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Impella heart pumps designed to help the heart to recover by assisting with the pumping function fails in its mission leading to Abiomed Impella heart pump lawsuits.
AbiomedImpellaHeart PumpLawsuits: Your VoiceMatters Impella heart pumps designed to help the heart to recover by assisting with the pumping function fails in its mission leading to Abiomed Impella heart pump lawsuits. Impellaheart pumpsdesigned tohelp theheart torecoverby assisting with thepumpingfunctionfailsinitsmissionleading toAbiomedImpellaheart pumplawsuits. AbiomedImpellaheart pumplawsuitsstirrupcontroversy in theU.S. Impellaheart pumpsaredesigned tohelp theheart to recover whilerecuperatingfrominjuriesby assisting with the pumpingfunction. Impellaheart pumpisapercutaneous catheter that isintended tohelppeople withheart diseasesby supportingheart inpumpingblood. .
Theheart pumpisinserted throughasmallincisionand placedinto theheart. Theheart pumpsucksbloodfrom theleft ventricleandpushesit into theaorta. This processmaintains thebloodflow to the variousorgans. ThoughImpellaisclaimed toprovidesupport forpeople withheart complications, it hassomedefects too. In somecases, it resultsinfrequent cannuladislodgement ordevicefractureleading tocomplicationsfrombroken piecesentering thebloodstreamharming theorgans. Johnson & JohnsonMedTechacquiredAbiomedfor $16.6 billionin 2022. They manufacturedeviceslike Impella 2.5, ImpellaCP, ImpellaCP withSmartAssist, Impella 5.0, ImpellaLD, Impella 5.5 withSmart Assist, ImpellaRP, ImpellaRPFlex, andImpellaRPFlex with SmartAssist. ComplicationsofImpellaheart pumpslikebleeding atrialfibrillation, cardiogenicshock, insertionsite infection, devicefailure, perforation, bloodclots, vascularinjury anddeathinsomecaseshavestirred controversy.
OnApril 17, 2023, AbiomedinitiatedarecallofitsImpella 5.5® withSmartAssist® Systemfollowingcomplaintsfrom consumers. Around 500 devices wererecalleddue to damage to thepurgesidearmleading topurgefluid, pump stoppingitsfunctionandfailing torender thesupport to the patient. TheFDAissuedaClassIrecallonImpellaheart pumpof around 8,000 units, distributedfromMay 1, 2021, to the present onJune 14, 2023. Theleft sidedImpellaheart pumpsrecalledfor theriskof motordamageaftercontact withTAVRStent shocked the consumers.
OnJune 29, 2023, againAbiomedrecalledImpella RPFlex withSmartAssist devicesdue topurgefluid leak. It alsorecalled thelabelingfor thesameproduct as thelabeldidnot provideproper warningabout the bloodclot risks. Consumers whoencounteredinjuriesandlovedone’s demisedue to thedevicedefect startedsuing Abiomed. Lawyersareinvestigating theissues around theseheart pumpsand thepossibility of pursuinglawsuits. AbiomedImpellaheart pumplawsuitsarestillin the early stagesandifmoreplaintiffscomeforward to sueAbiomed, it can turn the windinfavorof the victims. Thank you! editor@medlegal360.com www.medlegal360.com