Cisco Aironet 350 • Access Points • Radio equipment that connects to the wireless network. • Cisco Aironet 350 & 1200 • Repeaters • Extends the range of wireless network. • Bridges • Used to link different sites. Uses ‘line of sight’.
DSU’s Wireless Network • Where it is installed • TC / Underground • East Hall • Kennedy Center • Beadle Hall • Science Center • Lowry Hall • Karl Mundt Library
DSU’s WLAN (Cont.) • Field House • Community Center Lobby • All Dorm 1st Floor Lobbies • Placement of AP’s • Testing
Security Issues • Devices connecting to the DSU wireless network must have their MAC address registered with the school. • Each device must also have the SSID and the 128 bit WEP key entered.
From a Student’s perspective • The Wireless Network means “Mobile Computing” • Every classroom becomes a computer lab • No waiting for a lab to open in order to surf • Cutting edge technology
Present Utilization • 2 classes taught in this environment during Fall 02 • 7 classes being taught this semester • We have even had an open house that was well attended
DSU Perspective • Curriculum Developed with the following overriding principles: • Curriculum could not deviate greatly from traditionally delivered sections of the same course ( a case of haves vs. have-nots) • Course to be as “hands on” as possible given the investment of hardware by the student • Faculty member must be willing to teach the course in the wireless environment
DSU Wireless Network Spring 2003 Courses in the Wireless Lab • ENGL 101 – Deana Hueners • CSC 206(MOS) – Melissa Gioglio • CIS 130 – Josh Pauli • CIS 251 – Lynette Molstad • CIS 375 – Tom Halverson • CIS 424 – Wayne Pauli (2 sections)
ENGL 101 – English Composition Anticipated Benefits: • Smaller class size will improve student-to-instructor ratio • Mobility of classroom will expand the variety of learning activities • Flexibility of the learning environment and physical size of equipment will foster increased student participation/interaction
ENGL 101 – English Composition Spring 2003 Goals • Extend the learning environment beyond the classroom via a course discussion board • Take advantage of the flexible nature of the wireless network by scheduling activities in remote locations: • Focused research instruction in the Mundt Library • Focused study of the descriptive mode in the Marketplace
English 101 – Improved Environment Laptop mobility and size improve learning activities • Discussion • Students aren’t hidden behind monitors • Instructors have more control over computer activities and online distractions • Collaboration • Students aren’t hobbled by stationary computers • Students have more desk space to work • Students/instructor confer with ease. Students make changes to essays immediately during conference.
English 101 – Improved Environment Laptop mobility allows students to move beyond the traditional classroom • Students travel to library to conduct research • Students travel to other buildings to complete interviews • Students travel to student union to conduct student surveys • Students travel outside to do analytical or descriptive writing exercises
English 101 – Increased Student Interest Laptops Serve as Equalizers • Students uncertain about writing skills find confidence with technology • Students teach one another computer skills, then writing skills • Reluctant writers demonstrate willingness to revise and edit when using computers • Students focus research/writing on topic relevant to them—wireless technology and education
English 101 – Student Feedback English 101 students’ perceptions of wireless learning are positive overall. • Some students will find distractions in any classroom; many students pay attention. • Students understand the direction of the course with materials posted to the Web. • Students are more likely to ask questions via e-mail and/or discussion board. • Students enjoy online peer workshops and conferences.
English 101 - Challenges • Few students own laptops • Restricts classroom activities • Unlocking and distributing equipment cuts into class time • Decreases participation in WebBoard activities outside of class • Equipment malfunctions • Games, Internet, IM distract students
CSC 105 – Intro to Computers Instructor Findings • Curriculum/Expectations consistent with other CSC105 sections • Wireless section has highest overall average of the 4 sections taught • Students excited and anxious about the use of the new laptops • Students look forward to taking more classes offered in the wireless lab
CSC 105 – Intro to ComputersInstructor Findings • Students appreciate more one-on-one interaction with instructor • Students take pride in being the “Pioneers” of using the laptops in a wireless environment • Students appreciate the smaller class sizes • Students agree that mobility of the wireless laptops great benefit
CSC 105 – Intro to ComputersInstructor Findings • Students develop more trouble shooting skills using the laptops (ex. selecting printers, connecting to H: & S: drive, etc.) • Students have benefit of using Windows XP vs Windows 2000 to stay on the cutting edge of computer software • Several students have invested in purchasing their own laptops and several more are going to make the purchase
CIS 130 Visual Basic Findings • Smaller class size • Students enjoy using the lab during class • Less misuse of lab than anticipated • Hands-on during class • Follow along with the instructor • Active learning
CIS 130 Visual Basic Findings • Students have access to class web page • Assignments are placed in web folders • Graded and put back in folder • Access to class materials from any location • Greater amount of programs are created by students
CIS 251 Wireless Benefits • Smaller class size • Better interaction (student/faculty) • Troubleshooting/debugging right at the computer (prompt feedback) • Increased computer lab time • Access to Internet (all class materials online), share drive, and home drive • Motivated students • Immediate assessment
Wireless Technology does not = New Pedagogy • Encourage Contacts Between Students and Teacher • Develop Cooperation Among Students and Teacher • Use Active Learning Techniques • Give Prompt Feedback • Emphasize Time on Task • Communicate High Expectations • Develop Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
A Wireless Teacher should…. • Work with students to represent info in multiple formats • Increase collaborative projects structured around problem solving and analysis • Communicate with students out of class much MORE • Encourage student interaction outside of class • Put all course material online • Receive and return coursework electronically • Provide online practice quizzes and tests • Ask students to generate knowledge content for the course • Put lectures in e-formats and focus on interaction • Use video, audio, animation material to illustrate course concepts
DSU Wireless Network • Enhanced face-to-face contact facilities learning • Learning is no longer limited by space and time • Increased capacity for immediate feedback • Emphasis on lifelong learning • Use computers as construction devices, not just for communication