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Catastrophic Fall Accidents - Julie O Law

Were you recently injured on the construction site while doing your job? Working on a construction site is one of the most dangerous jobs a person can hold, but it is still a job. In California, you are owed compensation if you are hurt while doing your job. It is applicable even if you were responsible for the accident or anything of nature. Here at Julie O Law helped, many people get the compensation they deserve for everything theyu2019ve had to go through. For more detail about Catastrophic Fall Accidents, visit our website: https://www.julieolaw.com/catastrophic-fall-accidents/<br>

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Catastrophic Fall Accidents - Julie O Law

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  2. AboutUs Julie Oktanyan is the principal and founder ofJulieOLaw,APC. Withover20years’combinedlegal experience in Workers’ Compensation law and Personal Injury matters, Julie started her own independent firm in January 2022 dedicated to helping traumatically injured workers.

  3. CONSTRUCTIONSITE ACCIDENTS Workingonaconstructionsite isoneofthemoredangerous jobsapersoncanhold,butitis stillajob.Assuch,inthestate ofCalifornia,youareowed compensationifyouarehurtin thecourseofdoingyourjob.

  4. Injuries Cumulative trauma injuries are a genuine health hazard. These injuries come from repetitive motions you repeatedly make while doing your job. They can happen to anyone and in anysituation.Unfortunately, theycansometimesleadto irreversibledamage. CumulativeTrauma

  5. WORK-RELATED INJURY AWork-RelatedInjuryisaninjuryor illnesscaused,contributed,or significantlyaggravatedbyeventsor exposuresintheworkenvironment. Work-relatedinjuriesoccuronthe jobandasadirectresultofthetask allottedtothespecificjob.Themost commoninjuriesareslips,falls, RepetitiveStraininjuries,trauma injuries,etc.

  6. CONTACTUS (818)334-6767 www.julieolaw.com

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